Let's have a thread with films showing what's next for Britain
I'll start
Let's have a thread with films showing what's next for Britain
I'll start
Scotland declares independence, Ulster follows, Gibraltar wants to stay in the EU. England mobilises the army, crackdown on freedom and independence demonstrations in Glasgow and Belfast. Wales can't take the shit anymore, declares independence as well.
UK is no more. Well done Farage, you destroyed Britain.
>this is actually what people ironically believe
Wales has no reason to declare independence
NI has nowhere to go, it cannot support itself as an independent country and the ROI doesn't want it because NI is shit
Scotland may or may not declare independencenter depending on oil prices and whether or not the EU is fucked beyond all recognition. Either way it will not get into the EU because Spain will veto
Spain wants joint sovereignty over Gib not ownership, and g
Gib is just a floating petrol station anyway so who cares
Next question? Or are you too buttblasted to carry on ?
Britain is so fucked
Currency no longer worth shit, loss of free flow of labor and capital, trade deals out the window.
The UK is dead. Bury it.
>I'm economically illiterate
Good to know
I am an economist retard. Every single competent economist knows Britain is fucked. It takes decades to negotiate and implement trade deals - if Britain doesn't renegotiate new deals with the EU within two years there will be tariffs on British goods sold to the EU.
Already the pound fell to its lowest point since 1985, with the biggest single day crash in history. So your goods will cost more to export and your currency is no longer worth shit, and you'll have little to no new foreign investment until a new immigration policy is set up.
You're completely fucked for at least 2 decades, if not more.
Britain BTFO
>I'm an economist you guys!
Ok sure thing bud. Without the muzies coming in, there will now be jobs for regular brits.
Good luck being a babysitter or any other job that nobody but foreigners accepted to do. This is one of the most stupid comments I've ever seen.
things were actually pretty nice for the non-shitskins
Daily reminder that EU never had any say in how many muslims you were bringing in. You'll get less Poles though.
>it's a everyone with a major in economy calls himself an economist episode
You can't find any reputable economist who would say Brexit is going to be a good thing for the country
>I am an economist retard.
Oh we are SO sure.
This will be Britain 28 days later.
Forgot the pic.
Hilarious how you can't contest anything I said so you attack my qualifications. If you knew anything about economics surely you should be able to explain why I'm wrong?
>mfw globalist shills can't contain their butthurt
>mfw Britain ends up profiting in the long run
>tfw I might actually get a job and career now that the country won't be an Islamic hellhole
>British goods sold to the EU
Britain makes things?
>So your goods will cost more to export
>pound fell to its lowest point
wut weak pound helps exports
not when every EU country has tariffs on British goods because they have no trade deal with Britain.
Why import from Britain when it will be cheaper to import from every other EU country?
>implying britain will quit the eu before securing a trade deal
this has been the past 6 years for the uk and usa
Fucking ass blasted.
>First natural birth in 20 years
>It's a moon cricket
Nobody has any reason to believe you.
>Germany and Sweden handing out citizenship to shitskins like candy
>EU never had any say
>I don't understand economics: The Thread
well duh
most of these are literal underage Sup Forumstards who somehow think less "shitskins" = more jobs, even though the EU doesn't really say how many immigrants they must take, and the fact the most immigrants are from commonwealth countries.
These people will simply ignore the universal consensus among economists about how shitty an idea brexit was, and continue to believe >muh manufacturing jobs are somehow coming back.
This is Sup Forums. Nobody understands anything but hating brown people and popular things
You're shit economist, that much I can tell. The reason why currency has plummeted is because most of the banks and financial agencies have backed the remain option. Cheap currency equals export boom, cheap currency means British exports are more competitive to sell overseas, so the pound will eventually go back up.
What's more important, the EU is not the only market in the world, and UK will be now able to negotiate better deals with China, Inida, Russia and others without having to look back at Brussels. And if the EU really wants to play tough with UK and kill its export with tariffs then it's mutually assured destruction, because ultimately the Eurozone economy is a deteriorating basket case that needs to export into Britain much much more than Britain needs to deal with European Union
Tell me about Britain? Why does it exit the EU?
>Having foreigners, Muslim at that, babysit your kids
Holy shit, the tragic thing is there genuinely exists people that too retarded to live.