What does Sup Forums make of the recent rumor making the rounds?
>Negan goes Gallagher on Glenn's head as expected
>Abe goes berserk, tackles Negan, and starts pummeling him
>Negan's men pull Abe off and beat the shit out of him
>Negan calls his men off, helps Abe up, and tells him "I knew you had guts" (probably a nod to when Abe stared him down at the lineup)
>stabs him in the stomach out of frame and guts him
>"And there they are." (cheesy, but it wouldn't be the first cheesy comic line they made it into the show)
>Abe avoided his death by Dwight but just got ended up taking an early remix of Spencer's
Glenn and Abe's actors are almost complete no-shows for the filming of the first 4–5 episodes while almost everyone else has been spotted, and they've been out of state or even the country while filming is going on. There's also a leaked casting call for a dream sequence that requires mixed race babies that heavily implies it's a "what if" scenario for Glenn/Maggie and Abe/Sasha starting families.
It's impossible to confirm because AMC has literally threatened to sue TSDF if they post any credible leaks, and they're the only reliable source who've almost always been right.
What does Sup Forums make of the recent rumor making the rounds?
I agree with the fact that they'll probably kill two.
>It's impossible to confirm because AMC has literally threatened to sue TSDF if they post any credible leaks
I don't want to lower the tone with faggy politics, but I don't understand the overwhelming assrage at AMC for that. Fuck spoilers and fuck paparazi. There's never even a justification for SpoilingMemes defense beyond "w-well UGH AMC let us fuck with them while filming for 6 seasons prior! gawd FUCK THEM! I deserve to know EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW!"
It seems unlikely to me since Kirkman admitted that he thinks killing Abe was a mistake which is why they kept him alive in the show. Seems stupid to replace his death with the fat chick just to kill him 5 episodes later.
My only issue with it is the way they did it, via a false DMCA claim which is wrong. In order for the DMCA to be even somewhat valid they'd have to admit what TSDF posted was actually true, which defeats the whole purpose.
>what if" scenario for Glenn/Maggie and Abe/Sasha starting families.
>another weird scene like this
Yeah I don't think TSDF are as exactly innocent as they'd like us to think, the leaked video from November and the leaked audio a week before the season 6 finale was probably the point where they lost any good faith from AMC. Even now, AMC is being very hands-off about TSDF doing business as usual with pictures of filming and whatnot. They're probably fine if they don't do their usual synopsis cliffnotes a week before each episode, definitely not for the premier.
i'm legit done with the show if they kill glenn
why fucking wait if it's just going to be the same fucking thing from the comics?
they need to stop letting the fucking special effects guy direct things
Because normies don't read comics and so may not know how it's going to be.
ffs that's Eugene
well if they didn't before i'm sure they do now
thespoilingdead got some ridiculous number of users after the last finale, literally in the hundred thousands
I think Glenn dying suits the story the best. I'll take good storytelling over twists, arbitrary changes, etc. The only other character that is acceptable at this immediate point in the story to get Lucilled is Aaron. He's the one that recruited them all to Alexandria. He also unJUSTed Daryl and became butt buddies with Maggie for some reason, so his death logically should really really make a lot of key characters especially furious. Meanwhile if Eugene for example dies right now only Abe would care. Don't really give a fuck who it ends up being though as long as it's extremely graphic. If it's not Nicotero's great magnum opus I hope he kills himself.
I hope they do kill Glenn.
Not one person I've talked to face to face has ever said that they think it's him.
He's survived too many times so they assume he has plot armor.
IMO Nicotero seems to be getting too big for his horror schlock britches and might even think they're above graphically depicting the Lucille death, he's trying to become a bona fide kinographer and does all kinds of questionable shit like calling the episode Tyreese died "their Terrence Malick episode" and damage controlling hard for the cliffhanger.
it's Daryl's time to go
I read the comics after the first season so fuck that lame ass cliffhanger
>Glenn would be the most shocking
that's retarded and you should kill yourself
nice samefagging btw
It was supposed to be and already planned and filmed to be Arron. Then Omar "empty my nine at the gloryhole line" Mateen went and killed all those gays so AMC had to reshoot and change who died.
It's Maggie
That sounds like bullshit to me unless you have a source.
Speaking of TWD, just got this in the mail today. Wonder if the panel will have any good info.
This show is dogshit and it always has been, god this board is garbage can you fucks get some taste?
Muh superior intellectual shows!
Lol you're on Sup Forums shitposting with the rest of us, bub. I'm sure there's a superhero thread you could be having fun in (: ha ha FOR YOU!
give it to me, and the badge too
For a price
Lurk more
would you rather they cop-out yet again and it be so some lower tier secondary character? we know it's not gonna be Daryl, and Glenn is the only other person that would have the necessary impact.
I mean they haven't even killed a season 1 character since Andrea. If they show they still have enough balls to kill an OG character like Glenn then I might finally have some respect for this show.
>why fucking wait if it's just going to be the same fucking thing from the comics?
Because what's the fucking point of the show if they'll do whatever the fuck they want
People think it might be Daryl because he has his own show now, and it's rare for someone to have two shows on one network at the same time.
>does all kinds of questionable shit like calling the episode Tyreese died "their Terrence Malick episode"
maybe it's an exaggeration to compare it to malick but Tyreese's death episode IS one of the best of the entire series
Obvious red herring is obvious
>What does Sup Forums make of the recent rumor making the rounds?
That everybody expected it to be Glenn all along and AMC is pissed that nobody was fooled by their ham-handed attempt at a cliffhanger.
>In order for the DMCA to be even somewhat valid they'd have to admit what TSDF posted was actually true
I thought The Spoiling Dead Forum admitted to openly asking for and receiving spoiler information from those who had non-disclosure agreements with AMC?
It's one thing if someone, out of the blue, just shows up here on Sup Forums with spoilers and even if they posted actual scans of a stolen script, Sup Forums and its users could not be held accountable for any kinda DMCA copyright violations for simply talking about it.
But when a website is _soliciting_ someone to violate their contract with AMC and spill the beans, it's the equivalent of acting as a "fence" for stolen goods.
>I thought The Spoiling Dead Forum admitted to openly asking for and receiving spoiler information from those who had non-disclosure agreements with AMC?
Yes. And for the DMCA to be valid the sources would need to be named and the information contained therein would have to be confirmed as legitimate AMC protected information. As for the fence analogy, that's a little more difficult to claim since breach of contract is not stealing and only the person who signed said contract can be held responsible.
So it's still a Catch 22 for AMC. The DMCA is a shitty law either way but companies should at least learn to use it properly.
The show should have ended two seasons ago. At this point we're five years+ after the initial outbreak. Slow zombies are not a threat and would have been dealt with easily. Given that the death of 99% of the population would lead to a post-scarcity society, the survivors would also have nothing to fight over, there would be more than enough manufactured goods for everyone, even if you completely ignored the potential for agriculture.
This show exists solely because the characters are morons and the writers try to put them in as many taboo situations as possible.
>At this point we're five years+ after the initial outbreak.
The show hasn't kept up with real time, it's only been two or three years as far as I know.
All the gasoline should definitely be bad though.
Pretty much yes. Books like The Stand or World War Z handle a post apocalypse much better and show society starting to rebound within relatively short periods of time.
Who gives a fuck is what I think about whatever rumor it is. AMC shilling in here thinking people forgot about what they did with that cop-out season finale and then threatening to sue a TWD fanpage on facebook. Seriously fuck AMC and the showrunners of this show and trying to predict what's gonna happen is exactly what those kikes want you do in order to create hype after their backstabbing of the audience. see you guys in october for the season premiere
>that cringy as fuck scene with Emily Kinney shamelessly promoting her music career
I like her music and would fuck her in a heartbeat but still it was completely out of place
Normies were. My girlfriend and all her female friends freaked the fuck out. This show really is a soap opera if we're honest though, there are some violent parts that appeal to the male audience but at it's base it's a chick show.
delete THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE
they let her sing multiple times on the show
> > I thought The Spoiling Dead Forum admitted to openly asking for and receiving spoiler information from those who had non-disclosure agreements with AMC?
> Yes. And for the DMCA to be valid the sources would need to be named and the information contained therein would have to be confirmed as legitimate AMC protected information.
AMC can get a judge to look at their script and/or filmed scenes without releasing anything to the public, proving whoever violated their contract with AMC and allowing a lawsuit against TSDF without spilling the beans to the public.
> As for the fence analogy, that's a little more difficult to claim since breach of contract is not stealing and only the person who signed said contract can be held responsible.
The WD script is a copyrighted trade secret no different then the copyrighted trade secret formula to Coca Cola, if TSDF was actively soliciting someone with a non-disclosure agreement with AMC to provide them with that secret, they’re guilty of receiving stolen goods and are an accessory to the theft.
Now if someone posted the info _unsolicited_ to the forum, AMC would have nothing on them.
>watching TWD after the train wreck that was season two
It's not too late to stop
>AMC can get a judge to look at their script and/or filmed scenes without releasing anything to the public, proving whoever violated their contract with AMC and allowing a lawsuit against TSDF without spilling the beans to the public.
And the judgement, which would be public, would prove it true or false either way. They'd still have to admit to it being true.
She sang with her sister once and played piano for Daryl another time, were there any other times? She just appears to Tyreese and starts playing guitar when he's never seen her play one before nor did she ever sing to him, unless you want to imply it happened offscreen at some point.
literally the first post in Sup Forums that it isnt related to GoT or Black Sansa, oh and also reddit leaks of GoT future lel
At this point, Negan is my favorite character. This show has been going to shit after Season 2 concluded. He should kill all of the main characters, so that they can finish this god awful show (long live Lucille). It's a shame, because the comics are amazing.
Why is he wearing Jaime Lannister's outfit?
Won't be Glenn or Daryl.
There was a thing recently where they were filming a scene together and stopped to help some motorists or something.
>And the judgement, which would be public, would prove it true or false either way. They'd still have to admit to it being true.
Sure, but the episode would have already been spoiled by the TSDF anyway (I'm presuming TSDF had incontrovertible proof, such as scans of the actual script or video clips of the episode).
The point is; had TSDF not openly solicited copyrighted material, there is nothing AMC could have done to them, except make them take down the scans/videos (after everybody had already seen it).
a couple times while they were still at the prison
I'm glad that AMC is cucking TSDF faggots. They're arrogant and have ruined the show for people so many times. They were openly saying that they're going to spam the negan victim and even call random talk shows and say to "teach AMC a lesson". It's a forum full of man children and tumblrites.
>I'm glad that AMC is cucking TSDF faggots
My gripe is that TSDF are morons who played right into AMC / DMCA’s hands and the corporate cocksuckers will used this incident to further restrict our freedom of speech.
It won’t be long before pics legally taken from public property, such as this will result in websites being threatened with lawsuits and from there, it’s just a small step to insisting that even speculation constitutes DMCA violations, and thus all discussions of tv shows or movies must take place only on “official” forums (“just $9.95 per month!”…)
If TSDF had just shut their fucking mouths and let the spoilers just “happen” to show up on their site, AMC couldn’t have done shit but by crowing to everybody that they had copyrighted material, they brought the heat down on themselves and ultimately, all of us.