what are some good movies other than classics. I've probably watched the classics. But you can recommend some obsecure and good ones.
btw I love that robots trying to be like human kind shit. Like Ghost in the Shell
what are some good movies other than classics. I've probably watched the classics. But you can recommend some obsecure and good ones.
btw I love that robots trying to be like human kind shit. Like Ghost in the Shell
stop writing like you're on tumblr, faggot
OP watch mister robot it's cyberpunk
Lawnmower Man and Johnny Mneomnic are underrated tbqh
I've already watched it yo
Thanks. I've watched Johnny Mneomnic but not Lawnmower Man. I'm gonna check it
how about bubblegum crisis
underrated/underseen flick directed by Katheryn Bigelow and written by James Cameron. really worth checking out.
*ghost-directed by James Cameron
Blade Runner is Tech Noir not Cyberpunk you cuck.
There's nothing even remotely Cyberpunk in it.
eXistenZ considered cyberpunk?
biopunk desu
Class of 1999
Asians are gross and creepy.
pretty sure this counts
That movie is too silly to be considered hard cyberpunk
Is cyperpunk themes or an aesthetic?
Blade Runner defines it aesthetically, but the best thematic example of cyberpunk is still the novel that created the trend: Neuromancer
the best example of the blending of the two is probably Ghost in the Shell 2
Aesthetic comes with the theme.
Split Second
Blade Runner
Aside from that, Akira.
Why does every thread about cyberpunk devolve into bickering about what it is and isn't?
It makes me think it isn't a real genre.
Burst City
It's a real genre of science fiction literature. Anything else... not so much.
what about ghost in the shell?
it's very specific, and some people get irritated about what constitutes cyberpunk
for example, Inception is technically a cyberpunk film, even though you wouldn't think so initially. on the other hand, when most people think cyberpunk, the first movie to come to mind is Blade Runner, which doesn't actually qualify.
>the first movie to come to mind is Blade Runner, which doesn't actually qualify
It it has the aesthetic.
the aesthetic, but literally none of the themes.
It absolutely qualifies. Look at the plot from the replicants' point of view and it's as Cyberpunk as it gets.
sure, but the film isn't from the replicants' point of view. it's from Deckard's, which is about as film noir as it gets.
mentioned in the OP
although yeah, I think GitS is quintessential cyberpunk, as much as if not more than blade runner
Blade Runner is Cyberpunk and Tech Noir.
You're being like an autistic music snob
>One of my favorite classic rock bands is Pink Floyd
>Pink Floyd is Progressive Rock you cuck
>There's nothing even Progressive about it, it's Psychedelic Rock.
What themes would that be?
This. Blade Runner is from the POV of The Man. Cyberpunk is not. Escape from New York is more cyberpunk than Blade Runner
It's a snoozefest.
is that a gtr?
cyberpunk is generally from the perspective of street thugs or criminals fighting against corporate/governmental corruption, and generally focuses on the societal impact of technology rather than the philosophical implications
Blade Runner is from the perspective of a detective working for a corporation, and focuses on the philosophical/moral ramifications of the replicants, not the societal impact
The movie contains no Cyber nor Punks. Therefore it's not Cyberpunk.
What is Nueromancer?
Told from the POV of a burnout hacker. Bottom-up pov is cyberpunk.
There's a better argument for Count Zero.
Tykho Moon (1996)
1.0 (2004)
Can it work for a MC who works for the corporation but rebels against it after seeing the bullshit for themself?
>mister robot
What? No it isn't.
Its a modern-day setting drama show about hackers
yes. it can even work with a protagonist who works for a corporation for the duration of the story, as in Neuromancer. what matters is the perspective of the character. it works in Neuromancer because Case is a burned-out hacker who gets blackmailed into a corporate job.
It has the trappings of cyberpunk (characters rebelling against the establishment with technology being a key factor).
Truth is we're already living in a cyberpunk world but it just doesn't seem that way because we're used to it.
and Deckard is a burned out detective who gets threatened into a corporate job
Not exactly cyberpunk, but
Demolition Man
Terminator 1
Oshii's Avalon
>already living in a cyberpunk world
We're living in a cyberprep world. We're moving toward Demolition Man, not Blade Runner
The matrix.
You're welcome.
ummm neuromancer has a bunch of philosophical shit in it
I feel like real good cyberpunk incorporates both societal and philosophical impacts, it's kind of hard to separate the two
>There's nothing even remotely Cyberpunk in it.
Except that William Gibson himself was worried that people might think that the descriptions of Chiba City and the Sprawl in "Neuromancer" were influenced by Blade Runner.
Also: Implanted memories, artificial intelligence, transhumanism and influences from the "hardboiled fiction" genre are all cyberpunk hallmarks.
That's why "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" has often been referred to as "proto-cyberpunk".
Hence it's only fair to call Blade Runner a style-forming cyberpunk movie – even if referring to the look and feel alone.
Strange Days
The movie that killed cyberpunk.
I haven't used three seashells for wiping my arse yet, have you?
I'm not a normie. You're just an idiot, that's the problem.
You know a movie is good when a pleb (like this one right here) says it's "boring"
I love Cyberpunk too; specifically when its more futuristic with a shitlaod of aliens like Star Wars and Mass Effect.
However, we don't really have a ton of these movies because they're very risky to pull off and not a lot of people enjoy them, especially when its a new movie based on something original.
Step aside plebs, cult classic coming through.
>tfw the only sci-fi movie made in Italy
Not a film but Serial Experiments Lain is fantastic. I would definitely watch it if you liked GitS
The real problem is that cyberpunk in film is deader than disco. It had its heyday in the 80s and early-to-mid 90s and most of the movies sucked.
I recommend you rather delve into literary cyberpunk. Gibson's Sprawl trilogy, Pat Cadigan's "Synners" and maybe Richard Morgan's "Altered Carbon" should keep you entertained for a while.
Holy shit this looks awesome. How have I never heard of this.
Is it good?
I can't enjoy cyberpunk anymore because it either became retro (late 70s early 80s neon vector graphix fetishism regurgitated by hipsters today) or a flimsy tech noir (later Gibson work like Spook Country) but above all, no matter how you put it - it's anti intellectual because every tenet it relied upon became futurology kool aid. In a sense best cyberpunk work is Tetsuo because it shows an insane metal fetishist driven to its ultimate form. I can't take seriously cyberpunk's solispsistic world view especially when denoting 'ghost in the shell' - that is the notion that the mind can maintain the same form while being independent from body, completely neglecting most of analytical philosopy for a simplified 'explanation' or psyche. Sticking implants into skull usb ports I won't comment on.
Biopunk is the offshoot of cyberpunk that needs all attention it can get - it's plausible, it's organic AND synthetic at the same time, or at least synthesized and presents a vision of the future that rings with greater clarity due to how true it can become.
it really is referring to a genre placed in a machine controlled future set around an oppressed counterculture subgroup which is where the punk comes form.
>cyberpunk is generally from the perspective of street thugs or criminals fighting against corporate/governmental corruption, and generally focuses on the societal impact of technology rather than the philosophical implications
"underground, the julian assange story" is definitely cyber in that case
Literary cyberpunk is built upon noir stylistics and plotting of your average caper novel. Visually it's about theme of high tech and low life wrapped in glass towers bleeding neon over the urban sprawl.
Think gypsies with iphones jacking chargers into street lights.
It's not THE BESTEST but it captures the Gibson feel alright, worth a watch.
and what is blade runner 2?
That remains to be seen.
>all these people arguing blade runner is not cyberpunk
i want summer to be over
Wow. Good thing I'm fluent in Italian. Gonna give this one a go right away.
More like shitpunk.
Worst movie ever.
That's what you get when you let your 70 year old grandpa make a movie about what he thinks video games are about.
>"This is a story about fear and flatulence"
I like Johnny Memorandum.
Dudeballs is rad.
Yeah, this.
>You know the score, pal! If you're not a cop, you're "little people."
I want to get online.
Sorry guys. I let the drugs do the talking there for a moment. I did like a, uh, freewheelin Jimmy Jack Kerouac Joyce Joyceson there. Not good enough, unfortunately but this is delivered as-is.
I know full well that John Mnemosyne is not about flatulence. It's still not a great movie -
Fuck. This post took me close to an hour or so.
Not even once, boys, NOT EVEN ONCE
pic unrelated
post unretarded
i think we are goin towards a children of men world, minus the fertility thing
Well the term punk alone has both physical and ideological connotations, so cyberpunk probably should as well.
Though I would say it's mostly an aesthetic.
I already think caffeine, coffee, is a hard drug, mate, what the fuck are you doing
Tetsuo: The Bullet Man
A Scanner Darkly
>>Sup Forums
>That's why "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" has often been referred to as "proto-cyberpunk".
By people who haven't read any cyberpunk or any Philip K Dick?
WOAH nice cyberpunk outfit
>taking the phrase 'cyber punk' literally
>blade runner isn't cyberpunk
It was made in 1999 and is still pretty accurate to what an RPG is.
How old are you?
my nigga love this fucking movie. the protag was great. youtube.com
circuitry man I would say sort of fits as well cherry 2000
>you will never live in a cyberpunk dystopian world surviving along your trap gf narcissa
Old enough to party