Last night I was drinking with my friend and somehow we ended up sitting with some loser who was something like 40...

Last night I was drinking with my friend and somehow we ended up sitting with some loser who was something like 40 years old and lived with his mom. It also turned out he was a fucking drug addict and since I smoke pipe he thought it was something else than tobacco and I was stupid and drunk enough to let him blow a couple of smokes from my pipe. Since I'm so fucking paranoid now I'm scared shitless of all the junkie diseases he might have carried. I know this is probaply stupid but is there any chance that filthy bastard transmitted something into me?

Any medfags here?

Duno mate I smoked a joint with a paki once, worst mistake of my life, I became so sick afterwards had a horrific cough violent sweats at night and nearly had to go into hospital. Fucking mudslime diseases.

Likely not.
Remove mouthpiece, soak pipe cleaner in rubbing alcohol, clean it from the inside, also use the alcohol to wipe the outside.
If you're really paranoid about it, submerge the mouthpiece in alcohol and let it sit for a while

You could catch

- Herpes
- Gonorrhea
- Syphilis
- CjD variant
- HIV in the event there is blood on the pipe

Did he have any markings or spots/scarring around mouth?

Not really. Of the common 'junkie diseases' that one might encounter orally, very few of them survive outside the body for more than a few minutes. I'd be more concerned about their general hygiene and sterilize the pipe before using it again.

He was white but it wont erase the chance he was a carrier of something like hepatite or some other shit. Should have been smarter than that. Though you'd guess he would have told me if he was aware of it.

What kind of medfag are you? Literally none of those would survive on a pipe overnight.

Forgot to mention HepB

OP quit being a baby back bitch.

I swiped the mouthpiece with my finger before putting it into my mouth. The point is, if he had something it would already be too late. I only wanna know likely it is. I dont really think he had any scarring or anything.

The pipe mouthpiece can become moist, can hold saliva and in a warm-ish environment will contain and store viruses.

Medfag here - unlike you clearly

Better boil water or sterilizing alcohol over mouthpiece to be safe OP

Ha! You know shit!

How likely you think something can be transmitted the way I described?

unlike other fags here this does seem legit. I caught sypphilus from sharing a glass once

If I remember correctly he was pretty healthy looking.

As you say you only wiped it with your finger there is a risk. It's not high, but sterilize it anyway to be sure. Keep a look out for any rashes or spots you may get around your lips in the next week or so.

It's unlikely to be anything though op if you did not see any scarring, spots or rashes around the guys mouth.

Many drug addicts can seem healthy and respectable. Doesn't mean they're not infested.

It's best to only share with people you trust.

I thought it takes months to emerge. So if nothing shows up in a couple of weeks I should be fine?

It can take months, but you said you're sure the guy had no marks around his lips. As such the chances become less that he was a carrier. To be on the safe side just monitor for next week or so. After that the chances further reduce to become unlikely as your lips are more susceptible to showing signs of infection than say your pubic regions.

Is the correct answer

I also looked it up and apparently hepatite can be cured. Thanks for your time, I feel better now. I didn't really fancy of being scared for months and wihtout sex because I dont want my gf to catch anything from me.
I probaply sound like a retarrd but maybe its the hangover.


Generally do NOT accept advice on Sup Forums. But sometimes there are less douchy fags who will help.

And only share with people you trust.

Hep CAN be treated, depending on the variant you have and the damage caused, so be careful user!

Op here.
It seems not everyone here is an asshole. Thanks for that.

Oh god my sides