Does anyone have the "Barron Trump's first orgasm" shota set?

Does anyone have the "Barron Trump's first orgasm" shota set?

What is your major malfuntion?

>What is your major malfuntion?
OP's gotta faggot

Same as yours. And mine.

We came to Sup Forums.

Barron popularity exploded on The_Donald when they realised he existed, lol. Dude he's too busy doing Cyber.

60-year-old father when born, immigrant Eastern European Catholic mother. What are the bets on whether or not he's circumcised?


also this will kill Sup Forums for sure


Try /r/ faggot...

In the shota he is!

degernerate....I like


post, faggot.



He is the cutest shota. FBI is probably monitoring this now though, President-Elect's little boy can't be touched!

Japanese FBI?

They are the worst.


FBI here, please continue.
