Who was your favorite Sopranos character?
Who was your favorite Sopranos character?
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Why does Tone-E have hair? I thught he was spalding mashed potatoe with hair in nicholas desire in the Christop-her?
meant to reply to OP
Mr and Mrs Ghoul were pretty funny. Also like their son, Gabba.
Favorite is easily Tony, but that shouldn't count.
Next favorite is probably Livia. I wantto be her for Halloween this year.
Without a doubt it's Tony for me. But Mikey Paurice was killed off way too early. Dude was hilarious.
>dat Tony and Mikey banter
>dat staple gun to the chest
Artie is the best.
Chrissy is the best television character of all time
>Nobody mentions Paulie
meadow's qt roommate from season 3
Kill yourself.
Mikey Palmice
After he got wacked Junior pretty much lost his balls and would never cross Tony until going full gabagool.
post the webm you faggot
She's still a qtp2t
Besides Tony S, has to be either Chrissy or Tony Blundetto.
Furio, purely for YOU GOTTA BEE ONNA YOU HAT. Shame he didn't actually manage to cuck Tone.
Furio was kickass too, too bad they nerfed him.
Ralph or Chrissy
Is it wrong I hate almost every single person in the Soprano family (on a personal level) except for Junior and Carmela?
>too bad they gave him character development
I dont understand how anyone could hate Tony.
Ralphie is close second.
Easily the door, it was Tony's greatest enemy
maybe if they met him or owed him money?
Paulie. There is no other answer.
Junior was fucking great
Dominic Chianese has ridiculous comic timing and ability
Fuck you, fuck eckel
Chrissy: I look in her eyes, man, and she looks back at me...
Paulie: How the fuck do I put myself up for adoption?
He asks about you.
Ralph slept with Ginny?
The guy is a legit asshole but he is so incredibly likeable.
Your father was run over by a trolley, right?
There's no stigmata these days.
Tony gets more cruel and vindictive as the series goes on
Why you hate bobby, he's a good egg laid Tony the fuck out too
Is this one of the most important and poignant scenes in show history? All the characters were so captivating it was easy forget we're actually rooting for sociopaths and murderers who would shoot you in the back over 20 bucks. Those rare scenes with civilians (outsiders POV) were pure gold and served as a reminder what we're watching (feds, Julianna Skiff's friend, etc). Goddamn it, I miss this telekino.
Jackie Junior. He just wanted to be a kingpin but his father wanted him to be a doctor. I felt bad for him because despite his prettyboy looks, he had potential to mature into his fathers' shoes. Not to mention Meadow was madly in love with him, before he made the stupid decision to cheat on her. I wonder if the story that Ralphie told about robbing a poker game was even true, anyway, it sure inspired Little Lord Fuckpants.
He should have whacked Ralph for the 98 pound mole joke. That asshole went too far with that one.
I think I seen a couple of niggers running that way!
Hey Mikey!
How's the boy?
God damn, Gandolfini was so skinny then. Chase & co. probably feel kinda bad now about writing all the heart attack jokes directed at Tony.
having a thick hair line a 1/4 above your eyes is wrong
Get him to the fucking hospital, make shure he keeps his mouth shut! KEEP YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUT!
When he woke up, I held him down while Frank cut his head off with a hacksaw.
Silent as mouse pissing on cotton.
Johnny Sack
>A kid with chinky eyes named Moltisanti? He'd get his ass kicked every day!
supposedly, they encouraged his weight gain so Tony would continually look like he's going to hell.
I'm sure they didn't expect him to not be able to lose the weight, or for him to die so young, even with his weight.
Bobby - bro
>The way you eat you're gonna have a heart attack by the time you're 50
Aside from the obvious Tony, I'm astounded that literally no one has mentioned Slyvio
Honestly, they should have forced him to lose a bunch of weight mid season after his gunshot to emphasize how fucked up he got.
He probably would still be here if they did.
Oh, those two guys...
paulie eheh
>Just when they thought I was out, they pull me back in
>audience roars with laughter
Agent Harris
We're gonna win this thing!
Why did they have to write off Furio man?
The actor was leaking scripts to the press.
brendan filone
the way he guffaws after calling jackie aprile chemosabe right to tony's face
Sil's scenes with Tony really got my attention.
I kind of wish they didn't kill off Brendan and Mikey Palmice so soon, same goes for Richie Aprile.
Season 3 was a mess without Richie and focusing on fucking Jackie Jr. of all people.
lel richie telling someone to 'simmer down'
a true boss
love how he chastised tony 'a boss never wears shorts'
fucking glorified crew is all jersey ever was
shame vito never kept his mouth shut ;)
little carmine
feech, richie, mikey palmice, tony b
all would have been useful in the NY war
A shame because Furio was a fucking bad ass character.
you got a bee on your hat
Yeah, I remember reading about that way back then.
its weird hearing him speak without the accent
Based Bobby b
>tfw you will never EVER fuck a Russian qt
Why live
Feech would backstab Tone at first opportunity.
Richie basically did that 3 years before Feech could.
Mikey was Tone's enemy soldier.
Tony B betrayed Tone and killed a high-ranked Brooklyn guy to avenge his prison buttbudy's death.
How the fuck would ANY OF THEM be useful against Lupertazzi family?
Can't mar the Shah
Looks like somebody we know.
Based Bobby "Based Bobby B" B
Is he the greatest late addition in TV history?
>stupid-a fahking game
>Is he the greatest late addition in TV history?
Pure gold from the jump
>I guess the turd doesn't fall far from the faggot's ass
>Its an Alan Moore episode
>You'll suck our cocks!?!?!
>She any good?
>What am I asking you for you probably taught her how