/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General

Old OP Edition

>How long have you been playing?
>Favorite guitars?
>Favorite guitarists?
>Talk about and play music
>General guitar and bass discussion

How do I start learning guitar?

Guitar chords and inversions

String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):

Music theory:

Hal Leonard's Bass Method:

Steve Vai's Ten Hour Workout

Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2

Advancing Guitarist - Mick Goodrick

Chord Chemistry - Ted Greene

Mickey Baker's Jazz Guitar

Modern Chord Progressions: Jazz and Classical Voicings for Guitar - Ted Greene

Jazz Guitar: Single Note Soloing Vol. 1 & 2- Ted Greene

Impulse Response Pack
>mediafire.com/download/svtfxjtillrdwt8/Gods Cab 1.3.rar
>mediafire.com/download/4n28zkjw0zgmdj9/ASEM RECTO V30 L2.wav

previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:


what is your opinion on mac demarco's guitar

prove me wrong

Pacifica is quite a good guitar for what it is, these assholes were selling tragic shit like thomann.de/ie/cort_g110_bk.htm

Do you like The Beach Boys?

the best combination is SS

have you taken the zap-pill yet?

they are endearing in a monkees kind of way

the strings that came with this mim strat are the best strings i've ever used

they're so smooth

i've just been using ernie ball shit this entire time??

switch the bottom 2
HH is best

So I'm a noob, today I was jamming with my bass to some motorhead and sheeit and when the pick started slipping in my fingers I was hitting the strings with the edge of the pick and my fingernails and it was adding some cool percussive harmonic polyrhythms over the fairly simple bass lines. My questions to knowers is: have I invented something new?


elixir or bust

i think so

yeah.. don't tell us about it,. make an album with your new progressive playing technique...

HSH with coil taps and piezo

I've never heard this in bass playing before though


I am sensing some sarcasm here

HP > all other configurations

I'm assuming from the "noob," "sheeit," and the Motorhead that you're a complete pleb.

Parting from that I'm sure you're wearing a Sabbath shirt, Butler did it.

So did Entwistle, Geddy and Chris Squire.

So yeah you should actually listen to your pleb ass music sometime.

>I was hitting the strings with the edge of the pick and my fingernails and it was adding some cool percussive harmonic polyrhythms

I'm a big Who fan and there is no way Entwistle ever rocked it as hard as I did today

>6/10 bait
>0/10 execution

At least try next time Roman.

I dont know who the fuck roman is

And its not even bait, so should I feel complemented? Whatever this actually is, I have independently discovered it and you cant take that away from me.

>tfw I fell for it


Why don't you have one of these in your life?

because i dont leave my room, my audio interface is all i need!!

How the hell do I check if my truss rod is straight or not? I keep getting annoying ass buzzing on my low e string and I don't know if my action is too low or if my neck is bowed or something.

>Audio interface
>No amp


How can I achieve a bass tone like this?


Because I don't jerk off to Eric Clapton while daydreaming about being in a 70's british blues rock band while having my chest hair sticking through a half buttoned disco shirt.

Either use that ruler thingymajig or just look square up the neck from the bottom of the body.

classic song

I guess never change your strings

Gonna have to eyeball it really

You're gonna have line up the neck with your eye and look along the edge of the neck to see a slight curve in either direction.
Always loosen ur truss rod alittle first and wait a bit and then eyeball it again and then go from there

yea it's good if you're not poor and have good headphones

Thanks guys I'll try these

Kek replace eric clapton with elton john and you've nailed me

vox amps look gay

Using an audio interface seems like the poor mans option

GTA4 swag. Full bass and no treble at all, remove treble from everything. Then crank the volume to 11.

I hate people that unironically use shit guitars for some kind of indie cred.

jack white and st vincent are other offenders.


I thought St. Vincent uses a titguitar exclusively

Cmon man let jack white slide he's actually qualified to be called indie

yeah actually kinda true
but not gonna spend 500+ on a good amp and then another 300 on pedals when my pc can recreate the same sound +infinity more

oh wow

a cheap shitty Chinese made solid state piece of shit


just wow

Want an echo pedal for rockabilly, but I have no clue which one to get. I'm willing to spend up to like $75, which one do you recommend?


guess what fucko, it stopped being 1955 a long time ago

I didn't know of any better way to phrase it. I want to get the Scotty Moore sound.

>implying rockabilly revival won't start lighting up the pop charts soon

Because I can get better tune out of my iPhone than this solid state piece of shit

Because I have one of these in my life

cause I'm a shut in and my Fender Mustang II is just fine


Because I want one of these in my life

Redpill me on tremolo picking

Because it can't do brutal death metal toanz

It's a very useful technique

Just get vox, you'll feel better once it's at your feet, and you hear that sweet click of the plug sliding into the socket



If I don't know anything about electrical wiring and have never used a soldering iron before should I even bother trying to replace the pickups in my guitar or have it taken to a professional?

I literally know nothing about the subject but am pretty sure even a monkey could do it

it's not a hard soldering job in the world, just look up a tutorial and you should be able to do it
If you wanna feel 100% secure take it to a shop

because the shit stain currently "selling" it on craigslist won't answer my fucking emails or calls

I know thats meant to be "muh watamote" but she's cute asf

i have a g250. not bad for that price -i would say

>respond to an add for a guitarist
>"so do you write"
>"yea man"
>no reply

what did he mean by this?


thats some tranny that posts on Sup Forums

how long after you started playing did you join a band?


I've been playing 10 years and haven't really been in one
I;ve wanted to be in one after like 3 years


New "tape echos" by mooer, Malekko, or hotone. Used flashback or carbon copy

Seven years
Before that I jammed with buddies a lot, but there was never any actual band stuff going on

Where in the chain do you guys put your noise suprressor? I have mine currently as the first pedal after the guitar. I previously had it last but it seemed to ruin my TS9 boost.

i put my suppressors on guns, not chains

/gg/, i'm new to production and looking for any tips and pointers for a noob.


link related is an intro track for an otherwise swedish melodeath type project. it's not done yet, but i appreciate feedback.

No they're music is faggy and intolerable.

offset hotness

wow /gg/ do you even play guitar?

what's a good cheap distortion pedal? for rock

qt amps

>elton john and you've nailed me
In the butt

best chord progressions?

does the newfag bait ever end?


A few months. Most of the guys I played with were insufferable when it came to actually doing anything, and it was a guitar and a bass doing whatever by themselves while i sat and wondered if we were going do anything productive. Every time i tried to do the band thing. A few years later I jammed with 2 dudes for a while, one played a beat on a shit toy drum set while we'd improv a riff while the other improv'd a solo. Was ok.

> pastel blue


There's too much low end in the classical making it clash with the bass

Guitar EQ
>HPF around 100-150 Hz
>slight cut in the low-mids (around 300-500 Hz)
>maybe slight boost to high/high-mids (around 2K range)

Bass EQ
>less aggressive HPF around 60 Hz (tames muddling sub frequencies)

I'd also add a little bit more reverb to the classical. It sounds too far forward in the mix compared to everything else

Good composition


Literally who

Fuck Clyp.

Alright, what's another high quality anonymous audio site we can use instead?

It's called Daphne Blue you retard

the perfect color for offset sissies

That doesn't change the color, or make it less gay. Faggot.

Record it on a piece of paper