Damn, when was the last time I've seen a cringe thread?

damn, when was the last time I've seen a cringe thread?

cringe thread



>hot ass

I'm not sure which is bigger for feminists

Their wheight or their ego








Holy kek



I don't have enough whats for this


this was a cringe thread, not rage thread



I bet you a woman took that photo




That's kinda fucked up


people still post these as if they were real kek


what am I supposed to do, stop walking and sit down on the sidewalk when I'm in the 50m radius of a female? I have a bus to catch too.


Have you watched the news lately? It's one giant cringe thread.

>kinetic frustration transfer
Your honour I swear


Who wrote that.. Where are they.. And is there a line up to throat punch this cunt?

hey Chris

You rage you lose

nice spelling nigger

standard is this a post for ants image


this isnt clear for me, so i shouldnt walk behind a girl, but speeding up so i can pass her would also seem threatening WAT DO?


Are you congratulating him for using the correct "their"?
Or are you an illiterate moron who doesn't himself know the correct "their"?

nigger if you can't read that shit you need glasses


nigger I'm wearing glasses and that shit is tiny

let's be real, everyone already knows you enjoy your "girl"friend's cock.

I think he's talking about wheight.



you need thicker ones then, no problem reading it here


That pic size is absolutely fine you autist

Well then, I concede. I totally missed that, user.

you must have your screen zoomed up to 200%. are your icons so big you can only fit 12 on your desktop?

I almost got mad, thank god for that last part

not user,
the guy has shut up and has become spagh-bog


we need some more equality for women

Bitch I'd need a team of speleologists amd burly men holding strong oaken supports to even find your pussy



From what I gather, feminism is the embodiment of the feral aspect of human nature that places more emphasis on the deaf, blind and dumb personal emotional impulses than on logic, reasoning and intelligence.

It's basically a movement completely focused on trying to overlook and rewrite the foundations of reason and logic and replace it with an overt focus on emotional impulse.

If that is what women represent (I know they don't all represent such irrational ideas) then it would be reasonable to say that it was a mistake to allow them the right to vote or own property.

This one isn't cringe, it's just uninformed stupidity as usual, but the guy did actually rape people, just doesn't mean that every porn he did was rape



Who is this bitch?

ok, I am going to go play some video games now

Thats not a bitch, that is obviously a whale.

Does anyone know if this is a man or a woman?
I mean, that fucking goblin could be a very ugly fucking woman, or your run-of-the-mill basement-dweller..

This one is actually fair. Don't look or glance at women on the streets, she can't know wether it's innocent or holds bad intent.
If you happen to walk the same way as a woman, consider taking an alternate route.

Consider crossing the street if walking towards a woman, even if traffic is heavy.

Being seen as a creep sorta sucks, but thinking you might get raped, which a woman can assume of any man, rapists come in all forms, is far far worse.

"hot ass"

fucking rage

Please. Whales eat less than that moon-in-training

I recon that guy was beat up by the saracens up there

Those kids are going to be the world's biggest pussies.

If you click on the picture it becomes bigger, silly goose.


Well, I don't give a fuck. Maybe she shouldn't be out alone if she's scared of the fucking dark, like a child. I'm not going to take some long route anywhere just because some stupid bitch I don't know and couldn't care less about might get scared, ffs.

dont rage no offense but that happened to someone else if it happens to you act differently.

Right, the world is just about you, fuck all other people. Healthy.


Fuck her and fuck you, I'm walkin' here. I can't control what she thinks, so I'm just gonna keep on walking. I've got shit to do and places to be.



>weekly what my pronouns are
>am still valid fight me
>if you deserve it
>ask to follow

I'm fine with the snowflakes being snowflakes, what I'm not okay with is the sheer amount of self-righteous exclusion. At what point did you become important enough to warrant "checking your pronouns" before speech, or even making sure I have the right amount of melanin before FOLLOWING your social media?

tl;dr be a fat fucking snowflake if oyu have to but don't be so arrogant

getting light on the feminism cringe, if anyone wants to kick some in or I could shift gears some


would line up with you user



Right back at you, faggot. The world doesn't revolve around some dumb bitch just because she has a pussy either.

It's not about that, you shit-stained white knight.
That's what these fake femnazis are feeding everyone. Fear rhetoric and fake statistics, mixed with some bullshit.
You are allowed to walk on a fucking sidewalk. It doesn't matter if the moron in front of you THINK you're a rapist, or any other man.
You cater to this shit, you enable asshole SJWs to keep spreading shit.
Fear-indoctrinated bullshit = Don't walk behind women, it MIGHT scare them
Consideration = Don't joke about rape to an actual rape victim (that you know has been raped, for certain)


I absolutely refuse to let other peoples' fear keep me from looking at people.

Perhaps work on your perception of men, and instead of allowing fear to control your life take a couple self-defense courses, go to the fucking gym, but the moment you losers try to tell me which way the orbs in my eye-socket can roll get ready to meet my boot.


Nobody is forcing you honey, go bleed out and stain all of your clothing and make a scene in public

You can control what she thinks, if you decide to make yourself scarse, she will be relieved and will be glad she's safe.

You don't know who is or isn't a rape victim or who is genuinely scared, but hurting someone who is is unforgiveable, even out of ignorance.

So the only logical thing to do is to err on the side of caution and assume everyone might have had a bad experience and to treat women with the respect they deserve.

It sucks for us, maybe, but too bad, it's better to suffer than to even risk causing suffering to any conceivable degree.

And healthy is taking every single minute portion of human interaction and turning it into a situation of assuaging peoples' paranoia in order to validate their fears despite how sexist they are?

If we made concessions to everything that made people uncomfortable no one would leave the house, moron.

Okfag, then how about instead of telling men what they should do so women can do whatever the fuck they want, you tell women to stay out of the fucking way? Not good enough for you? then how about not presuming to tell me what to fucking do if you won't do the same to the women.

You have failed this simple logical transition in thought. She doesn't get a free pass for being a woman. Not sorry to tell you!


I'm actually convinced you're a troll now.
You brilliant bastard.
No one can be that stupid.
Congrats on baiting me the first time, though.

I rage reading all these but daaamn! Is this so common in US? I've lived in like 3 countries in Europe so far (one is my home duh) and never once saw this.

It's like men in US ought to be afraid to date... i wonder how you ppl will reproduce in a few years if this keeps going

It'd be better for most women if men only left the house if absolutely neccesary and then only as efficiently as possible, avoiding contact.

It might suck for us, but women didn't ask'd for the situation men created.