Because plebs are too stupid to see S2's intricate tapestry of plot and character development they will bring back Rust...

because plebs are too stupid to see S2's intricate tapestry of plot and character development they will bring back Rust because muh fedora and destroy True Detective's anthology format

unironically correct.

S2 was a greek tragedy with neo-noir trappings and it was perfect. S1 was good too but people who like S1 but not S2 demonstrate they never actually understood what made S1 good in the first place.

Unite the S1 and S2 True Detectives for S3. Then S4 and S5 can have new True Detectives in each season and they can unite in S6. Then the final season can be a tag team match between the True Detective teams.

>muh fedora

Religious people are unintelligent and your hat fetish won't change that.

get a load of this asshole.

can you even enumerate the basic characteristics of a greek tragedy? cause if you could, you would realize that s2 has absolutely nothing to do with it.

thanks for reminding me how much s2 sucked. man what an embarrassing, career-killing shitshow. I can't imagine a worse end for Nicholas Pizza

>S2 was a greek tragedy with neo-noir trappings and it was perfect.
>it was perfect
Are you high?

>the final season

is that the one where they kill off half the main cast because apparently that's the only dramatic device anyone can figure out these days?

But this is wrong.

S2 was good tv but it had a shitty story. And it was not a "greek tragedy" because none of the FOUR MAIN CHARACTERS were worth caring about.

It was a string of events that barely related to each other. They never explored the actual plot of solving the fucking crime let alone give us enough story for us to care about any character.

And don't get me started on the fucking scooby doo style caper of acquiring the files.

characters are the instruments of their own downfall due to hubris and passion. the role of the epiphany in terms of discovering their own failings (caspere's son, velcoro killing the wrong man, frank's hallucinations)

the only characters who survived were the two women willing to let go. the lounge singer playing the role of the chorus in referencing the events of the show.

even one of the main characters is named Antigone. Wake the fuck up pleb.