So apparently there are such things are tough guys among liberal ass wipes

So apparently there are such things are tough guys among liberal ass wipes

Other urls found in this thread:


>hey Sup Forums friends! Check this out! I just totally OWNED this libcuck on jewbook! Do you guys accept me now? Can I be part of your secret club?

Forest, you fucking idiot. You realize everyone knows who posted this, right?

Autistic fuck, damn.

Posting here was not necessary. Showboating a modest fuck-you was not necessary. However, your next line should be "Dubs decides what I post to this cunt". That would give this thread a reason to live.

ah shit i missed one. Fuck it

I would love to but Zuckertwat already took down the original post

Anyone found Forest's fb profile yet? I'm lookin, can't find shit yet.

Fuck you want my profile for? Need a friend so you wanna friend someone who thought it was cool to post their argument with an idiot on Sup Forums?

This was dumb of me, as the other user pointed out. Let my fail thread die or hijack it to be about something totally irrelevant like you fuckers do

underaged b&


You thought it was so smart though. So you took a screen shot, edited it down, gloated in the screen shot, and then uploaded it. Took a little time and now youre saying you ARENT proud?? Faggot. Might as well own it since you got this far.


What and you aren't a tough guy?

libtards sure are libtarded

Proud? I'm proud that i can keep my composer and still respond calmly when someone is threatening to kill me or otherwise harm me simply because i found a joke with the word "nigger" in it funny. Yeah i'm proud of that.

Oh i'm an arrogant prick. But i won't threaten bodily harm on someone for stupid shit like this

They want your profile to fuck with you, you stupid cunt. Do you not know how Sup Forums works?

"Look im tuff"

The thread

>I can keep my composer.
>A wild 16th century aristocrat appears.

OP Forest Albert Craig. facebook com/fenrir.grimmaw?fref=ts

No i'm aware. and look at that they found it

Hijack? ALRIGHT! Someones speaking my language!



Fucking normie


How dare you call me the N word sir! I'll have you know i own a chainmail shirt and i once wore a fedora!

Wow and everyone is calling ME a faggot.....

You should get yourself a chainmail fedora and go all out.

>Censorship and political correctness is banned in this area

Oh so ironic and edgy



Nice try, Forest.
you look like a chode btw

>Works at not for you
So clever and edgy

He's Puerto Rican, what did you expect?

Eh i don't like people i don't know knowing where i work

How many GBP do you have saved up?

You don't have to put anything at all, you're just trying to look edgy. If you were 16 I'd understand but you're fucking 24 so you just look retarded.

op you are proof of the kind of scum that has become a regular on Sup Forums. lurk more faggot.

you're not cool. this is bad. you should feel bad

^^ This. You suck, Forest Albert-Craig.

in retrospect you're right. i believe i saw a friend that had it once and i thought it was clever. eh whatever

yeah well.... fuck you

Bunch of edgy normies.

haha oh man and you called him a libtard jesus this was such a fail


That's a cute doggo

Say fuck you, but in all seriousness sit down and look at what you've done, and realize how stupid you look, if nothing else. Not the troll, "I'm doing this on purpose" stupid, but the "I'm actually a fucking idiot and I probably do not have much of a life because I waste time doing this kind of shit" stupid. The kind usually found in children, but at 24? What a social butterfly.

>TFW you get cucked by a libtard
>TFW he's more based than you
>TFW he gets more pussy than you
>TFW you're 24 and post shit like that as a reaction to an Ed Edd n Eddy Facebook group
>TFW you're confirmed basement fag and would get legit fucked up by him irl
>TFW come to Sup Forums hoping for props but everyone laughs at you for being beta

I wonder if his parents know he's been into the gun case?

Oh no i totally realize it. I fucked up epically out of boredom. I thought you guys might find it funny but after a bit more thought i realize it was truly retarded. But i'm not gonna freak the fuck out about it. It's just not how i am. If the Sup Forumstards fuck my shit up then i'll just try to fix the damage. When something is set in motion that i truly cannot stop i just wait for the bomb to drop so i can repair the situation. It's whatever i've lived through worse than anything Sup Forums can do to me.

>TFW "got bored after this" because he realised he lost the argument and looks like a little bitch CTFU

That sounds like a challenge.

This isn't the time to try to take moral high ground, realise that everyone around you thinks you're a bait little retard with no life at 24 years old and .Sage.

Reflect on how autistic you are and change your life, every girl that has you on Facebook would never fuck you and I can tell from this one post, spend a good few years depressed in your bedroom and realise how the people who know you irl think about you. Just kill yourself OP. Or stop being a faggot

take it as you will, i've lost everything and had to rebuild multiple times in my life. Always by someone else's actions though so i guess it's about time i fuck up hard enough to cause it myself.

Okay yeah wtf ever dude. My gf is alseep like 10 feet from me. I take care of my disabled mother and help my grandparents with caring for their home. I work and pay my bills.

Yeah i'm such a worthless piece of shit. Eat my fuckin ass dude

"I just fucked up, you guys are gonna wreck my FB so I'm just gonna let it happen."

Bullshit. People bait and switch /ball the time. "Accidentally" let "their personal" facebook on /b and watch as we ruin someone else's life.

Lolol you have a pretend gf. Couldn't even tell anyone who she is.

Well that's one hell of a theory there boy i tell ya hwut

Your girlfriend is fake faggot we can see your Facebook:) also you're ugly as fuck solid "if you speak near me id lose my appetite"/10

>disabled mother
Is that where you got your mental retardation from?

OP is a faggot

Man, libcucks getting angry 2nite.

That + being fatherless LOL

>being fatherless
I'd abandon you if you were my kid too

>I'm proud that i can keep my composer and still respond calmly when someone is threatening to kill me or otherwise harm me
ITT 16 year olds taking internet comments seriously

>I don't like to broadcast my life on facebook
>said on facebook on a status broadcasting your relationship
Jesus Christ

So she's in Canada and thats why we can't meet her?

Why do you think any of your lies matter? It's an anonymous ima.. ooohh
>Forest likes to lie about relationships to hurt his friends
>Don't be like Forest

Wrong person

Can I just say that William is a little bitch?

"Why was I not told?" You'd think you were fuckin him with how pathetic that sounds.

I swear to God if you Rick roll me I will find you

Given how full of shit OP is I wouldn't be surprised if this is how William learns his relationship is ending.

You seem like a giant faggot.

lol friend you and blow my user status? Hell nah.

This is the cringiest part yet. Even your boyfriend is a total loser. OP should probably just die at this point.

Oh, had no idea there was a Canadian girl on his fb. You know, like, in the states we say "Oh yeah I totally have a gf!! But shes in Canada... So you can't meet her." xD

Well i'll be fucking damned..... i thought i was done with this asshole.

lol what'd you respond with?

a gif of tom cruise laughing. now he's demanding my address and i told him to get fucked so he's calling me a little bitch and asking if i'm scared. Got any suggestions on responses? If there's anyone else still here i'll open it to rolls


He's got your facebook, why need a mailing address? He could easily look it up on the web. hmm.. idk what you should tell him. Maybe that your address is 1600 Pennsylvania ave?


Or some other famous and / or fictional address.

Literally samefagging with yourself. Pretty fucking pitiful.

Fucking hell this guy

yeah okay dude

>collection of syllables

Nah, two of those were me. I kinda wanna see where this goes.

The dumb shit don't stop apparently..... I'm taking first come first serve suggestions cause wtf else do we have to do?

Send him a pic of your asshole

The overwhelming majority of the Western world is liberal, you edgelord.

That's why it's dying

God damn you...........

he should send a picture of his ugly ass girlfriend


Obviously not in America! Keep telling yourself that.

Then ask him if he's ever had Puerto Rican food before

Agree to disagree. I think countries do better under Democratic socialist leadership.
>Personal experience

i compromised and sent him this

Congratulations. The united States is also a giant shit hole with crumbling infrastructure.

Woah bro. We use the same Sup Forums theme. high five

wtf is skullbone???
