May I have the password, please?

May I have the password, please?



i always thought that guys had a neat voice



That's right, sir! That is the password... for admittance. But may I ask, what is the password... for the house?

1234 same as my pin number and email password



There is no password for the house you twat


.... nickle?


It was such an easy riddle, You are admitted into the house, you can assume then that the password is either the same or there is none.

However, Cruise is a retard


It's what most of us thought at that moment, but Cruises thoughts were probably jumbled from the fear and intensity of his predicament, while we're more clear headed sitting in our rooms

Fair, but even in fear I think it's fairly dumb to say "i dunno, i forget"




It wasn't a riddle. They already knew he was an intruder because he showed up in a taxi instead of a limo. They just gave him an impossible question on purpose so they could make him feel bad for lying.

hey, that's almost the same password as my luggage

Uh... Bilderberg69?

Knew he was an intruder, lets let him in and risk revealing everything?

it's a riddle, and however they inevitably found out he was an outsider, speculatively let's discuss what would have happened if he guessed right

Is this movie any good?

probably not your type if you have to ask, its pure kino

yeah mate its great

>kidman's pancake ass is kino
top fuckign kek

Oily Daff

Kubrick's second best after Clockwork Orange.

they would have given him a free limo

So was his wife in the house at the same time?

Who was the female in the mask at the house that warned him?


Your mother.

The hooker he saved at the party in the beginning, are you retarded?

How do you know that?

Prep the bull.


This movie made me realize that moneylending freemasons (which are a subdivision of organized global world jewry) control not only hollywood but also the global banking system by means of owning the distributionary rights to printing fiat paper money in a private fractional reserve setup