Neon Demon Discussion

What did you guys think of the Neon Demon? imo it's Refn's second best film and probably one of the top 5 films of the year so far.

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I agree. it was great. Only thing I wish is that there was more time with some of the characters like Keanu and Beta Boyfriend. And hendricks having another scene would have been nice. and no elle nudity was sort of beta.

With the reviews so bad I've shyed away but
Can you go into detail of the movie? Any deep meanings? Symbolism

having somebody explain deep meanings or symbolism defeats the point of it though. the idea is that the movie brings these things out of you. You should see it for yourself, the reviews are actually mostly good. only people who dont like this are ussies.

I don't know anything about the movie

What's the plot?

>2nd best film
not quite hard to achieve eh lol

I have nothing to add to the conversation, I wanted to post this webm

Young girl starts to model in LA

That's a great scene. Nubile feminine beauty has a temporal nature but there always the next cohort.

I think there might be some kind of sick joke about beauty being in the eye of the beholder but to explain it any further would be a massive spoiler

My ranking

Only God Forgives

Valhalla Rising



Neon Demon

haven't seen the rest of his movies. That's just after the first viewing. It may climb the ranks after I see it again. I can easily say the the scene where the girl vomits up the eyeball is my favorite scene in any of his movies.

and gets eaten by lesbian cannibal corpse fuckers

Unintentionally hilarious NWR interview


It's was fucking garbage, just like OGF.

Any real Refn enthusiast should be ashamed if they enjoyed this movie.

>Refn enthusiast
>OGF garbage


aw man... why'd RFN have to be cucked.

His movies used to be so good, now they are just vapid garbage.

>Ricolas Finding Nefn

One of the best of the year sure but not refn top 3. Some of it was clever, the ending went full danish which was a weakness. Some of the scenes were clever but after the scene with the demon dance and strobe it feels like youre waiting for escalation that does not come cinematically


The ending was the best part!
Also Keanu.

Just watched it. 8/10 for me. Totally did not see that ending coming.

i didn't see any indication the two models were lesbians, just malone

You can't see what is good for you, so it's better you don't see.

I mean... they were kissing and showering together naked.

>any indication
shower scene?

forgot the kissing
idk models showering together isn't weird
they're nude or half nude around each other all the time (/are also supposed to be sexually jaded/sophisticated)

poor Bella
she wanted to be friends

weird like something only two people with a sexual relationship would do, not weird as in lesbians are weird
which I've already seen the movie criticized for
(neon) demonizing lesbians

>dat ass
>dem legs
double neck?

Nice dubs btw

Just saw it. It's great.


If you didn't like Valhalla Rising or Only God Forgives, just steer clear. It's not as obtuse as OGF, but it definitely isn't Drive.

OGF>Drive>TND=Bronson>Valhalla Rising

If you can't appreciate The Neon Demon or OGF, just give up film now.

>le graphic violence while women sit by obediently
So many fresh ideas.

>graphic violence

If you don't want to listen, then stop listening.


random woman has an opinion you don't like, how interesting

lol the blake lively shark movie has a higher rt score

>lol the blake lively shark movie has a higher rt score
How is that relevant? You do now people are slamming this movie because it has content that is not considered appropriate in 2016. People are rating it badly because it has misogynist content and is (various things about women) directed by a man.

I think it's funny, I liked the movie though I can see why people who want deeper characters or a more original take on Hollywood wouldn't.

Interestingly two women were involved in writing the original script, and the cinematography is by Natasha Braier.

I don't see why people think it's misogynist. It's a film about beauty and people willing to do anything to get what they want how is that anyway sexist to woman?

All of the men are also terrible or even worse...I think the film does an ok job showing that the industry is controlled by men who have the power to make or crush a girl because she's older than 23 or is only 20 pounds underweight instead of 25. Women are part of the hierarchy and are terrible to each other as individuals, but both the big photographer and designer are men (and motel owner). Typically it's a cop out to say a man accused of sexism also hates men but NWR is incapable of creating realistic humans male or female.

NWR is already being called a racist on social media for only casting tall white women in the film instead of "muh diversity", when it's completely fucking obvious that the film is meant to be a sort of satire of the fashion industry's traditionally rigid, exclusionary standards of what people should look like. Some people will always miss the point.

I thought Jess bf was a okay guy but beside him I thought the man were terrible to but like you said the woman in this movie aren't better especially to each other.

there are black models...they don't talk, but there are like 5 characters who get more than 5 of which is the semi bf who isn't white I don't think

I saw posts saying it was glorifying the motel rape and made it seem like it was shown, the screaming was bad but a. it sounded like an adult actress so it wasn't as creepy as it might have been b. the 13 yo girl isn't shown so how can she be sexualized? it's just obvious bad guy keanu talking about her, with a nod to kubrick with calling her lolita; NWR is in no way making light of it and the movie I don't think really sexualizes Elle any more (less!) than your average Vogue photo shoot does or ABC family show does!

What are they talking about NWR had a black girl and a Asian girl in the background of this movie.

The man is all about having diversity in his casting.

His personal opinions on race or irrelevant. I'm just saying I think the "white people only" complaint as applied to this film is ridiculous because it's completely accurate to the oppressive beauty mindest the film is parodying. Fashion has always had traditionally strict views of what beauty is, and still does to a large extent, with some exceptions. A lot of tall white blondes. Depiction is not endorsement, however.

Jesse's bf was literally the only "good" character in the movie. Once Jesse abandons him, she gives herself over to narcissism, which leads to her death.

>get back from seeing it
>check imdb score
>give it a 9
>it's at a 7.0

Rotten Tomatoes cucks on suicide watch, all thanks to me :^)

Best movie I have seen this year so far. I don't get why it was rated so poorly by some people. I get that it goes against some people's sensibilities but come on its still a well made movie.

How violent is this film?


It's plenty violent, but I'd honestly say that the sexual stuff is more disturbing.

>he disagrees with me, better call him a pleb, that'll show him

why'd you ruin the 69 meme?

>movies men will never understand

blood used in a photo shoot, and real blood later in a bath, a bloody cut hand, a disturbing violent rape that takes places off screen but you hear screaming, a bunch of stuff that's gross but not worse than you'd see on csi, a shadowy piss/blood/can't really tell coming out of a vagina/butt scene, no real jump scares
don't look bc this was the best suprise an eyeball

>but I'd honestly say that the sexual stuff is more disturbing

uh,can i get some details??
i understand if you don't wanna spoil.


sounds like a fun summer film

Not going to spoil, it would 100% ruin your experience. Go see it.

Yeah pretty much I think that the part where Jess abandons him once she starts to get successful in modeling really made Jess herself unsympathetic but I still did feel bad about what happened to her.

I felt bad about what happened to her, but I really think she brought it upon herself, for the most part. The monologue she gave before the chase scene sealed the deal.


it's spoiled upthread... no you don't see elle naked, there's the heard not seen rape, attempted rapes and sexual harassment, gross talk about underaged girls, a run of the mill masturbation scene with a side character

this might be giving the movie too much credit, but maybe she dumps him bc he's not corrupt like she in her heart is, she really does believe all this Perfect Beauty is the only thing and the most important thing blah blah and she either wants to protect him or less benevolently rooted reasons

thank you

Yea I agree. I think what I like about the ND does differently with Jess becoming a narcissist is that in other movies heck even irl there always someone there corrupting them to go bad.

In this movie it's absolutely the power is making it into a narcissist but she choose to be that way.

She's always been a huge narcissist. Her mother called her "dangerous", she knew she could "make money off pretty" and she admitted to Gigi (or was it Sarah?) that she likes the way she looks. She also attacks Gigi for no reason when she brags about her surgeon and the fact that he calls her a "bionic woman". She started to show her true self when she got what she wanted, which was to be apart of the fashion show and get contracts. She used Dean because he was the first person to admire her when she arrived in L.A.

She was truly a neon demon

Agreed. I was also pretty impressed at how similar they got he girls to look like eachother when they were dolled up and at the right camera angles. It really showed that they were all striving for the singular look defined as "beauty."
Anyone have any idea what is meant by what happened with Janna Malone's character under the moon at the ends? I saw the similarities with he moon / her posture bein similar to Jesses, but what about the blood?

could you explain

Should I see this tonight or tomorrow morning? The less people there the better (plus the vibe afterward is different, which one works better)

Whenever you want to man. Its got some pretty disburbing scenes, so take that hiw you will.

Ya, I'm prepared, I'm just wondering when there will be less people, and if it would be better to watch really tired, or fresh first thing in the morning

morning, some boring scenes, easy to fall asleep to

Was that really a rape Elle heard through the wall? I thought it was just a model who was having a mental breakdown, I don't believe Keanu was raping girls as that would be entirely against his autistic character

He was truly a real human bean.

I saw it as jessie wakes up from her dream, a warning, and locks the door, hears keanu try to open the door then he goes to the next room with the 13 year old, you hear her screaming and saying no don't and stuff-I mean it could have been in jessie's head but I didn't get that, keanu had been talking about how 'hot' the runaway was earlier and I didn't see him as 'autistic', just a creep who's around a bunch of other creeps so he doesn't even feel the need to hide it

also maybe just as disturbing is that elle doesn't (as far as we see) call the cops or do anything to help the girl, she's just worried he'll get her so she runs away

Ohhh, very good observation. On another note, I almost had the auditorium to myself with just one couple in front of me. About 3/4s through the movie, the girl, who was talking sporadically during the movie, said to her bf, "Where's the demon?"

Just got back from seeing it in the theater on this opening night. There was only 1 other person in the theater besides me.

The film was fucking fantastic. Amazing visuals, really well shot cinematography. I just loved what Refn did with the colors and how he composed some of the shots. Great performances from all the actors, especially Elle Fanning. Man that girl can act. The music score was fantastic as well, and really suited the movie well.

The visuals I'd say were on par with Only God Forgives, and the story was told in a more sensical way as well. Altogether an improvement, and I really like the direction Refn is taking with his filmmaking. Great atmosphere too, the film kept me in a constant state of unease and discomfort/anxiety. IT's very rare for a film to have this effect, so I enjoyed that tremendously.

If you want to see this in theaters, go now. Doesn't seem like the mainstream masses will love it, so it might not be in the theater for too long. Don't miss your chance, this is really something that should be experienced on the big screen.

The only regret I have is I shouldn't have taken my mom with me to see the movie. She just walked out after one particularly graphic scene, (you know which one if you saw the film) and it was kind of awkward on the ride home. So I'd say this is not a film you want to go to see with parents, or even particularly normie friends.

Not sure why they booed it at Cannes, I enjoyed it quite a lot.

I don't want to get into

She wasn't 100% nude but you could see her butt and boobs outline in the dress on the scene overlooking LA.

I wouldn't even compare neon demon/only god forgives with his other films. They exist in a totally different realm.

>not a film to see with normie friends

This. I went to a screening in a popular place and people were laughing at literally everything because they were treating it like a SAW movie.

Why does elle have such a long neck?

Do you think she deserved it?

I don't understand her dream sequence with was she able to predict the future?

Refn has said that he considers this a science fiction film, maybe there's something subtlety supernatural going on behind the scenes would also kind of explain the ending...

Hey, you're the "taking my mom to neon demon" guy. Told you, but really glad you enjoyed it

This. Or they were whispering "Oh my god" or "eww, is she eating it?"

you mad man

I think she did because she became as animalistic as the other girls in the industry. To me, it felt like what happened was analogous to lions killing a rival. You wouldn't care about whether or not that lion deserved it would you?

I took it as some kind of premonition, just like the cougar in her room earlier. There was a lot of predator imagery, like the owl, cheetah, wolf, other beasts in the house at the end. Maybe prey has an instictive fear sense that goes off when predators are around?

she was already afraid of him, there's a scene earlier where she's hiding behind the building and waits until he's not looking to run to her room
there was also the mountain lion earlier, so the idea that her room isn't safe is doubly in her at least subconscious, which came together in her dream
idk why they didn't have a line about her planning to move tf out earlier though, money is maybe on purpose not really brought up

So was she a vampire?

Beauty exists to be consumed. It was just more literal this time.

The only thing keeping her safe was her morality. Once she threw away her virtues, she was fair game

Interesting point, in fact you could say pretty much every character in the movie was a predator of some kind, sexual, literal, economical, or otherwise.

Nah, Dean was pretty nice.

Except the pussy octaroon knight boyfriend

>top 5 films of the year so far.

Have there even been 5 movies worth watching at all this year, let alone a top 5? The only other worthwhile one I can think of is green room.

Wasn't drake on drive?

Can't wait until this comes out on bluray. So many scenes are ripe for a webm.

he was the only one with morals, but he was still (however chastely) dating a 16 year old while being 25-26, which in real life is pretty gross

Except based Dean senpai.