100%, uncut, no bullshit Mary Sue characters
Pic related
Literally his only flaw is that he's a homosexual. That's it.
100%, uncut, no bullshit Mary Sue characters
Pic related
Literally his only flaw is that he's a homosexual. That's it.
A brief prequel released before season five and on the season five DVD set features a young Omar, his brother Anthony, and an unidentified older boy planning and executing a robbery of a man at a bus stop in 1985 Baltimore. Even as a young boy, Omar shows remarkable intelligence, morality, and force of character by first questioning the value of robbing the man and then compelling the unidentified older boy (at gunpoint) to return the money. Anthony expresses tired amusement at Omar's actions, demonstrating his familiarity with his brother's forceful personality. Omar is shown with his characteristic facial scar, indicating that he somehow received it as a child.
I think simon realized this character was getting away from him and gave him that pathetic death to save him from it.
Omar went full capeshit but Simon balanced it out by giving him a patrician tier "pleb crusher" death scene.
you know you would omahh let tag your poophole
>thinking of the days when this board was so leftist that shows like The Wire were near universally respected as "great".
This place has really gotten much better 2bh. "Cuck" should be the first and last word that anybody says in response to this leftist dross.
This. He was great until Simon decided to use him as a plot device to tidy up loose plots. Should have died in S3. Instead he makes it to S4. At least his death was pretty poignant. I remember when he and Bunk were talking about how they went to the same school Bunk tells him kids were mimicing Omar. One of those kids went on to kill him for Marlowe.
I remember when people used to out effort in their bait
and he's a nigger
It's not bait. If you're denying that this board has gotten more right wing (and therefore better) then you are either new or blind.
>Literally his only flaw is that he's a homosexual.
Hi Sup Forums
Hi bait.
>basically shows dozens of leftist policies failing because they don't address the actual root of problems
>practically acknowledges blacks are just as racist as whites
>Mary Sue
You didn't even follow your own criteria, faggot.
Curious how Sup Forums's descent into alt-right retardation seems to sync perfectly with the rise in reddit-tier shitposting.
I never liked his character much. He was a fun addition to certain plot lines. both he and brother M. were cartoonishly unrealistic, yet seeing them take out stringer was great. I think part of the problem is that if you want to make a perfect warrior in a show as grounded as the wire, less is more. Show the cool confrontations and the quippy lines, but don't give us their perspective, always show them through someone else. We saw him cry and be vulnerable. Which was cool in a way, but you can;t have it both ways. Either he's a real dude or he's a superman.
It humanizes an inhuman race. That's leftism in my books. Doesn't matter how much surface level criticism of the left they tack on in order to create the illusion of balance. The writers of this show clearly think that blacks are deserving of empathy and that's KEKOLDRY my friend.
Mary Sues do die though
The right wing bend is the chemo that is protecting this board from the redditor sensibility posters and their video games and capeshit.
>falselfagging this hard
Except I'm serious my friend. No reason to play coy any more. We live in a beautiful new post brexit world. White reclamation is coming.
>being this much of a Sup Forumstard
it's not a commentary about race in general, but mostly the police/crime system. The most scumbag character in the entire show was black and he wasn't even a gang member (Clay Davis)
The only scene that really bothered me was the courtroom scene.
As if a lawyer would be flummoxed by some thug giving him a "We're not so different" speech. Yet it was treated like some massive moment and an intellectual victory for Omar.
>on the road of total self destruction because he can't take loss
>gets beaten in battle by an appostle, but still
>sacrifices his loyal troops and 'best friend'
>rapes the woman that adored him
If you have Griffith as a friend, you don't need enemies. I hope he dies before Miura does.
Depicting any black characters as being deserving of sympathy is an implicit commentary on race and they come down on the lefty degenerate side of that conversation.
There is no tragedy the death of somebody like D'Angelo, Bodie or Wallace (no matter how much hip yet profound philosophical dialogue the white writers give them). Yet the language of the show tries to find some and that is plain immoral. We're supposed to empathize with the locust that are raping our crops?
>Yet it was treated like some massive moment and an intellectual victory for Omar.
Reminder that liberals are easily impressed by niggers acting smart
See: Neal Degrasse Tyson
The board is 90% capeshit and memes. The other 10% is Game of thrones, right wingers getting #triggered, cuck porn threads, and a tiny handful of poor bastards actually trying to discuss movies.
Sup Forums's reddit takeover corresponds directly with the rise of Sup Forums, which is literally acting as reddit's base of operations on Sup Forums.
When we're on the fucking brink of a cultural genocide anybody who actually wants to talk about "muh mubies" outside of the political implications of cinema is a fucking coward. You should have grown out of entertainment a long time ago.
>The board is 90% capeshit and memes. The other 10% is Game of thrones,
The reddit takeover, pouring in through pleb boards Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
> right wingers getting #triggered
The chemo stopping this board from falling into complete infantilized degeneracy
>cuck porn threads
Buttmad leftists trying to upset the right wing saviors of this board.
Just got done watching, the acting was superb but the writing was shit. Hamibal was basically this invincible, unbeatable, serial killer. Anyone who crossed him ended up getting theirs and was implied to have deserved it by acting on their selfish desires, which would be fine if the one going around dispensing fairy tale justice didn't eat innocent people for shits and giggles in his spare time. In Red Dragon, Will had this grandiose reputation for having caught Lecter, and in the show he fucking turns themselves in because the writers could never force themselves to write him slipping up, That bullshit ending where he seduces Will was passable only because they both an hero afterwards.
All that on top of him being pro-tier at literally everything he does in the show.
>When we're on the fucking brink of a cultural genocide anybody who actually wants to talk about "muh mubies" outside of the political implications of cinema is a fucking coward. You should have grown out of entertainment a long time ago.
Watch that edge, you're scaring the children.
Also, who is being genocided in this scenario, and by whom? Please do elaborate.
>The reddit takeover, pouring in through pleb boards Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
You're not wrong about Sup Forums. That Gabberglobber shit brought easily-triggered 20-something right wing white guys to the site in hordes. They made Sup Forums their home, then immigrated to Sup Forums where they multiplied their numbers, and now they've infected the entire site with their conspiracy theories and talk of redpills and degeneracy.
>The chemo stopping this board from falling into complete infantilized degeneracy
whoomp there it is
>Buttmad leftists trying to upset the right wing saviors of this board.
Right wingers are literally obsessed with black cocks. The left doesn't need to false flag to make them look like cuck enthusiasts, they do a fine job on their own.
I mean, he doesn't appear to be a flaming faggot or anything. You Sup Forums autists need to get a grip.
>SRS false flagging as Sup Forums so it can argue with itself
Even Sup Forums is more subtle than this. You need practice.
Yeah. This place is so much better now that Sup Forums regularly show up to spout off-topic shit, which triggers tumblr faggots into spamming the boards with blacked porn.
that he's gay is one of his more interesting characteristics. You can imagine that he started robbing drug dealers after the abuse he must have received at their hands growing up for being a fag. Otherwise he'd probably just been one of them.
>If you don't think blacks are inhuman you're a leftist
You're literally retarded.
The Wire is barely even a leftist show, despite David Simon being involved. Fuck, one of the 'good' characters kills a black cop and is portrayed completely sympathetically through that whole ordeal.
Can you imagine how much the David Simon of today would be browbeating us with MUH WHITE PRIVILEGE during that plot point if he were behind a modern show? It's not that we've gone right, it's that the upper echelons of society have gone batshit insane left.
For a black actor who isn't gay he sure plays a gay black guy a lot.
He's pretty good in Hap and Leonard too, even though he's basically just a more southern Omar.
Reminder that Avon was smarter than Stringer.
>implying that isn't also Sup Forums's doing
They are the one spamming the black cock meme, black people themselves don't use Sup Forums in large numbers. Tumblr is retarded but they are not the ones obsessed with that webm of that girl being fucked by two black guys on a couch while the white guy watches outside.
>Mary Sue
>not Gary Stu
>being gay is a flaw
>literally dies
How can anyone still be this retarded?
Yeah, it's Sup Forums making those posts on SRS urging people to spam interracial porn on Sup Forums. Makes perfect sense.
The guy Omar is based off of, who appears in Season 4 as one of Omar's in jail bodyguards, actually fell off more stories than Omar in the show and lived.