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That's because they're lazy and useless wastes of oxygen. I'm the opposite: I'm extremely hard on myself for my shortcomings. At least I'm aware of them instead of being delusional and blaming it on everything but myself.

I bet tree fiddy Mr. 'Narchy will come here and bitch.


I raise it to fah dollah.


Everyone has shortcomings, I just don't think it's right to blame people for the caste they're born in.
It's easy to make bets when you won't actually hold true to them. ``kys yourself ``kudasai''''

Haa, I win.




I do. You know why? Because I'm that same person who said he grew up in the ghettos of Atlanta. And you know what? My parents are now making $500k a year running their business. Yes, there are variables that can prevent one from achieving something, but that doesn't stop laziness. I'm lazy as fuck and I admit to it. And clearly, so are you.

Is that a tail?



>clearly, so are you
You have no proof of this. There's no need for capitalism to exist, why do you defend it?


Das a cute tail

* yawn *


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I'm ok with capitalism. I have what I want in life and I get it by working for it not begging.

You seem rather bitter at not having what I have. Are you sure your way is better?

>He disagrees with me! He must be a capitalist!
I'm not defending capitalism at all, you dolt. I hate capitalism too, but it sure beats socialism and all its bullshit. Just because you're lazy doesn't others are. Life isn't a free fucking ride, and I know that better than 90% of this country because I had to face reality's wrath at a very young age. So fuck off with you're "defending capitalism" shit. Your NEET bucks have no reason to exist.

*doesn't mean


>Your NEET bucks have no reason to exist.
Aw shit, I gotta pay of some debts now. Damn.


I'm not bitter for not having what you have: I'm bitter that capitalism is self-defeating and deprives me of an opportunity to work hard in the sciences.
Capitalism is dreadfully inefficient.
I'm not promoting socialism either.
>you're lazy
>my NEET bucks
Do you think I want to be NEET? Do you think I have NEET bucks?
The answer is no to both those questions.

Good. Pay your debts and tell capitalism to fuck off. National Socialism a best anyway.


>deprives me of an opportunity to work hard in the sciences.
And how does it do that?

>Do you think I want to be NEET?
If you didn't then you wouldn't be a lazy twat complaining about how your life isn't what you want it to be on a fucking imageboard dedicated to Japanese pictures and cartoons.

Eh, ok.

Lazy kids like you need to go get a job and contribute to society, and stop living off socialism like a worthless, brain-washed, commie fuckbag.

Get a job you hippie




By prohibiting me from getting the necessary PhD.
I'm mostly studying every day every week. As a stop-gap I'm getting some system administration certificates while trying to get into a situation where I can go to college. I cannot go to college in the US, as it costs money here.
I want a job, I just am prohibited by capitalism from getting the necessary degrees for it.


>prohibiting me from getting the necessary PhD

And how does it do that?

Then don't fucking go to college! It's a waste of money anyway.

Going to college costs money. Money I don't have, money no one I know has.
>implying I'll get any grants without a degree
It's not how the world works. And you can't do research without grants, because research under capitalism costs money.



Also, fun fact: Dexter Holland has a PhD in molecular biology. I don't see him complaining about capitalism.

>what are student loans

The assumption that a degree makes you " educated" for a job is a fucking lie. You dont need a fucking degree in anything to get a simple job. Even movie prop workers don't need a damned degree in anything to work in a film set. Find a decent job and work your way up the corporate ladder. A job is a job that education in a college degree cannot give you on the job. Finding a skill is better than educating yourself on a skill that some p leftist commie professor will lay on to you.

student loans are terrible. That's what they are


>I just am prohibited by capitalism from getting the necessary degrees for it.
Then work your ass off, you idiot. You think everything is free? No. The lighting, water supply, food, fuel etc. has a price. It has a price on it's consumers, the handlers etc. Everyone has to pay a price, regardless whether they like it or not. Now shut your mouth, step away from the keyboard, face reality and get a job and bust your ass till you reach to your goal.

>Money I don't have
Then get the money. That's what jobs are for.
You seem to want an education, and education costs money.
I want a home, race cars and animals.
All of these things costs money. I have all of these things because I have a job. that's where I get money.

I dont get anything for free. I dont depend on others to provide me with the things I want or need in life.


They are, but I'm also not complaining about them. If this dumbass wants to bitch about "muh anarchy" then I'm going to show him why he's retarded. I'm a NEET, and you don't see me bitching about not having a job. The moral of this story is that life's fucking hard, so get used to it.

Well said.

get a job

training that historically has been done by the employer had increasingly been shifted into colleges and vocational schools

easy way strap people with debt for necessary education

honestly education in the united states needs systematic reform from grade school to university


Working on it, mate. Gotta get a GED first.

Maybe he's not complaining because he ended up on the rich people side of capitalism, thus being able to afford a degree :^)
>loans, AKA usury
I agree that most jobs should NOT require a degree. However, the jobs I want (research, scientist) are very academic, and to get grants, you need a degree.
>bust my ass until I'm 70 to get a degree two years before I die
Nice try, shekelstein.
Defend it.
>I don't depend
Unless you live alone on an island, you depend on many people, as everyone is connected in this day and age.
>life's hard
Are you defending how hard life is? Why shouldn't life be a good thing instead of a bad thing?

stop the Sup Forums or i pull out the trains


Yes, I am defending how hard life is because if it was easy then you wouldn't enjoy anything. I would know since I've lived a very hard life.


get a GED or get a job in a trade

NEET means Not in Education, Employment, or Training. If you are currently in school, you aren't a NEET. NEET isn't some nerdy little niche group that people should be proud of. Unless you both don't have a GED and aren't working towards one, then carry on.

>very hard life
I think you're lying. If you lived a very hard life, you'd know that hard lives break people.
Broken vases can never be put back together quite the way they were before they were broken.


the find a job, and work for that degree with the money you save. Eventually loans will help, and having a job and schooling is extremely tough, but don't be a fucking whiny crybaby when you realize that the dream job wont come to you.
Get that GED. then find a job.

For fuck sake it's not that difficult to get a job, of course getting a job to a place you want takes time, but that's how it works. Hell, I know a few friends who work their asses off in fast food restaurants, and don't bitch a lot because they know they need the money.

Some people are only happy when they get to complain.


I'm going to do both. GED because it's necessary, then a job in automotive mechanics and a trade school for welding.

Why are you even insinuating that I'm in school? Because I'm not. That's just plain stupid.

>If you lived a very hard life, you'd know that hard lives break people.
>this motherfucker
You wanna fucking bet on that, boy? I've got $750 in the bank right now without even a job, so I'm willing to tell you my whole life's story to prove you wrong.

I'll get a job when it's something worth my time. Time is the most valuable thing in the universe, to waste it is shameful.
>need the money
There are no needs, only wants.


dude, once you become a top tier welder, you will make more than most doctors.

Tell me about it, I've witnessed this shit too often in YT comments.

>There are no needs, only wants.
Get the fuck outta here.


>service industry

can someone tell me what the fuck is goin on now?

Seriously, just ask anyone here what they think of your statement about "hard lives break people". I know that better than anyone here, and I guarantee you all the namefags will agree with me.

I know, mang. I can't wait, it's going to be so fun. I'm going to do blacksmithing as well and have that as a hobby and a business. I'm already about to start making chainmail very soon.

Did your parents beat you and lie to the police? Did your parents force you into inferior classes your whole life, then make you drop out of college, because they're sadists?
>denying basic truths


Holy shit, more like this image please

YES! They did! So fuck you and your anarchistic bullshit!

when you're trying to fap and share s/fur stuff and these assholes are arguing about capitalism

i have no idea


And actually, I was forced to drop out of high school by my psycho bitch of a mom, just to add insult to injury.

>So fuck you and your desire for freedom!

stop playing into them

enough of this bullshit arguing.

I read a book about welding the other day
was interesting
not really sure what it's actually like to do, I have only observed welding from a distance

How many fucking times do I have to prove you wrong? Oh, right, it doesn't matter because no matter what I say to you you're going to ignore it and change the subject.

More horse porn plz

I was a professional welder for 12 years.