>people unironically watch this meme show
It's literally the current year
>people unironically watch this meme show
It's literally the current year
Stop shilling this shitty Tumblr show.
how does she know he's straight. He could be bi curious just thinks feminine penis makes him straight.
he fucks her tho
This kind of attitude annoys me the most when it's coming from straight white women. If we're the oppressors, white women have been supporting, encouraging, and sharing the profits of that oppression for the whole fucking time. Thousands of years. And they always make the loudest, most outspoken "kill white men!!" SJWs.
It's like that moment in Inglorious Basterds when Landa realizes his team might be about to lose, and immediately switches sides without a second thought, assuming that his former enemies would embrace him.
>ywn fuck young lolly
Why isn't she considered a rapist by tumblr?
Eh, she's very privileged herself and she later coerces him into sex. By the end of the season she's revealed to be a coward that enjoys having power over others. I don't think we're supposed to think that her word is gospel.
how does she know he's a man?
I mean 2 seconds before that scene she was literally saying she's not some dumb naive old black lady.
Between this and Jessica Jones, is netflix exclusively Tumblr shows now?
eh, theres good shit like Peaky Blinders still.
Mainstream media in general is tumblr media. It's 2016.
If you genuinely like this show you're what is wrong with Sup Forums
Peaky Blinders isn't Netlfix familia
Explain to me why this show is bad without posting "LE TUMBLR!!!"
>tfw you find out lolly isn't played by ellen
If you like it you can watch it, but please alt+w out of this board
I like the show because it's a fun show that's easy to watch but I hate the PC crap. This season is worse than last season and I'm about ready to ditch the show. I wished season one had had PC shit in it so I could of noped right the fuck out of this show. But it's too late now.
>An uterus
>people don't understand what satire means anymore
The only good thing about the show was her. Now there is no need to watch.
This is meant to be ironic because she later coerces him into sex thus making him a victim you fucking morons
She fucking rapes him later on. Learn 2 fucking context faggots.
>explain to me why you think that 5 year old is annoying without telling me about him screaming in your ear all day