Things to do before killing yourself

Things to do before killing yourself

>I got like 3 months

Sex yet?

Not yet, was gonna bone a fat chick last summer but was too drunk to follow through.

Experience with hos?

Can you send me some money through PayPal?


Why would I do that?

You're gonna kill yourself anyway? You won't need the money

Well, If you're killing yourself, whats the use of money?
[email protected]

Get credit card. Vegas. Prostitutes. Penthouse sweet. Drink. Drugs. Fuck. Gamble. Hell..... go out into the street and fight a nigga or two.

Or u could try and become infamous before u die...... I think u know how to do that..... anyone who's ever been in a suicidal state has thought about it....,.

Or just go out with a whimper op.

If I were you, close to the end, I would cut a piece of my body off, (to be determined) cook it and consume it. Always wanted to try human.

That or, well... probably just that.

Who's going to take care of your cat?
Who do you want notified? Leave a list.

Milk Steak

Vegas sounds good, wouldn't mind getting into a fight or two to get my adrenaline going.

Actually never ever though about becoming infamous, don't really take fame and acclaim too seriously since I think I'm a funny millenial who doesn't fall for the pitfalls of last generation's obsession with "Success"

>Sorry if I just sounded like big pussy faggot who justifies being a loser

>Suggestions for things to do on my own?

no man knows the time nor the date God will call you had no control over when you was born nor when you wil die

Fuck man, don't be a pussy and kill yourself. Man up and grind out the shitty part of life and you'll find the best part just beyond. If it's a sex thing just bang a hooker in vegas. If it's about cash move and find better work. If it's from a shitty life past buckle down and find a better future.

Great bait homie

Fatalism is about the dumbest idea out there.

Let me prove you wrong by taking more than 6 shits tomorrow.

Do shrooms, dmt, acid. Pretty much any psychedelic will do. Its an experience you have to have before you die

Really not crazy about sex, I kind of got that *Whatever* thing going on with it.

A lot of these beta troglodytes here that complain about not being able to fuck or go up to women just have absolutely horrid lives that don't have substance or excitement.

I'm really hedonistic so fucking is just one thing that I could do, I kind of weigh it at about on par with having really good sushi or seeing a really funny stand up while drunk.

I have a lot of incidents of sleep paralysis

Only thing I've tried is edibles, which was pretty psychedelic at the dose I took it at, smoking weed just makes me eat peanutbutter straight from the jar.

Got any tips on things that'll make me transcend as opposed to just making me hallucinate? I don't do many drugs because I can conjur things up with lucid dreaming

stop trying to be fail

Things to do before I die:

1. Eat steak and jelly beans covered in milk.

Shit, I'm out of ideas...

Soooo, what's so wrong with your life that you want to end it? I covered the basics which makes me wonder what it could be?

>Poor for Amerifag standards
>Tons of debt from going to college and fucking up hard
>Don't feel too much emotion, have a hard time trying to comprehend pussy faggot shit like crying about women and complaining about being fat and unnatractive
>I have IBS which makes me shit up to 10 times a day
>Not sold on that pussy shit (Cars, Money, Hos, Fame)

Milk steak every sunday for lunch

Dude is that all??
I'd call up a rig company in the states (pretty sure they still make good coin) get super good at rigging learn fast. Then after 3-4 years contract yourself out to a off shore drilling company and make nuts cash.
You being disconnected from pussy and all the clouding bullshit will be perfect for a rig job.

It's tough work so it will thin you out of your fat so long as your don't stuff yourself full (in Canada lots of rig company's will pay your food n all that shit and house you) not sure if same down there.

For the IBS just be ultra fast in the shitter. Or diaper it *shrugs*

Pps stop eating like a tard and then you won't have to shit 10 times in a day.

Gave me a bit of hope there

Sadly living in 808 and too much of a bitch to figure out logistics of getting a job in continental US

I'd be super down for drilling tho, tired of surrounding myself with creatives and other bullshitters.

I was making a funny

Actually pescetarian and don't eat dairy

I still shit a lot and have to drink coconut water or gatorade just to not die from losing so many salts and liquids

I also drink a gallon of water a day so If you're telling me I feel like shit just cause I don't stay hydrated then gimme a better diagnosis