It's time to unplug grandma

it's time to unplug grandma

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>never came after your guns
Fuck Americans are fucking spastics.

They did come for our guns.
Gun laws are the worst they've been since 2004.

have any of your guns been confiscated?

>implying obango didnt have an anti gun speech waiting for every shooting

Boo fucking hoo. Americas obsession with firearms is weird and creepy.

My ability to get certain guns has been taken away.
Also my ability to get certain accessories, and the cost of gun ownership has increased significantly.

That's coming for my guns.
If I slowly regulated away the personal computer, wouldn't you think that's an attack on your right to compute?

but did he come to your home and take away your guns?

if anyone came to your home a took your guns physically you should call the police because you may have been conned

only because they aren't dumb enough to try

so no one came to your home and took away your guns?

got it

baby steps muh lady

you forgot the Obama Death Panels


>implying I wouldn't fucking piss myself in excitement if medicare, medicaid, social security, and all other handouts were eliminated

Fuck you, OP.

Most users of Sup Forums are over 65

It amazes me that people think like this.

>If I slowly regulated away the personal computer
no no no. The comparison is, what if I added regulations to your computer, like it costing more because of environmental damage or something.

No one has, or wants to, "regulate away" your guns. Anymore that the government wants to "regulate away" cars you idiot.

under 30 edgemaster detected. You've clearly never had to make it on your own, or suffered from real life at all.

where does that come from? i would expect most Sup Forums users are 13 or some shit

im 18 and been here for years

You mean the kind of guns and accessories whose only purpose is to facilitate the efficient killing of human beings? You mean not being able to have 30 rounds in a magazine is such an inconvenience when you're out hunting or target shooting, or god forbid you needed to ward off an intruder or home invader?

That's not coming for your guns, that's being smart and not giving citizens access to killing machines. You should learn the difference.

oh no poor baby
you mean you cant afford to buy 12 guns a year anymore on your 12k/yr welfare?

hows he taking my fucking social security away

AFAIK, SS isn't a handout, you have to pay into the system first, but it's been mishandled atrociously by the government and will disappear long before either of us get a chance to use it.

basically you have to pay 200 USD if you want to moddify your gun in certain ways because of the ATF trying to control crime and shit.

all most gun people want are suppressors because they're cool as shit and you dont need ear protection because they ARE the safety device

>inb4 silencers make it impossible to hear gunshots from a distance

well, they might raid it to pay for stuff. congress does that a lot. but I think it will be fine-ish.

Ryan wants to privatize medicare ... which ... I dunno. You are a lot more likely to see death panels once a private company gets a hold of it lol.

yeah I can see how those are cool as shit, and frankly that is even a bit stupid to regulate, but w/e.

What I don't get is why everyone is so ape shit about not allowing background checks. I know it would fuck up gun sales at shows and stuff, but I mean... Is that really "Obama is gonna take our guns".

Are gun owners unable to admit it is a problem when some jackoff can walk into a school and kill 20 kids ( or w/e ).

At least everytime there is a shooting now, I won't have to listen to


Well, I think we should ban computer games because my kid installed one of them vidya games and our computer got a virus.
Must be them damn vidya games.

Just like trying to regulate away rifles when hand guns are used in 99% of crimes.

See you're buying into media lies.
There has never been a gunshow loop hole.
Background checks were always required at gun shows.

not even a barely decent argument, but to play along - this is something people argue, and the industry has to self-regulate to keep the government out of it.

maybe if you fags could self regulate a bit, and I dunno, chill out on the mass murders for a bit - it would be ok.

oh that is good to know! so you guys are cool with background checks?

Mass murders are a media hype.
And a lot of them have actually been false flags.
The gun market already self regulates. Just like the car market does.
Cars weren't required by law to come with abs up until 2012, and guess what? It was hard to find a car without abs.

>And a lot of them have actually been false flags.

ok buddy

there is retards on both spectrums

most sensible gun owners want suppressors, gun customization, and imports

it isnt that we hate background checks, its that when we go to a flea market we want to buy guns. also if background checks were as harsh as most anti gun people want then we couldnt even gift guns to our kids and shit or even let them use it, and some laws might make it a felony for a friend to keep your guns while you're on vacation without them having a background check and other bullshit

gun owners just want to stop being hassled for almost no reason

The only reason to be against background checks is because it creates a gun registry under a different name.

He also re approved the patriot act and the NSA spying on US citizens. There is a lot more.

every legal gun owner is cool with background checks, i had to do one to buy my mosin at a gunshow

no big deal

we just hate the overpricing, and hassle of shit that doesnt need to be messed with

You obviously have never owned/fired a gun

i live in NC

we have no gun registry other than the usual ATF background check registry

so private transaction bought guns dont need to be registered, and its pretty sweet

I live in Colorado, and its against the state constitution to have any gun registry.
But because of background checks, they have a registry. It's a fucking scam.
The fastest way to make more criminals is make more acts criminal.
Keep adding laws, and you'll get more and more people breaking them.

so Colorado does have a gun registry even though its against your constitution?

thats anti gun retards for you

luckily enough people arent fascists in NC so we're safe on that battleground for now

That is most certainly not the NRA's position. There are not background checks in my state for private resale ( eg: gunshows )

i fucking hate open carry faggots. you don't need your fucking side arm to shop at petco. Nor does your wife.

my state doesnt have a background check for private sales either, but you wont see too many sales without one because of all the shit you can get into for selling to a felon

so basically all small gunshows dont have them, but shows with commercial dealers there arent that stupid

I fucking hate tranny faggots. you don't need your fucking snowflake identity to shop at petco. Nor does your "wife".

i only open carry because im not 21 so i cant get my CC

also my truck doors dont lock, and im not leaving 600$ in an unlocked vehicle

>And a lot of them have actually been false flags.

Which ones?

It's barely at any risk, and what little there is would be eliminated if we took off the income cap of who pays into it.

He's probably referring to sandy hook or something. Retard.

Maybe instead of buying a $600 firearm, you should spend some money on repairing your vehicle, kid.

I think that computers shouldn't be allowed to have more than 2 CPU cores, and 2ghz clock frequency. No one needs more than that for normal computer usage, the only people who would need more than that are those hacker people who bruteforce passwords and ddos websites.

You can still play your video games with those CPUs. Nobody needs high frame rates, or photorealistic graphics unless you like to imagine you're actually killing people.

that's like saying that your gun barrel should be plastic instead of metal

Aww, you can't get military-grade assault rifles, extended clips, and silencers?
You poor baby.

Nope, that's like saying your rifle has to have at least a 16" barrel and you can only have 10 round magazines.

Even though you can get a pistol with a 3" barrel and a shotgun with a 12round tube mag.

what's wrong with that?

Yes because most gun crime involves registered guns. Not illegal guns. No sir. Statistics say nigger and spic gangs commit most gun related crime with black market guns? Statistics are racist. What we should really do is take away the guns of white southern people who have a almost no gun related crime. Why ? Well kids will shoot schhols up. Don't you know that on average literally every week, there's a school shooting. Yeah. Also did you know more kids will shoot schools up. Even though they can't buy guns ?

When it's easy to convert something from legal, to illegal, there's no point in having it be illegal in the first place.
I can take a rifle and cut the barrel short and have an illegal SBR in a matter of minutes.
Or I can give sheckles to the almighty Jew and he'll let me register my SBR, or I can just buy a fucking "Pistol" varient of any rifle, and as long as I don't shoulder it, it's legal.
It's a cluster fuck of retarded ideas posted by retards with no gun knowledge.

What's wrong with not being able to have more than 2 cores with a max of 2ghz?

It's an entirely arbitrary limit put in place by people that I would have no problem saying are slightly retarded. Why is a barrel less than 16" more deadly? Why is a 30rd magazine more deadly than a 10rd one? You can switch out mags in less than 3-4 seconds, and why would someone planning on killing people care about mag limits?

because people are lazy
30 round mag is more appealing to someone intending to kill 30 people than a 10 round one
2cores and 2ghz would be utterly shit, even modern webbrowsers would melt your comp with that low performance, hence my gun barrel made of plastic metaphor
fucking children being illegal is an arbitary limit yet i don't see you advocating for it

You do know that guns are made by hand everyday through out the entire world right?

I'd just like you to know that I agree with you. Only chiming in here so that you know you aren't the last sane person left on Earth.

Your metaphor was pretty shitty, I frequently use a dual core 1ghz Compaq, and it deals just fine with everything except gaming.

The strongest part of your argument is that people are lazy? If people are that lazy, why are they expending the energy to go out and kill people? It isn't that hard to change a magazine.

Children being illegal for what? Buying guns? If children should be allowed to buy guns, then how about alcohol, tobacco, should they be free game at the bar for 1 night stands?

your point being?
thx fellow intellectual *tips fedora*

>tfw Trump probably prohibits Congress from robbing Social Security, annually.

Bro, the nsa have been spying on everyone since forever.

It's because of people who are retarded like you and leave their guns unlocked in a place that's easy to access so that, for instance, a teenager could take said gun and shoot up a school with it. Nobody's saying that these teenagers are buying the guns that they shoot up schools with, you fucking idiot.

Guns are not hard to come by, and even in a total ban, guns are not hard to come by. No matter what the law says, people are going to go against it. You love guns when they're on your side, but for some reason you've chosen to demonize your fellow man.

>fucking children
typical american failing basic reading comprehension

I really hate this false equivalence shit.

When Obama was elected in 2008 the conservative world went ape shit, but they went ape shit over nothing. The notion that he had been born in Kenya was bullshit, as was the idea that he was coming for our guns.

In short, they were whining over nothing.

Now with Trump taking the electoral college in 2016, the left is going a little ape shit, but... WITH GOOD REASON.

The things we're whining about are things Trump has actually said or done. He's promised to build a wall, deport millions, shred medicare, social security, and medicaid, etc. He's made bigoted statements, shown a distinct lack of understanding for international politics (e.g. his view of NATO), etc. etc.

I'm just not going to list it all, but here's the salient detail the conservative world just doesn't comprehend... it's ALL TRUE.

Trump is fucking insane, and these assholes literally don't comprehend why we're pissed off and it says a hell of a lot more about them than it does us.

(Or the 1.1 million people who no value, per the current popular count. Thanks to one relic of the 3/5ths compromise/slavery, the electoral college.)


Do you not understand the financial crisis?

Nigga, did you just insinuate that a black person's vote, still constitutes just 3/5 of a normal person's vote?

Obama did come after guns, faggot. He had other things in his way like Congress and the Supreme Court.

I didn't realize there were completely retarded gun grabbers in Sup Forums. Well they didn't call it the most retarded board for nothing!

>a teenager could take said gun and shoot up a school with it.
AHAHAHAHA leave it to the liberals to be THIS retarded.

What's wrong with deporting illegals. They already know the risks that come with it. Plus Obama already deported over 2mil people and he's not put on blast by the media.

Why are there speed limits in the USA?
When it's easy to convert something from legal, to illegal, there's no point in having it be illegal in the first place.
I can take a car and and drive 90 in a 70 zone in a couple of minutes.
As long as I drive 60 in a 70 zone it is completely legal.
It's a cluster fuck of retarded ideas posted by retards with no drive knowledge.

HOLY SHIT, my bad for thinking the word "fucking" was there for exasperation. It's kinda hard to tell with that horrible punctuation.

Although, if you look back at my comment, I covered that possibility with "should they be free game at the bar for 1 night stands?". That implies sex, if you didn't catch that.

So is that it for your argument? Nothing more than personal attacks? This includes .

I don't even care if this is bait, I'm terrible at arguing, and this is good practise.

are nuclear weapons not hard to come by too?

Still. Better. Than. Hillary. There's no constest there. One is a treasoning wall street puppet who gets money from enemies of the US, ruined middle-east, wants open war with Russia and is so corrupt even the chaos gods would tell her to slow the fuck down. Trump may be an annoying orange, but at the fucking least hes not Hittlary Clinton.

It is.
Speed limits are ridiculous.
But anyone could in a matter of minutes have an illegally short concealable full auto battle rifle. So why bother regulating it so only criminals will have it?
What do you think the majority of people do?

There doesn't need to be speed limits, merely speed recommendations around corners to let drivers know the safe cornering speed.

People on the highway should be allowed to drive as fast as they want.

conservatives cant argue their way out of a wet sock


that endagers the lives of others

it's not only about hunting or fishing. It's about being able to protect yourself from the government. A well armed citizenry is the first line of defense against tyranny. If only the government had guns then the monopoly of power would lend itself to corruption very quickly. I don't blame you for your lack of knowledge of history everyones got to learn the truth sometime

It statistically and historically doesn't.
Speedlimits are in place as a stream of revenue.

also foreign invaders have a really hard time when the citzens are really well armed. I mean we could barely stop a bunch of rock throwing retards with a few AK's and RPG's and we are the super power

regulation closes loopholes that make it easy for criminals to obtain guns

It's a right, not a need. Nothing you can ever do about it.

you didn't cover shit, you took my argument and said it back at me, so answer my question and your own

he's right you know.. For example I have a friend and he is a jack ass he drives as fast as he wants and doesn't give a fuck even though there are laws. People tend to go as fast as the road conditions provide.

another one of these dipshits

theres a limit to what kind of guns you can obtain.

you and all those other people are dumb.

No, criminals can already buy "out of loop" guns. Regulations don't affect black market. Regulations don't affect private citizens dealing secretly from the government. Regulations just make it harder for people who dont want to kill others to buy guns.

>Reply to Thread No.712134516
First of all regulation sounds like something someone does when they are constipated. Yo let me pop some exlax it's time to regulate. Second of all the cat is out of the bag. Gun technology can not be suprressed it's gained too much momentum the only thing you can really do is make sure the good guys out number the bad guys and secure localized zones

But that's actually correct, it's what our founding fathers intended if you don't believe that just read what they wrote about it.

>regulations dont effect black market

bold faced lie

maybe it works better in germany because the ones that go too fast just end up driving over a cliff vs here in the US we have bumpers so it's more likely to cause a chain reaction ..In my area most people go 10 over

>implying that is somehow wrong
>implying that is actually taking guns away, rather than criticizing retards with guns

founders fathers were wrong about shit. stop worshipping them.

hillary wanted to lower social security.

just wait and see. neither would have had any power anyway. whatever happens under a president is whatever the secret government wants to blame them for. watch "trump" fix the national debt that obama "doubled".

They were much smarter than your dumb autistic ass.

bingo actually the revoltuionary war started when the brits tried to confiscate guns in concord also other lesser known facts washington in his youth tried to be in the british military but they didn't accept him he was also a freemason but they branched off from their european roots. He also after winning the revolution turned his military might to collecting alchohol tax. also he wasn't the first president . also european freemasonry regrained control of american political system in 1812

>i have every right to own a millitary grade weaponry without training or qualifications

wrong. just take a pea shooter like everyone else.

oh ya got me