Sigourney weaver on Ghostbusters

"I've read it and it's glorious and um the women in it are so phenomenally talented and you can tell they love each other and work together so beautifully and uh so I know it's going to be I think it's going to just what the fans want honestly. . .

. . .Studios are certainly going to find out that it's not white single 18-year old men who pick the movies, I mean... that's just absurd"

What did she mean by this?


I always assumed she was intelligent from the intensity she shows in her roles... guess not.

she meant "they've paid me $200,000 to lie about how good this movie is."

Will you listen to me PARKER?! SHADDAP!!

Well, she stars in it. She's just saying what they want her to.

Why did you post a picture of the crypt keeper?

Sigourney was always a scary looking woman

>Studios are certainly going to find out that it's not white single 18-year old men who pick the movies

why did it became ok to bully people over their skin color and life decisions?

Leftist hypocrisy

that all the flak is from single white 18 year olds liek the faggots of Sup Forums.

she nailed it.



that and they don't. that demographic pirates, women pay for movies, and guys dating women, (beta orbiters)

>why is a paid actress shilling a hollywood movie?
can you BE anymore stupid?

Obviously Sony is blackmailing her as well. Sony is blackmailing everyone. Sony blackmailed OP into making this thread.

This sounds really half assed. How much are they paying Sigourney?

>Studios are certainly going to find out that it's not white single 18-year old men who pick the movies, I mean... that's just absurd

Studio's always knew that.

This is why



exist in EVERYTHING.

IMAGINE being the xenomorph...

for a 120 year old she's still fuckable.

She isn't wrong. Single white 18 year old males torrent movies on the internet, the only time they go to the theater is with an assault rifle

about the same you get paid, I presume.

Oh okay then.


Why is moot wearing a wig

>. . .Studios are certainly going to find out that it's not white single 18-year old men who pick the movies, I mean... that's just absurd"


why do we need feminism again?



>capitalizing a random word like some triggered tumblr faggot
>calling someone else stupid to boost your ego
Yeah nahh, fuck off.

is this what shilling in a professional level looks like?
she must be making like 10k a word compared to the 5 pennys regular shills make per post.
This must be her most payinggig in years

See guys? You have nothing to worry about

>young white guys are the ones that bring in money
>only purchasing power at the same level is white guys with families


>18 year old single white guys

Fuck you bitch, I go to the cinema often and pay to see movies, who the fuck are you to look down on me because you don't like what *anonymous* people say about your film online?

>This must be her most payinggig in years




We need to discuss the bonus situation.

Yeah, this part in Ghostbusters wasn't for 18 year old dudes AT ALL
I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and assume that Amy Pascal kidnapped her family or something

When did Moot get so old?

Don't worry Parker, you'll get whatever's coming to ya

every fucking time

This is so fucking dumb, I hate you all


>movie studios being openly racist
How could we let this happen?

you can't be bigoted against straight white males, dummie xD


yes yes well done well done

Those pauses. All my keks

Let's discuss the elephant in the room, Sup Forums.
Would you an old Sigourney?

I'd fuck anything walking on two legs because I'm that desperate

Is having women in roles really empowering for women? Do they feel excited by seeing a woman on screen or something (not like we already have tons of that already so wtf)?

It's brilliant on their part. They've made it so that this movie can't fail, and can't be criticized. If it does fail, it's because men are sexist, if it is criticized it's because the critics are sexist. Even if it's a horrendous piece of shit, they'll be able to fall back on "because sexism".

Yep, but I'd run a mile over rusty razor blades to lick her toes in the 80's



>Studios are certainly going to find out that it's not white single 18-year old men who pick the movies
Will this ever stop?

Funny how we like to bury our heads deep into sand and make fun of Sup Forums for going against international jewry and their alleged demonization of "straight white males", but here we are, week in and week out we keep hearing from Hollywood douchebags and various quasi-celebrities about how "white males" are like the biggest fucking cancer in the world. Guys, we're at a war without even knowing it, and they're so winning.

Pretty much.

And it's all because of whiteknights appeasing their bullshit.

I never bought into the "go back to Sup Forums" meme. Bunch of butthurt PC liberals say that, Sup Forums is right most of the time except for their stupid HAPPENING shit

I swear I god if I were made to compile celebrity quotes about "evil white males" it'd be one gigantic collage.

Clooney, King, Abrams, 99% of comedians, 90% of black celebs, Streep, Rowling, Gervais, NBA, etc. The list goes on and on, and rabbit hole is deeper than we thought.



Sounds like they paid her to give the movie a favorable review and she wasn't comfortable with lying about it. She's got to pause and find the right things to say.

>i've read it and it's glorious
A novelization of ghostbusters or at least the script is good
>the women in it are so phenomenally talented
Credit where it's due, some of them do really well outside of movies.
>they love each other and work together so beautifully
Self explanatory. Good cast chemistry.
>it's going to (be) just what the fans want honestly.
Which fans?

She's trying to be supportive, but just like rest of the original cast she's seen the writing on the wall. All she can do is pat the staff on the back and hope for the best before telling them "at least you tried" afterwards.

At least that's how I'm seeing it.

Fans of ghostbusters want this to be The total bomb its going to be so executives at least think twice before trying this shit again

Is this the fist time in history that squirrelly teenagers have been able to project the illusion of influence?

Or does this illusion not extend beyond themselves which is how it's always been?


I've seen you in like 15 threads dude. take your name off, you're making Sup Forums seem so much smaller.

Hey Ripley, don't worry. Me and my squad of ultimate badasses will protect you! Check it out! Independently targeting particle beam phalanx. Vwap!


Let that shit sink in.

She's also one of the reasons Alien 3 was such a mess because it was more Important to her that the movie not have any guns than that it have an actual completed script.


>I always assumed she was intelligent from the intensity she shows in her roles... guess not.

You're surprised people with financial interests in the movie say good things about it?

I bet you thought Bill Murray was 100% sincere when he said this was better than the old ones.

who /bonus/ here?

I'm gonna make sure they nail you right to the wall for this! You're not gonna sleaze your way out of this one! Right to the wall!

not hum but you could lose your arguments a little more gracefully.

him* of course

more like she has as third movie clause in her contract. which like Bill Murray and the others. The studio is using to force them to promote the movie or sue them for breach of contract.

to weed out non worth material
why else?

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