Wanna see my pussy?

wanna see my pussy?

Im not a lesbian btw so no girls allowed

U got a baloney pussy?

Are you going to take a picture of your cat?

I wish, its got more of that closed clam look

That's cute. Lets see it

Add me on kik and let me see your clam pussy. XXBukLauXX

OP here, are you sure you guys aren't women?

I sure I no woman. Are you sure you no man?

Definitely sure bub

Now that we've gotten our sexes down. Show your pussy.

I'm ready for this cat to be let out

yup I want to destroy that cunt..

See my... how do you say numbers?

Fix the typo first crumbbun

It's official. The guy is a crumbbun.

Alright, now that I know this thread is secure from the presence of females, I shall show my vaginal area

Tick Tock

u do that


We can't see shit from that. Open the legs

Two legs pushed together

well that was worth the 40min wait

Maybe his fucking arms, yes, his
OP and his faggotry as usual

Here's a better one

I don't think even the weirdest fucking man could get off on this. Give us something to work with. Damn

Nice feet, faggot. believe it or not I'll still fap to this.