Hey guys, i'm new to Sup Forums,I recently turned 19,and want to talk about christianity guys, sorry do there was some spelling mistakes in on my phone
Hey guys, i'm new to Sup Forums,I recently turned 19,and want to talk about christianity guys...
Other urls found in this thread:
Whats your favorite book /testament
Allah Akbar!!!
This thread is now about ISLAM
>Ask me anything.
art of jesus is so sexy id let him fuck my ass like a jackhammer
read bible
Post actually hot muslim girls
i did i like the sex rape and torture scenes
Guys please don't talk so sinfully about Jesus like that please
Allah Fuck your shit this is a spiderman thread now
In ISLAM you are allowed to fuck SHEEP but after deed you need to kill the sheep and must not eat it.
You are allowed to sell it to other people but not your family.
how do i buy half slave muslim bitches?
Guys this is Christianity thread
I raise you Muhammed
You can have 4 wifes in ISLAM
Go to Marocco there is best Muslim woman
>pic related
those are rape eyes but thats to be expected his wife was 9
4 women that do nothing but depend on my income to live? no thanks. I can barely support myself thank you. and like i said. THIS IS SPIDERMAN THREAD
islam is a religion of cowards and thieves
your prophet mahoma was a faggot
jesus needs his asshole plunged every now and then anyone got gay jesus porn?
Western culture and Muslim culture are different.
For us it is strange Western man let their woman wear strap on and get REKT in anus.
Spiderman vs Muhammed?
>Muhammed can fly to the moon on a horse with a human face called Buraq.
ISLAM took over Christian thread.
Spiderman tried to defend it.
This is the first time ever a Spider-man thread ever got hijacked.
Hijacked by ISLAM!!!
>wants to talk about christiany on Sup Forums
Is this satire?
Ask me anything about ISLAM I am an IMAM in London.
Here take royal family member
I like the part of the bible when god sicke a bear on two kids and then mauls them to death. Good wholesome family story.
You on the wrong board faggot
>pretends don't know what trolls are
Go end your life....
Islam breasts are so juicy
Ok. Let's talk about Jesus.
The character of Jesus was an invention from the Roman empire to shut up the messianic jewish cults causing problems.
That's why none of the gospels were ever found in Aramaic. That's why so much of Jesus's story is blatant plagiarism of older man-god myths, and that's why the council of Nicea was organized by the Roman Emperor Constantine.
Christianity is a fake religion.
>wants to talk about christianity
>on Sup Forums
you finna get bombed fo
I'll talk to you OP.
What do you wanna talk about?
Go fuck yourself with a menorah and wipe your fucking ass with your Torah, fucking kike.
Hello ,although the spiderman pictures were funny i'm glad you could join me. What is your perception on the old testament in contrast to the new?
I was here first. Fuck off you religious nut.
>Says Jesus was fiction
>Must be a Jew
Dude... it doesn't take a jew to see how fake the foundations of Christianity are.
Everything points to the gospels being a roman fabrication.
How do you mean?
Boi, he cant talk anywhere else
Says a kike. Everyone knows how far kikes would go in their lies, that includes denying themselves are jewish.
>Actually has a bible
>Browses Sup Forums
You're either a degenerate, or a degenerate.
Jesus taught to kill non-believers
14:25-35 Though the disciples of Christ are not all crucified, yet they all bear their cross, and must bear it in the way of duty. Jesus bids them count upon it, and then consider of it. Our Saviour explains this by two similitudes; the former showing that we must consider the expenses of our religion; the latter, that we must consider the perils of it. Sit down and count the cost; consider it will cost the mortifying of sin, even the most beloved lusts. The proudest and most daring sinner cannot stand against God, for who knows the power of his anger? It is our interest to seek peace with him, and we need not send to ask conditions of peace, they are offered to us, and are highly to our advantage. In some way a disciple of Christ will be put to the trial. May we seek to be disciples indeed, and be careful not to grow slack in our profession, or afraid of the cross; that we may be the good salt of the earth, to season those around us with the savour of Christ.
you know.. some things don't do them justice simply explaining them
I actually fell asleep from you stupid fucks. Stop posting boring bible shit and leave spidey alone.
Fuck Islam shit.
I'll start the topic.
Jesus is my waifu, surely one of the best girls of all anime I watched. The Bible should really get an anime adaptation, It would be perfect.
Everyday in my life, I am thankful to Jesus for all what he did for me. Even if he is not alive anymore.