What does Sup Forums think of these two? I think she can do whatever the fuck she wants at home...

What does Sup Forums think of these two? I think she can do whatever the fuck she wants at home, but it's fucking retarded. She needs to grow the hell up.

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who are these goons


and i think you need to stop judging people based upon what they like to do.

who let you in here you pretentious faggot

seems like bullshit reality TV. This is not real in the sense that we are seeing it. That being said its still bullshit in real life. Unless its about sex then whatever go for it.

this presentation makes me sick.

For the girl its obviously some kind of fetish, its stupid how the video portrays it as "just her way of life".

I know the guy looks weird but good for him putting up with her garbage. The video made it seems like he's not getting anything out of it, but he still puts up with it, even if it is just for the pussy

>That guy's face
Ever time I see that guy his face is a pit of despair.
If she ever breaks up with him, he is fucked beyond recognition and everyone will assume hes a pedo even if he's not.

She's good looking enough for him to put up with it, and if she ever breaks up with him there are a million other guys that will put up with it and a handful of guys and girls that are actually into it, literally entire websites dedicated to these people.

Hell, she could have made a few grand off of the footage she shot for the youtube video.

But that guy, he's fucked.

this. i kind of have the same fetish and 100% agree
1. he shouldve have never shown his face
2. why the fuck would you put your sex life on tv
3. if your ok with having this fetish understand the backlash you will get

they honestly sound like insecure people trying to make money off this or feel 'empowered' in some way.

Sad thing is its pretty much accepted for women to have this fetish, if a guy has this fetish he's fucked.

Guy with fetish here
Can confirm

Most women are one-step up from pants shitting idiots anyway, so his girlfriend devolving into a baby isn't that much of a leap backwards.

Someone just went full MGTOW (Synonym for retard)


Don't tell me it isn't true, it was pretty much common knowledge until recently that women are just adult children.

Western women right now are treated as if they are children. They are allowed to do things that would be inexcusable if they were male.

This breeds childish behavior. Once they get equal treatment before the law, things will get better. But talk to a woman that actually had to work or had actual hardship and you see that they are human like the rest of us.

based shopenhauer

> quoting someone from early history who has the comparative intelligence and social capacity as a 13 year old crack baby with downs

Nice source m8!

>Plato has the comparative intelligence and social capacity of a "13 year old crack baby with downs"
>Socrates has the comparative intelligence and social capacity of a "13 year old crack baby with downs"
>Descartes has the comparative intelligence and social capacity of a "13 year old crack baby with downs"

Jesus Christ, at least I'm pretending to be stupid, you have brain problems, kid.

>pretty much common knowledge until recently that women are just adult children.
That is bullshit middle eastern culture
Great for expanding your population by treating women like chattel
Shit for actually getting anything done as you are wasting 50% of your human capital

Many parts of the world outside of the Middle east and Africa were fairly egalitarian in terms of social standing, though they did have separate gender roles.

Move your comprehension of history past 2000 years.

Women were only given "equal rights" (more rights than men) in the western world during the last 100 years, western civilization's greatest mistake.

The dynamic isnt based on sexual desire, whats the issue?


These guys live in my hometown in Florida. As if Florida didn't have enough shit to be ashamed of

>Women were only given "equal rights" (more rights than men) in the western world during the last 100 years, western civilization's greatest mistake.

>What is Rome
>What are Celts
>What are shield maidens
>What are English queens
>Who is Catherine the Great?
>What the fuck does "God save the queen" mean?

Do you really think Western culture has been savaging its women the same way that shit desert region has for the tens of thousands of years civilization has existed?

I would have expected it

That and there is an entire website dedicated to women in florida that are into this.

nigga who gives a shit like you ever even gonna need to interact with these people in your life

I want to change his poopy diaper. Any takers?