Who ya gonna call?

Who ya gonna call?


>file name



Everyone thinks she's the Michelin Man but she's not. She's the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.

Just like everyone thinks the Reese's pieces in ET are M&Ms. She would eat them both.

I'd still fuck her

And you are exactly the problem and why fat cunts think they deserve a Michael Fassbender.

Good fucking lord.

Very true, they certainly don't.

Only I do.

No, I want Michael Fassbender to myself

Why do so many of you hate melissa mcarthy? She played sooki in based gilmore girls. She is a great comedy actress especially physical comedy. She is the female chris farley. But you faggots hate her because she is a woman? Or a woman that isn't hot?

Melissa mcarthy is a good comedian actress.

>She is the female chris farley
You shut your fucking heathen mouth

> 10/10 Chad

> Great actor

Is there anything he can't do?

Spy wasn't bad

they hate her because they got triggered when she called them out on being lonely virgins living in their mom's basement.

She lost a lot of weight since that pic

She still fucking fat but not that fat



are you actually calling that user a Michael Fassbender lookalike?

what are you fucking gay??

Fucking beta orbiters man

i would like very much to have sex with her

>Is there anything he can't do?

love me


who dis?

Youre Mom

Imagine how soft and wet her pussy is. I'd get balls deep in her no questions asked.

I'm not gay but goddammit if I were I would fassbender. It's not even a DiCaprio or Dean type admiration because I don't wanna even be fassbender myself, I just wanna do him