Oi, fags. Who watches this?

Oi, fags. Who watches this?


I did.
It's been so long since the last season.

I do.

Best and most creative show I have watched in years. Great stuff.

i love them XDDD

What's the draw to it? I've enjoyed the last be game they made. But I just can't stand the burp/fart jokes and the shitty human characters.

It has some really good moments. The Mr. Meeseeks and the Roy video game come to mind. I also really liked the "car protect summer" bit. The jellybean king rape scene was also quite intense. It's pretty rare you can't recommend a show to a female without qualifying it with "hey, just FYI there's a pretty strong rape scene in here that is very vivid and you might get triggered. which happens to a little boy by a jellybean king in a fantasy kingdom at the bottom of a beanstalk"

It has a lot of other clever stuff but all in all I think it's just OK. I actually like the human characters, they provide a contrast to all the insanity happening to R&M and also a way to overlap that to the real world (like the Meeseeks).

I think S3 is going to be really good. A lot of shows weren't great at first and needed time to find their groove I'm sure this is no different.

The episodes have some pretty good premises

Clever and imaginative and honestly funny at times.
I can't remember any fart jokes, but the burping I know is so the actor can buy time, as a lot of lines in this show are made up on the spot.

I mean, if you've watched it and don't like it, no one's gonna be able to explain the draw. It's like foot fetishism--I don't get it and never will.


Morty, you're gonna have to put these seeds in your butt!

My best friend and I were them for Halloween weekend, in NYC (I live in Brooklyn).

Everywhere we went, at every time of day, people knew who we were. At one point, at 2 in the afternoon, while walking to another friend's place a few blocks from mine, some girl stopped us to take a picture of us. It was a blast.

Just wanted to share that anecdote. Definitely my favorite show on TV right now.

Yeah, it's ok. a lot Better than family guy, kinda better then the latest archers, not as good as old school adultswim.

Not me, not except for a couple clips that a friend of mine had me watch. I thought it was ok, but not super amazing like people tell me.

Second season wasn't as great as the first. Cable 2 and Get Shwifty (despite its memes) were particularly bad. Ignore fanboys who say otherwise.

Looking forward to S3.

WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the More-government decided that best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a Monday night at 12:00 a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other pictures on this one site, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. apparently, if you copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes you will have the best day of your life tomorrow.You will either get kissed or asked out, if you break this chain u will see a little dead girls

That's awesome

Purge was my favorite episode

Thank you! Cable 2 was really bad, Herzog only had one line.

I have, it's decent. Not the best animated comedy show out there, but pretty solid.

Reddit does

this. Either you like it or you don't.

Shows need to make more than 3 episodes a season and not go 2 years in between seasons to keep my interest up

I don't give a fuck!!!


I initially thought it was one of those edgy "hurr-we-just-as-edge-as-south-park-durr"-clones (like Nushack or drawn together), but there's actually a lot of brainpower behind Rick and Morty.

Great character building, great commentary and great subtext. I really like Rick and Morty.

Lick-lick-lick my balls! Ha ha! I say that one all the time!

>carry on reading! Or you will die,
>cool, hope this is real

shit show tbh

I agree with this, S1 was much better. Although there were a lot of good episodes in S2, the one where Rick builds a civilization to power his car battery is pretty fucking cool.