I'm bored entertain me Sup Forums

I'm bored entertain me Sup Forums

...no, fuck you


Oh, look at that genius~.





Fuck me onii-chan onegai~

As you wish.












Who wants to see the legend of john mole?













>The "Great Meme War" was a period in the early 21st century of great political tension. It was fought with telecommunication memetic propoganda (TMP, known then as simply "memes" or "dank memes"). The primary fighters were God Emperor Donald Trump, Jew Lord Bernie Sanders, and the Snake Priestess Hillary Clinton.

>In the beginning, it was the Jew Lord versus the God Emperor. Memes were not used as frequently at this time, that would soon change. When the Jew Lord Bernie was not looking, the Snake Priestess poisoned his goblet and took his seat of power. Many were outraged. Even in death, the Jew Lord's supporters clung onto their leader. Many, however, abandoned him, and followed the wretched Snake Priestess.

>TMP was now in full swing, with new supporters flocking to each side, joining at a rapid rate. The pols stated that the Snake Priestess would be victorious. That idea would soon be put down.

>On election night, members of the elite alt right community known as Sup Forums conducted a ritual. The exact details are not known, but rumors state that it involved the Egyptian chaos god known as Kek and vast amounts of concentrated TMP being released. But whatever they did, it worked. The God Emperor was victorious and the Snake Priestess lay defeated.

Today, we enjoy our high standard of living, non-degeneracy, and, of course, our way of life. However, the Snake Priestess still lives and breathes. Everyday, she plots, waiting for the time to strike.

If you see ANY SJW activity, call the tip hotline and report it. Thank you. God bless America.





What comic is this?







care to drop a download link?

>my sides











Last time there was a thread like this I was in, it resulted in my gf and I making $220 for a rich dude who wanted entertainment.

Vid of her bating, then sucking my cock, then I cum in a bowl of ice cream and she eats it. Easiest money we ever made.




what is this?









Yeah can we get a source on this comic .











>Rich dude
Would you eat your poop and drink sperm for 300$?





Comic is called tomboy i think





Poop goes too far. Would do near anything else short of that, or serious self mutilation.





OP, pls, artist name?

