What went so right compared to other young adult franchises?
>Hunger Games
>The 5th Wave
>The Maze Runner
All of these are shit, but howEVER did Harry Potter end up being good or dare I say great?
What went so right compared to other young adult franchises?
>Hunger Games
>The 5th Wave
>The Maze Runner
All of these are shit, but howEVER did Harry Potter end up being good or dare I say great?
Other urls found in this thread:
Compare the casting.
pent up fan base
long standing fan base
the first book came out in 97. also during a time before internet, so A LOT more kids were reading then. the first movie, 01. You had legions of kids ready to go for the first one.
they will all stay for the ride, so naturally like a tidal wave you pick up more and more kids for each movie, its a gaurateed success
>the 5th wave
How is that even worth mentioning?
the key difference between HP and the others you mentioned is that HP is actually competently written
there's only so much you can do when your source material is essentially a horny middle-aged hambeast's self-insert fanfiction, as is the case with all of those titles that i'm familiar with
Harry Potter was fucking HUGE compared to any of those.
true but how was it worth making?
lol who fucking approved that shit.
so Harry Potter is barely YA shit?
source material
i mean, they started out as kids films/books
the only reason they transitioned into being more young adult type material is because that's what the fans were growing into