Bensedixt xumberbatch
Benedict cimhervwty
Benedict Cumberbatch
Benedict Cumbernatch
So close
I'm on my phone right now so it's not as easy as it is on a keyboard
benedict cucumberwazcj
Benedict Cumberbatch
Bend just to cumbffbxh b
Autocorrect to the rescue
bendicvt cvumbertbsatvh
benedict cumberpatch
shit i've been saying his name wrong for years
benderict cumberbatcj
Beneduck cumnernshat
Benedict Cumberbatch
Benedict Cumberbatch.
Hell, after 30 years of typing stuff I know where every key is.
Benedict cunvergwrxg
Benedict Cumberbatch
found the Pole
I approve.
Wreck it Ralph
Benedict cumverbatch
benedict cumberback
"Remeber your home keys everybody."
Benedict Cunhddoatch
brnrficy cunberbatch, honestly pleased by my attempt
Benedict Cumberbatch
ez gaming ez life
Benedicr cumberbayfh
not bad
Professor Normal
Bebedicht Cumberbatch
Well done on the capitalisation!
Benedict Cumberbatch
Apparently I'm better at typing than I thought.
Benedict Vumverbatch
jesus christ...
Benadryl Coldandflu
well fuck.
Benedict Cumberbatch
fuck I actually did it
*nerd balls fully exposed*
Ne,edoct viĆ¹,rt,zuvk
Well, fuck
Benedict Cumberbatch.
Holy fuck, whiskey hasn't taken effect yet obviously.
benedict cumberbatch
Bentdick Cuminsnatch
Bendmydick Screwmyback
Benedict Cumberbatch
benedice vumberbg
Benedict cumnrtnsyfh
benedict cumnerbatch
Don't talk with your mouth full!
Brnedict xgbvdrvFvf
Benedict cimberbacjt
Benedict Cumberbatch
Benedict xomberbatxh
>auto correct helps
Boogerdick Cummercatch
aaw poop
Benedict Cumberbatch
Benedict cunberbaych
Benedict Cumberbatch
I game and type in the dark all the time and I can't see my keys 80% of the time. I know what I'm doing.
Benedict Cumnerbatch
E edkcy. H. Et ag v
benedict cumbetpatch
Benedictr CumberbaTCH
Donald J. Trump
benedict cumberbatch
If you can't type with your eyes close, you aren't properly educated.
BTW, I typed this with my eyes closed. every word.
Benedict Cumberbatch
vebeduct cynvervatcg
Benedict vumbrt viy
oh crap, im gooed
Benedict Cumberbatch
That was pretty good
benedict cumberbatch
cool story bro
benedict cumerbatch
bendadict cumberpacyh
Benedict Cumberbatch
Benedict you unverified at j
Bendthatdick Cucumbersnatch
george bush did 9/11
brnrfivty coumbrtbsyvh
Bfhrfuvy cunceybdybj
bendthatdick cuminsnatch
Bentdick Comeinhersnatch
I too can type sentences with my eyes closed. Without any loss in speed or accuracy. It's probably because I'm nearly 30 and not a shitkid 14 year old like everyone else on Sup Forums. (Yes all of this was done with my eyes closed)
Benedict cybervatch
beneduct cynberbatch
Benedict Cimberbatch
benedict cumberbatch
brnfivcky cumbrtbsatvj
benedict cumberbatch
Spideybro. lets take down this thread together!
beneditcu cumberbatch
English please.
benedist cumberbatch
helps if you learn how to type without looking at the keyboard.
Benedivt Vumbverbarcxg
benedicy cumber batch
Benedict Cumberbatch
Bened8x6 d7jwrha5ch
'Benedict Cumberbatch' With Your Eyes Closed And Share Your Result
Benedick cumberpackt
benedjch cumberbatxh
Bensadick Cuminsnartch
Beneid cj.vetvatch
Benesixt xumberbatxh
Bend a dick cum on her back