How does the age of consent even work? What if a 15 year old "consensually" fucks a 6 year old? Is it rape?

How does the age of consent even work? What if a 15 year old "consensually" fucks a 6 year old? Is it rape?


Can yall answer my question


How? As far as I know (I haven't googled it for fear of getting on a registry) you can't charge one party for statutory rape without charging the other

Yes, that is rape. Sex between someone above the age of consent and someone below is always illegal. Most states have laws with exceptions for two minors--something like 14-17 with another 14-17 is okay, but sex with someone under 14 is always illegal is pretty typical. Having sex with a six-year-old is definitely going to be illegal in any jurisdiction regardless of the age of the other person.

not in Mexico

See you in prison user.

What if two10 years old have sex ? They both go to jail ?

OK user you can trust Sup Forums.... Are you a 15 year old who raped a 6 year old?

I'm just an user asking questions, I'm not with the FBI. You can trust

If you consent, you are good to go. It doesnt matter what they think.

I am literally dealing with this exact situation in my life right now, and yes, it is rape

No, I've just been wondering and Google would prolly put me on a list for looking it up.

How so? What if its a 6 year old male and a 15 year old female?

most states the age of consent is 16

Im talking if they're both below the age of consent but still far apart in terms of age

Age of consent is simple - The government decide the age they think everybody can understand enough about sex to give consent, so if yo are i a place where it's 16, you can be a 59 year old male and bang a 16 year old with no legal worries, bang a 15 year old and you're fucked

Im saying if they're both under it, Is it rape if its "consensual"

Obviously, a 15 year old knows enough about sex to consent, in Germany the age of consent is 14, people of that age understand what sex is, a 6 year old could never give consent, two 15 year olds screwing eachother wouldn't get anybody in trouble, a 15 year old screwing a little 6 year old kid, he's goinng to jail

Did you read my replies?

>literal children should go to prison for doing what they think is natural

No 6 year old is thinking sex is natural you weird fucking pedofreak

when i said they i meant the kid, i don't think it should be illegal at all for kids under the age to have sex with other underaged kids. i think they should be scolded, maybe hard but fucking prison? they probably didn't even know there was such law, most people i know don't even know that, they think its either underaged or not

i once heard a story of a couple in texas they were both 17 and they had been having sex and sexting eachother. They were both charged as adults

This isn't OP, fyi. Im OP and i believe the 15 year old should be charged, but i want to know if they would be. Give me an actual US law

But... sex is natural.

Funny that, considering the age of consent in Texas is 17

>not old enough to consent
>old enough to know the details of your nation's laws

proof plox

I believe it , but I need to see it.

In AZ it is now illegal to touch a child's privates, even if changing their diaper or washing them. They adjusted the law to take out the requirement for "sexual gratification" to make it easier on Prosecutors to get convictions against alleged child molesters. . They say it won't be abused, but .... yeah.

fucking pigs.

He's bullshitting , 17 is totally legal in Texas

It was prolly because of the CP part, not the sex

Most countries have more complex aoc than just a set age. Like Canada has 'Romeo & Juliet' law that goes in to some detail about what is and is not okay among minors. Have to be within a certain number of years of each other to still be legal and so on.

This touches on something else that kills me... we have ZERO fucking education around what is illegal in our country, or how severe the penalties are.

For as much fucking money we spend on prisons each year, you think they could at least put out a few commercials warning people when laws change. Like, in AZ now if you are in a DUI and someone gets hurt - I mean.. a broken fucking finger in an accident, it becomes an aggravated felony. Enjoy your prison time.

You think some dumb fucking 13 year olds know that texting a pic of her tits to some guy is a serious crime? Or that when he sends it to his friends he is committing a serious felony?

Here is a good one... true story.

Kid is getting picked on - some guys follow him home, are pushing him around throwing rocks and shit at him. He runs inside and grabs his dads flint lock musket. No shit, flint lock. Goes out side and points it at the kids.

>Tried as adult
>5 year minimum sentence ( 15 max ) for first offense.

I think the AG backed down eventually, and they tried him as a minor but yeah. how fucked is that.

ah ok.

I was really hoping we could push for some prison reform in this country - instead we get fucking Trump, a government of republicans, and prison stocks are up 30% in a week.

It turns out that once you turn 18 you magically are given the gift of consent.

Still called rape by the court it doesnt matter the gender.

>Tried as adult

That is something that bothers me about US law, at least in so far as some states are concerned. I don't like the idea that a child (legal minor) can be tried as an adult if such and such requirements are met. They're minors. Not adults. An offended minor should be tried as a minor regardless. If the law for minors is toothless, bump up the penalties for minors committing certain offenses. This whole thing of, for instance, charging 12 year olds in adult court with adult penalties is absurd.

And now you are mature an can think like an adult. Before that you cannot.

it is fucking disgusting. I mean you aren't old enough to consent to sex, but you are responsible enough to be tried for other crimes?

I get the 17 year old shit... but trying 13, 14 year olds is just fucked up. Their brains aren't properly developed - they can't even grasp shit like long term consequences. If you are charging a child as an adult, you are either:

1) acting out revenge
2) warehousing the kid for their entire life

There is zero "reform" in that mix.

Worst part is anyone who campaigns to change those laws get shit on for being "soft on crime".

If they're both not of the age of consent? Mkay

18 is the limit of mentally and physically growing to adulthood. Any younger is perverse and hebephilic.

What if the other person is 5?

>Their brains aren't properly developed
>implying a 17yo does
>implying a 22yo does
>implying reaching a number
implying you do

great by that logic a 3 year old and a 40 year old have the same amount of brain development.

Lol, 16 in Canada.

Old, backwards US fag detected