Uh, you don't get to herd sheep
I like how he only ever calls him "pig"
I wanna rewatch this but I just saw it a month ago
They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the talking pig...
He's a vicious dog.
For ewe.
I remember I was like 4 years old when this movie came out and my Mom let some old aunty or relative take me to go see it. Beforehand she got me a happy meal and being a 4 year old I went to take the pickle out of the lil cheeseburger before eating it but this woman got angry and wouldn't let me and then said we weren't allowed to go to the movie until I ate the pickles. Sat there for like 20 minutes crying before she just took me home because she refused to let me see the movie unless I ate the pickle, but I didn't want to.
What a cunt she was.
Thepen planI just filed with the misses lists me, my men, Dr. Pavel here but only one ofyou
lotta loyalty for a farm animal.
This post deserves its own thread