Okay I made a post earlier and sounded like an entitled dick and would like to apologize for that...

Okay I made a post earlier and sounded like an entitled dick and would like to apologize for that, I was drunk and emotional and it's just hard for me to understand.

Basically, I hear and see a lot of guys in my university classes talking about all the pussy they slayed over the weekend. Here I am, alone on another Friday night by myself playing Steam games, alone and a virgin.

I just don't see, how these guys do it so easily. Half of them aren't impressive at all, but yet they "go out" and fuck whores every weekend and brag about it in Monday classes.

So where the fuck do these guys go? How do they stay? Girls ignore me all fucking week, I can't expect them to magically crawl on me during he weekends, but how do they manage to do it?

Does anyone have advice? I'm sick of being a fucking virgin, it's eating me alive and filling me with anger and jealously. I'm going to snap if I don't figure out how to get girls.

are you attractive? and no were not gonna believe your rates, or opinions or pictures of people you look like.

post some pictures of yourself. we'll start there and work our way down from the surface.


WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the More-government decided that best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a Monday night at 12:00 a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other pictures on this one site, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. apparently, if you copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes you will have the best day of your life tomorrow.You will either get kissed or asked out, if you break this chain u will see a little dead girl in y

yeah mate you're not really good looking. id rate you a 4, as in, slightly undesirable. maybe a 5 on a good date (as in, asexual object, no attraction no ugly).

that isnt to say you cant get laid, but you probably wont score any hot chicks. lower your standards to fatties and do soemthing with your hair.

if you lose weight you might stand a chance.

Imo OP, you should always look to make yourself happy before counting how many chicks you've fucked. If people see that you are confident and striving for your goals, then they'll naturally start to notice you more.

Got it. So you're an emo. Girls haven't learned to appreciate he select brand of mystery loner type that you are yet. Give it a few years, and learn how to actually fucking talk to a woman and you'll be rolling in it. Some people get it early and fizzle out young, some people get it later and life when they can actually enjoy it

you need a haircut
and to work out
then you'll be the exact same

Brutally honest but pretty much the long and short of it x

>guys never bullshit each other about the women they "fuck"

you need more friends.

I'm a grill btw

>pic related
because what the fuck does that have to do with ANYTHING?!

>Give up
>join isis
>allahu Akbar
> 72 virgin bitches waiting to suck you off

How have you not realized this?

My my my you look sad. Maybe you can ask santa for a treadmill so you can stop being a lard ass. Maybe then you'll get girls, but honestly I doubt it so just rape someone.

fuck outta here

This user's got good advice. But I think it's more long-term (or shit you should've started working on years ago).

This is short-term with relatively immediate results.

your hair is a fucking mess. start looking at different styles, get something simple but good-looking that works with your face/ears

clean up your skin. see a dermatologist if you need to, but get that shit under control

work out. you don't have a lot of advantages in the looks department so you need a hot body. it'll go a long, long way.

get all of that done, and the only thing holding you back will be your own level of confidence. so, lower your standards. until you've gotten familiar with the process of seduction and are confident in your ability to approach and engage women, you're gonna be spinning your wheels getting nowhere, especially with hot girls. it's a skill, not a gift. start small and work your way up.

you can definitely do it, but it takes work.

ignore op and acquire sauce for me

and this is?

Agreed. I only want to add the acne tip of laying a towel on your pillow to sleep on. A fresh towel EVERY NIGHT. Just get a cheap pack of terrycloth towels. A bunch of them so you won't run out while some are waiting to be washed. Shit works like magic and cleared me up back in the day.

Show us your flaccid dick please. No homo.

You're not bad looking at all mate! you just need to mess with some new hairstyles. I had my hair the same way and looking back i can honestly say i look much better now.

Do what I did:
- be confident in yourself. not douchebag confidence, but know your worth man
- improve posture, stand tall, and work out (which will increase confidence)
- find a hairstyle (which will increase confidence)
- buy new clothing that looks good on you (which will increase confidence)

Once these steps are complete, you will likely begin to socialize naturally. More socialization = more opportunities to meet people.

Listen man, this is Sup Forums and you will get shit for posting this by 11 year olds who have now become the majority on this board, but as a legitimate word of advice, you need to put yourself out there and someone will come along. Don't go looking for sex. Look for some friend group and branch out from there. It'll find you when you least expect it. inb4 wave of virgin cuck replies. Best of luck to you mate. Sorry you have to deal with these *edgy* kids now

hint: they dont


This man tells the truth.

Brotip: become a supreme gentleman nao, take as many as you can with you

Lose weight, and get a hair cut. Military styles are good.

>Need to cut that Hippy hair
Hair shouldn't dangle on a fella in any way.
It's pretty beta looking to be honest.
Smiling will make you and everyone around you happier.

Other than that you're good man.
Slay the puss.

It's literally ALL about confidence. People associate getting fit with being good looking because being fit makes people more confident about themselves. It's less about working out/getting a new hairstyle/etc. as it is about becoming comfortable in your own body and gaining a belief that "yes, I CAN smash that pussy".