Omega help. Met a girl last night and we talked for a long while and I wanna contact her again

Omega help. Met a girl last night and we talked for a long while and I wanna contact her again.
Her description
>University of Toronto
>Architecture major
>black strait hair
>blue eyes

I have no photo of her but here is our conversation

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Anyone from that University? Eep. the architecture course

you're never going to see her ever again, OP, same as how you'll prob never talk to me ever again.

Better hope she don't check Sup Forums. I seen you postr our Convo I'd red flag you so fast your head would spin.

Man you should of ask her name/exchange numbers.

Did you get her name? That could help.
Preferably both First and Last.

You are chatting in Omega, yet you are the beta.
Kind of funny, no?


Got any more chats then?
Any info.
Pictures might help but are unlikely.
Otherwise, nah she's gone hombre.
Should have asked for a name before you started "rubbing against something".

Did get name or photo but I know where she goestrogen to school, her age, major and what she looks like

No name and no photo isn't going to help.
So unless you plan to fly there and put posters saying "have you seen her", you're fucked.

Oh wait, that wouldn't work cause you need a photo of her to make posters, lol.

Have a thing set up on Craigslist though

That missed connection shit?
That's a verrrryyyy slim chance. I admire your optimism though.
Although you're starting to sound really stalker-y.

Not trying to be. Any other suggestions?


True love over omegle.


Nickname, job, hobbies, family, names of friends, is there ANYTHING y'all talked about?
You saw her through webcam. Anything in her room that stood out?
If it looked like a dorm or apartment, a assignment of some subject, a hat with coordinates?

It was a dorm at the University of Toronto. She is an architect major. Likely a senor given that she is 22


Call University of Toronto and ask about dorm plans for next semester. Ask if there is some sort of room layout sheet. Compare (more like guess) the size to the dorms and location to architecture building.
Next time you talk to a girl, introduce yourself. It's polite.
Anyways you aren't helping and I give up.
Move on loser.
