Whats the greatest Japanese album of all time?

Whats the greatest Japanese album of all time?

no anime ost, real music only

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can't believe that in 2017 we're still talking about this mediocre post-rock record


Definitely the coolest cover but seriously, doom/sludge metal is boring.


You're a fucking plebeian faggot


nah I agree with him

metal already has the timbral issue of droning electric guitars without any colour change or variance, but then you get sludge/doom which is based on even more simplified composition. it's a double whammy of terribad

That's my favorite subgenre of metal. Apologize to me.

>which is based on even more simplified composition
yes only true patricians such as ourselves listen to deep and complex music

It's hard to pick an album he's played on other than this one.


>a bunch of random sound clips thrown together

nah senpai fuck yellow magic orchestra and anyone who recommends that trash """band"""


Personal fave


Vision Creation Newsun...

best live show too

Someone PLEASE help me find this album
I cannot find Japanese music for the fucking life of me

Oh sorry, let me just go look for some real music.


>tfw no clever girl

Ask /jp/

If they tell you to fuck off, tell them Sup Forums sent you.

Comfy masterpiece/one of the greatest Field Recordings ever

Akuma no Uta, what a wonderful phrase!

I've asked /jp/ before
I was just ignored


"boring" implies the problem lies with the listener rather than the music

That would probably be the one, although I do think Super Ae is just as good.



this really does things to my yellow fever

Can't be topped

And Z-Rock Hawaii

one of these

Unironically one of the best contemporary punk albums I've ever heard.

Midori is great too, but overplayed on this board.

Japanese punk in general is really good. It's like swedish metal or german rap where you never knew that a country could produce more much quality in a single genre than the rest of its continent combined.

give it a spin, it's pop perfection

But my call is either Scenery by Ryo Fukui, Communication by Junko Yagami, or this masterpiece
Also despite SGDA being Number Girls objective best I still prefer Sappukei

The Fishman's live album

Unironically this. The japs are fucking insane for coming up with this.

this one's pretty good
my nigga

This was life-changing on acid

>japs:take shitty idol group that has literally never listened to metal and mix it with shitty metal
>me: woah nice epic awesome goat 10/10


It's more than that

Kill yourself.

it is exactly that and you know it, just own up to it

city pop anyone?
come on guys.... step up.

Haruomi Hosono-Pacific

Susumu Yokota-The Boy and the Tree

Hiroshi Yoshimura-Flora

It's perfectly executed trance metal, the best of its kind.

What album is that?

Pacific is classic but I always preferred the mainline YMO stuff over the solo albums (minus Thousand Knives of course)


Trance metal is a meme and so is babymetal, acknowledge it. People who enjoy babymetal aren't usually the ones to worried about the quality of instrumentation. This is the same stupid shit as nu-metal, but people feel rude insulting the little asian girls so they shy away from it. The actual music in babymetal is, for the most part, unoriginal, uninteresting, and uninspired. Do they have some good songs? Sure, but they are certainly not the best Japanese musicians ever, not even the best Japanese metal band. Probably not even the best idol group.

Culture of craftsmanship. The japs have been making whiskey for less than a century and yet Japanese top-shelf stuff compares with offerings from the countries that literally invented grain spirits.


Who's the best idol group then, hotshot?

seconding this

not him, but I'd say Perfume. What Yasutaka Nakata did with them was actually revolutionary as far as pop electronic and edm is concerned

I wouldn't know I don't listen to idolshit (partially for moral reasons), I'm just saying that maybe, just maybe, they're not as great as you think. I might have overstepped my boundaries.

Ask again, user.
Or I will do it for you.

Good choice


That's a single of the last song on this album, it seems. I can't find it on APL or RED though. Anyone here on AB or JPS?

I asked in the Japanese Music thread and noboy has replied in it since

Counts as a live album

does jazz count?

By the way, what you're looking for is Kaientai - Koraechattokinai

>multiple boris posts
>no one posts their grandpappy

Good Morning Good Night

I'm aware of this.
But I have no idea how to search for japanese music online, soulseek doesn't understand kanji and Kaientai only ever yields some wrestler's intro music when I search it spelt out alphabetically.

The song use to be on youtube but got taken down.

Guess you just gotta suck it up and buy a physical, senpai.


If it was on youtube that has to mean someone on the internet has it, right?

Well, make a request on a private tracker then. If not, then yeah, guess you gotta buy it. Amazon Japan has it available as MP3 and there's also CD reissues of it.

underrated post.

It was just posted, you brown nosed twat

so many posts and so much wrong

Really good, but Soul Discharge gets criminally overlooked, as does Super Roots 7.

not on jpopsuki

Sheena needs more love

Still underrated at this time.

this isn't even in my top 10 for the genre

Fuck off contrarian edgelord.

First post best post

The Number Girl masterpiece is Num-Heavymetallic, Sappukei is good, though.

I really don't see how not liking babymetal makes me a contrarian. They are literally a marketing gimmick with no musical substance.

Vision Creation Newsun>Super Roots 7>=Super ar

WE. ARE. [mufled static and screams]

No idea about this album but damn that cover is neat

My nigger. Crazy good.

give it a listen, if you like jazz. this guy made this album only having learned piano 5 years before

more wrong


Super ar is a disconnected mishmash of ideas from Pop Tatari, Super Roots 5, Wow 2, along with some precursor ideas to Super Roots 7 and Vision Creation Newsun (YEAH!). Vision Creation Newsun is a beautifully fluent synthesis of ideas from Super Roots 5, 7, and Super ar. The way each track flows into the next one so wonderfully, evoking far more sun tendencies that Super ar's Super Going, or Super Shine.

Num-Heavymetallic > School Girl Bye Bye > School Girl Districtional Addict >>> Sappukei


This album goes so hard. I listened to it almost every day of my senior year of high school

Food Brain
Speed, Glue, and Shenki
Shenki Chen
Flied Egg
Mouse On The Keys
Acid Mothers Temple

holy shit I disagree so hard

Sappukei >> School girl Bye-Bye > School Girl Distortion Addict

but I still love you

(the lyrics to Num Heavymetallic are actually really funny/lame, he REALLY hates when people kiss in public)

and Num at the end*
