Hello, Sup Forums

Hello, Sup Forums
My name is Adolf Hitler.
The jewish media may have told you I had died in 1945.
In fact, my scientists helped us build a base on the moon, The project starting in 1939 and ending in 1946, while I was in hiding.
I am currently on life support, ask me anything.


Hallo Sup Forums
Mein Name ist Adolf Hitler.
Die jüdischen Medien mögen Ihnen gesagt haben, ich wäre 1945 gestorben.
In der Tat haben meine Wissenschaftler uns geholfen, eine Basis auf dem Mond, Das Projekt ab 1939 und endend 1946, während ich im Versteck.
Ich bin derzeit auf Lebensunterstützung, fragen Sie mich etwas

is the moon rly made out of cheese?



bump for the Adolf

Come back, sir! The world needs you now more than ever!



do you think orange is the new black is overrated

The army is growing, don't worry.
I will begin building the 4th Reich soon.




I do not pay attention to the media on earth, It is mostly Jewish dominated.
However, here in our small compound we have our own media which is not controlled.

Dubs heaven ...


v2 rockets had no internal guidance systems and only enough fuel to clear german cities. how the fuck would you have a space program?


Will you save Europe?



Do you really think we would use up all our technology on missiles?
Space exploration was vital, whether we one or not.
We decided that making it to the moon was the most important thing.

You Americans made a wise choice this year.

Warte mal einen Moment mein Führer, mir wurde zugetragen Sie befänden sich in einem Land vor unserer Zeit!

Why can't you speak propper German you dumb fucker?

I will try, but I need you to try as well.
I am very old these days.
I need you to do your best while you can to preserve yourself and your Aryan heritage.

How the fuck are you trying if you're on life support

I am not the only one who made it to the moon, you know.

Okay. I'll play.

What does the fuhrer think of neo-nazis.

Prove that you're Hitler by answering following question on german:
Was, mein Führer, war dir dein liebstes Gericht? Welcher Gaumenschmaus vermocht' deine Zunge am heftigsten zu kitzeln?

But than you can't be Hitler because he's on life support

I am glad I still have followers to this day.
However some of them condone degeneracy while being degenerate themselves.
I do not appreciate the hypocrisy.

Why did you forget how to speak german, mein Führer?

geiles deutsch onkel adolf

>do you think orange is the new black is overrated
>I do not pay attention to the media on earth

>claims not to pay attention to media "on earth"
>knows about a relatively new and shit show in American media

Dammit OP, roleplaying on Sup Forums is always fun but can you please try a little harder?

Also what's with your fucked up German?

Die Leiden des jungen Werthers
und Eva, natürlich, weil Geli mich nicht mochte

Wenn du noch leben würdest wärst du über 120 jahre alt

Even though you're german might be correct, the answer isn't. I asked about your favorite meal not your favorite poem, dumbfuck.

Auch wenn dein Deutsch korrekt sein mag, so ist es deine Antwort nicht. Ich habe dich nach deinem Lieblingsgericht gefragt, nicht Lieblingsgedicht, Dummfick.

in meinem Alter sieht man ja nicht so gut

that wasn't me.
Someone trying to be funny.

Komm zurück und räume den Saustall auf, den du hinterlassen hast. Diese Neo-Nazis sind echt eine miese Nachmache und die glauben echt dass Sie die Nachfolger von damals sind. ...

Ich genoss Gebäck, obwohl mein Lieblingsessen war Leberkase, obwohl wir lief in den 1950er Jahren.
Wir haben genug Lebkuchen, was gut ist.
Ich noch wie Tee. Ich bin froh, dass wir in die unterirdische Landwirtschaft investiert haben.

Ich kenne.
Ich werde bald wiederkommen.
Keine Sorge.

You stepped right into the trap, Hitler was vegetarian.

Can I join the fourth reich? My grandfather was a Nazi but I have never been to the Motherland.I'm American.