I literally want another American civil war to happen! The country is massively divided and income inequality is at...

I literally want another American civil war to happen! The country is massively divided and income inequality is at record highs. The window for peaceful resolution has passed because those in power have hijacked democracy itself. The only hope for change now is violent revolution.

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It would be short af considering one side has all of the guns, military, vets, and control of the government

One side has a lot of guns. The other side has more people and higher intelligence. But that wasn't even the point. Republican and democrat alike should come together to take back from the ruling class. The real war in this country is ruling class vs everyone else.

>Ghomestar popcorn

>income inequality

There's a fucking reason some people get paid more, it's called harder and more purposeful work = more money faggot.

Fuck off with your "revolution" Commie bullshit you 16 year old autistic nigger.

>The country is massively divided
Not really. The country is fine. Don't believe the excessive noise from the malcontents.

This, and income disparity doesn't result in quality-of-life disparity. Even the poorest people in America can afford food and iPhones.

Nearly half the country voted for a republican and the other half voted democrat. Riots have broken out and people have died. This country is massively divided no doubt.

Fuck you faggot. The way to get rich in a capitalistic society is to own your own business, pay your workers very little, and grind the most work out of them as possible while you sit on your ass at collect profit. Who is really the harder worker in that system?

I may be able to afford a phone, but I am pretty fucking angry that I have to watch television programs of famous stars, CEO's, and other rich fucks while I scrap by working my fucking ass off and barely surviving. I do not compare myself to tribes people in Africa. I compare myself to the society I live in. Fucking nitwit.

You don't have to watch anything.

Commercials are pushed into your face telling you what you don't have constantly. Every day you wake up poor in America you are reminded about all the things you can't have. Fuck this whole system and country. I want nothing more than to see it all burn and those in power brought down.

"What is the most resilient parasite? Bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? An idea. Resilient... highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain it's almost impossible to eradicate. An idea that is fully formed - fully understood - that sticks; right in there somewhere."

What is your point?

Enjoy being on the list.

Some people have the desire but not the drive. Some people have the drive but not the desire. You are lacking in both. Please die.

Apparently everyday YOU wake up in poor America, and decide to watch tv and get high instead of doing something productive.


lemme know how it all works out


cease flapping your gums and fucking do something faggots

>wah wah i dont like when people try to make money by promoting their business

Ironic how you're complaining about being poor, yet you hate the very thing that could easily make you rich. Start a business. Do commercials. Then you'd understand why that's a part of American culture. It makes MONEY.

I'm guessing you're one of those occupy wall street types, so fyi protesting Capitalism and wall street is the exact opposite of what you should be doing. Capitalism is your friend. The government are the ones making it difficult to make money and start businesses in America.


I have the desire to fight those in power. Corporations and the super wealthy. Those are the one that are really fucking people out of jobs and wages. You are just a little bitch that is afraid. You want to suck powers dick instead of fight back. What a pussy. The founders of this country would pity you. Don't even call yourself American.

Hows it feel to want?

That every country will divide. There is no way to stop it. Be it religion or a political ideology. Why is the whole world not one country after millions of years? Because people will always form groups based on different ideas.

I don't smoke anything, and I don't make enough to drink. I go to work and slave myself so that my boss and the company owner can live nice lives. That is how it works in America.

Humans have been around for 50 thousand years, not millions.

>talks tough on the internet
>takes 0 action to change anything

ITT: pussies calling pussies, pussies

I don't advocate your violence, but I hate commercials too. It's mostly because they'r expertly designed brainwashing designed around the idea of making you feel insecure.

You have no possible way of knowing what I think or what I want.

Do you know WHY Capitalist business owners have to do that? GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS. People these days don't like starting their own business because of government regulations, and high as fuck taxes. they have to cut wages because if they didn't then the owners themselves wouldn't survive, retard.

Funny how you leftists hate big Capitalism, which, btw, in America is not Capitalism but crony Capitalism, but you leftist 'revolutionary' faggots love to embrace big government and Socialism.

Yeah, how'd that work out in the USSR? Oh, wait. Starvation and death.


You should start promoting violence. For example, when Trump takes office and riots begin, go join them. Burn things down, if there are cameras around tell them that it is severe class war and severe income inequality that is causing such tension in this country. The races fighting is stupid, and not the real source of the problem.

If regulations were relaxed business owners would give themselves a raise and fuck over their workers plain and simple.

This is all about the wealthy like Clinton and Trump and whoever the fuck else is behind the scenes getting away with all types of crimes in this 2 tier justice system. That's where the wealthy have all the advantages and preferential treatment

You should end yourself, scum.

How the fuck would income inequality be Trump's fault? You won't even give the guy a chance to fix what Obama did wrong? Oh wait, let me guess, you didn't hear that Obama and the establishment Democrats are consulting BILLIONAIRES, like George Soros, to "take down Trump"? So you're going to side with the billionaires, instead of the guy who most middle and lower class working people voted for?

This is why the narrative is that you people are just immature, young, regressive retards. You are.

>Burn things down

So smart, let's cause more destruction that the government would have to pay money to fix, instead of money that could go to poor people in the form of welfare checks. Kind of puts a hole through your logic, doesn't it?

Hell no dude. That is not a good solution to the problem.

You fucks obstructed Obama from doing anything for 8 years. Why should I treat Trump any differently? And I know the dems are also corrupt. I want full revolt in the face of power and that includes both democrats and republicans.

It is the only solution left. How are the people go to change a system peacefully when massive corporations, the super wealthy, and lobbyist have written the rules in their favor and undermined democracy itself?

People do not participate in our democracy as much as they should. You can't talk about resorting to desperate means when so many people don't even vote in local, state and federal elections. There are so many ways of changing things, and violence is not necessary.

I will fight at your side, user.
I'm liberal as fuck and I have guns. This meme needs to die.

>You fucks obstructed Obama from doing anything for 8 years.

Because he did enough damage, do you think we wanted him to do even more?

>supporting the Syrian rebels (should've supported Assad)
>destroyed relations with Russia even further
>destroyed race relations, to the point where it feels like the mid 60's that there's this many fucking riots and protests purely because of race
>supporting hillary clinton, a proven shady crook who uses racist, sexist, etc. just as buzzwords and is the actual racist herself ('super predators', defending rapists)
>having a hand in the Arab spring which led to many deaths and the European refugee crisis, which deteriorated race relations in Europe

Fuck yeah! When the riots start I will be there fighting against the rich and powerful!

I would love for the war to start. Killing you pussies and faggots would be incredible fun and would be the quickest way to make America great again.


Assad was gassing his own people. Russia shot themselves in the foot interfering with Crimea. Your Fox news is the culprit for destroying race relations, and you are dumb and weak minded as fuck for believing Hillary Clinton conspiracies.

I'll be laughing my fucking ass off when you guys protest on and after Trumps inauguration, and he let's the police rightfully open fire on you bitches. I have waited a long time to see you faggot ass far left protesters get what you deserve.

This WILL be a country of LAW AND ORDER.

Not edgy. It is the truth. If riots come to my town I will be right in the middle of it. And if riots don't come to my town I may travel to one having riots.

I thought you conservative faggots were all high on freedom. Isn't this contradictory?

>Republican and democrat alike should come together to take back from the ruling class.
Except the ruling class is the Republicans and Democrats.

I actually want that to happen. If Trump gets that much blood on his hands, then people will want to revolt against power.

That was an artificial polarization meant to distract the masses from understanding that both candidates had the blessing of the 1%.

He is a pussy. Republicans like to bend over to power and take it from their masters. They are poor cucks too stupid to know they are getting screwed by superiors.

Indeed. I've always loved it how they call US the cucks. Irony.

Stop drawing party lines. Both democrat and republican average people should set aside their difference and fight the established order because that is what is really ruining their lives. I wouldn't mind burning down both parties, the constitution, and the entire system and starting new.

Nope. It will make me love him even more.


I'm so tired of libcuck faggots in this country.


Cool quote and all but Inception was pretty fucking lame.

>Assad was gassing his own people.
Proof? And he actually started opening fire on them, because they were violent, trying to assassinate government and military members, throwing molotovs, etc. you're damn right they should at least be shot at.
>Russia shot themselves in the foot interfering with Crimea.
You mean the DEMOCRATIC election Crimea held, where over 80% of them wanted to become a part of Russia?
>Your Fox news is the culprit for destroying race relations
Very funny, I don't watch any MSM actually. And that's ironic, considering it's CNN trying to cover up when black protesters shout racisms about whites, but when we the people find out about it through third party sources, it angers us more... it's not just Fox News doing it. MSNBC, CNN, and countless others. They take both sides, back and forth, to get both sides riled up for ratings.
>and you are dumb and weak minded as fuck for believing Hillary Clinton conspiracies.
Hahahaha not a conspiracy when even she herself lies and admits to defending a rapist on audio...


Some good Americans really should go to these riots and shoot up these commie faggots. Give them something to cry about for real.


So because I believe in personal freedom, that means I have to believe in complete and total freedom, to the point where you should revolt and murder violently without consequence? Fuck off. There is such thing as too much freedom.
Isn't that funny considering the 'berniebros' just took it when it came out that Hillary stole the Democratic primaries from Bernie, they took it in the ass from the DNC and Hillary. It's also funny how you like to say "they bend over to power" when YOU leftists are the ones who believe in big government.
Not, it isn't 'irony'. You are the cucks. You're pawns by big leftist billionaires like Soros. ou're just too stupid to see it.

Long live the revolution! Let the ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution. The workers of the world have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Workingmen of all countries, unite!

>muh Jewish conspiracy
Oh boy here we go...

Also you would probably literally let Donald Trump fuck your girl. If you had a girl, which I doubt.

For the most part, those who are registered with either party are content being virtual slave.

I would unironically be okay with being enslaved if we were better taken care of. I'd trade freedom for a higher standard of living any day.

I would support a Communist revolution if all the people doing it weren't extreme-SJW-blackpower-fuckwhitemen-feminist-faggots. Fuck the neo-Communists. If it was like 1917 I'd join in. Get rid of the scum on your side.

When did I mention Jews, you fucking autist?

Did I ever say "the jews did it" AT ALL, in my response?


>If you had a girl, which I doubt.

Oh look huehuehue it's the "ur a loser get a gf" cliche comeback, so original.

Then you would deserve neither.

I see it as being not to dissimilar to this quote

"Those who give up freedom for security, deserve neither, Freedom, nor, Security"

Go ahead because I want more class division. A civil war would break the established order in half.

Yeah yeah I've heard the quote and I don't give a fuck. Life and anything we do with life are meaningless. All I care about is comfort.

They have drones.

You mentioned Soros. Also it doesn't have to be original if it's true.

You should visit some genuine communist pages on Reddit or Facebook. Most of the good ones fucking hate those liberals and say that they would be in a gulag.

I won't be opposed to a revolution of the Proletariat.

So I mentioned a guy who happened to be Jewish, that means I believe in the Jewish conspiracy?

Nice logic there.

I hate other leftist billionaires like Warren Buffet, he's agnostic. Does that mean I believe in an 'Agnostic conspiracy' too?

Just stop posting, user.


>No argument

That's what I thought.

Not an argument.

The thing with those "Leftist" billionaires is that they don't understand that they would be dealt with just the same way as all of the others.

Taken out back, and shot

>The only hope for change

The only hope for change is you literally killing yourself...things are going great for me and mine, fuck whatever it is that you're going through, faggot..
>get gud at life scrub

Ok then, how about you respond back with something other than "stop posting". Oh that's right, you know you fucked up and are trying to damage control.

>going on reddit

You think we're enslaved by George Soros. I'm not really sure what kind of reply you want to that.

You are just making me want to incite more violence and riots. You're just driving the division wider. I guess I should thank you.




Based Marx

Pawns* not slaves. Caught you trying to strawman.

And yes, it is fact that Soros is very rich and funds protesting campaigns, and donates to MSM news.

Only place I can find havens from the alt-right

When will this fallacy meme get old and die? It's fucking reddit tier.

tanks, aircraft carriers, planes, bombs, wmd's >>> hand guns

We should take over Sup Forums.

>i need muh safe space

fuck your haven, communist anti american fucks like you should be shot. burning the flag should be a crime, and will be soon. if i catch one of you faggots doing that, ill snap your fucking neck.

1776 will rise again

Look even Karl Markx the commie king is pro gun and pro working class. Do republican conservatives not care about guns and the working class?

Never, keep crying about it.

Eh, an American Founding father could be seen as a Socialist of sorts, so, point invalid.

Well, when the poor starts arming, they start passing gun control.

They just want the wealthy whites to be armed.

I never cry, user. Ever.

Just because Karl Marx was pro gun doesn't mean the Democratic establishment is. There will never be a Communist democrat nominee, the Republicans care about guns.

>commies are smarter than rightists

hahahah fuck off faggot, all the """"fascists""""" own the guns, it's why you fags have been trying to get them banned for years now.

>burning the flag should be a crime
What about muh constitution? Flag burning falls under free speech, fagboy.