What is objectively speaking the best Harry Potter movie?
What is objectively speaking the best Harry Potter movie?
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Third one
Fourth is worst
I'm the only one who will probably say this, but the fourth one is my favorite.
They are all absolute hogwash. Even Hunger games (the one with the gimmicky imax transitions) was better
Yeah honestly this. It was the most fantastical of all.
Alfonso Cuaron is a hack
3 > 1 > 2
Rest is irrelevant.
It doesn't matter, they're all shit because Harry Potter is easily one of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the seriesüf only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but itüfs certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books are g-g-good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King. That's for sure.
HP is only good young adult franchise
they're dogshit and the third one is the only one that tried to be something more. Plebs will tell you the first two are good, but its a tumblr meme by mongs trying to impress people on facebook.
Despite clocking in at over two solid hours, the movie fails to properly set up and develop its characters and their back-stories, there is almost no build up and, even worse still, chemistry between the actors here. - 0/5
Cramming in every "plot point" you can find in the book does not engaging storytelling make, and it's a wonder there ever was a third movie. - 0/5
Splendid. An entirely enjoyable pop fantasy adventure that never for a moment insults the intelligence. By very very very very far the best of the Potter movies, the only one that manages to capture the funky mad energy of J.K. Rowling's hogwash. - 2/5
Easy come, easy go. - 0/5
Didn't see them
this series is genuinely worse than Star Wars 1-6 (I've seen episode 7 now and its more of a superhero movie than Star Wars)
I love how the first sentence is just casually changed to make it less pasta-y.
It's been a while but from what I remember,
2 > 1 > 6 > 4 > 7.1 > 3 > 7.2 > 5
>my first day on /lit/, dd-d-do I fit in guys? XDDDD: the pic
Off yourself.
I liked the sixth book the most.
>HP is only good young adult franchise
found the genuine pleb. the adventures of antoine doinel is the only good YA franchise
In the foutrh was the goat
3 > 1 > 2 > 6 > 4 > 7.2 > 7.1 > 5
The 4th was my favorite book as a kid. Looking back, I enjoy how it set the tonal shift for the series, going from the jovial but harrowing adventures of the early books to the darker tone of the later years. I enjoyed the side characters. I enjoyed the world-building. I enjoyed lots of the subplots.
Then so much of what I wanted to see got cut. At least the book will always be GOAT.
>but its a tumblr meme by mongs trying to impress people on facebook.
wow, you can't even speak English.
have buzzwords gone to far?
Not only do YOU think HP is good, you actually believe RT is a good place to get an idea of whats good. Never reply to me again you dumb capeshit drone.
Yes Harry Potter is shit
third is best movie
sixth is best book
Cedric Diggory was fucking horrible, fucking hell user get some standards
Pretty much what makes the 4th so bad, it was one to explore the wizardring world and laugh at Hagrid flirting with that other halfgiant and they just didn't get that right
Literally Didn't read lol: The Post
Wrong. Sixth is THE WORST.
The fourth is just disappointing after the third because it was, objectively the best.
>>HP is only good young adult franchise
Kill yourself right now pleb.
not really, that first paragraph was a red flag and alarms you that his opinion is meaningless.
look he did it again here.
Buzzwords allow us to filter out retards.
The next one where Hermione is played by an Aborigine.
Sorry the truth triggers you.
Holy fuck, is this really how you're spending your friday night?
>he actually is that complete and utter plebeian
This is hilarious and it makes sense an RT baby hasn't seen:
Your use of buzzwords has devalued your opinions.
My cinematic skill set is much higher than yours and it's clear you don't understand cinema based on your crying of buzzwords(and refusing to acknowledge Antoine Doinel) . If we were to discuss actual art like a singaporean new wave film then it might be different, but you've proven to be of lower status by
>My cinematic skill set
>rlm meme gif
>gif in 2016 as well
Come back to my board when you can understand art and art like webm related next time nerd.
>my board
to this day, and it is never fucking talked about, I can never get over the final scene in this series. the entire film from movie 1 is building up to harry vs voldemort, it finally gets there, he beats him, AND HE JUST WALKS BACK INTO HOGWARTS, AFTER COMING BACK ALIVE, AND -nobody- even asks what happend, how he came back to life, nobody asks where the fuck voldemort is, if he defeated him, he just walks back into hogwarts like nothing with zero reactions
watch it again, it's fucking mental
Fuck everyone and your shit opinons. Objectively:
4 is pretty good, doesn't deserve the hate.
Based entirely off memory for movies that I haven't seen in +5 years, Prisoner of Azkaban
It was the exact right amount of childlike wonder and serious storytelling, it didn't get bogged down in being dark and brooding like everything after Goblet of Fire, although I also remember that one being pretty alright
Was it like that in the book as well? I feel like the producers might've just goof'd. Either that or it was implied everyone already new or were too worn out to care. I have no clue
Well done part 4 well done
It ain't bad, although it kind of reminds me of the awkward puberty phase teens go through and I'd prefer not to remember that. Still dece, just skipped like half the book. Very watchable as a movie, though.
I can't make my mind up between which was worse, the 5th or the 6th. Both lacked any subtlety and felt like they were just going through the motions
I think 5 was worse. 6 was the best book and despite that lack of subtlety, it still had the best story to it.
6 was boring
Chamber is patrician af
I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates 1 and 2. They feel like cheap cash-grabs made by someone who only superficially took the plot points of the books while leaving out things like humor or good storytelling.
Case in point was the whole scene with Hagrid telling Harry he's a wizard. In the books there is a big buildup, with Hagrid being completely bewildered by Harry's ignorance of the magical world. In the movies he just kind of gets to the point flatly and it's just boring. The whole movie is like that.
1-2 are the best
>waaah they're too close to the books to be good
Yeah, and everything afterwards were worse because of that.
3rd is just meh.
The first. Then second.
After Christopher Columbus left the magic left with it. He tried really hard to keep the movies close to the books. I admire the first two for that reason and still find them very rewarding to rewatch
The third one
everyone with a high cinemaIQ agrees and even those that consider Cuaron a garbageman much like Mcqueen do as well
Nothing will ever match the magic of the 1st movie, seeing the characters come to life on the big screen, plus dat fresh John Williams soundtrack
It was good enough to make me forget about the terrible CGI
Lets have a marathon since so 'many' people have been potterposting lately
The only thing redeeming about the Harry Potter series is Luna.
If the best scene doesn't give you chills, you're a faggot.
Its confirmed for one guy. archive.4plebs.org
Too bad there's absolutely nothing redeeming about your existence.
He was producer on most of the others.
1 and 2 are the comfiest
The rest are failures to capture what made their source material enjoyable but range from trash to okay
>my board
Did you have a rough Friday friendo?
ITT: teenagers and manchildren attempt to substitute taste with edge
they are all fantastic films.
The influence wasn't the same.
The book has Harry and Voldemort duel in the middle of the great hall surrounded by everyone cheering Harry on with Harry being a a complete dick to Voldemort because he already realized Voldy couldn't do shit to him with the elder wand. When he kills Voldemort everybody rushes in to grab Harry and it becomes a massive fucking celebration
the tone had to change to fit the age of the characters.
if it stayed the same it would of been super cringe-inducing.
>they are all fantastic films.
t. dumb tumblr paedo
Get a better list
I guesssssss you're right on the money there.
If you look at them purely as films, it was one of the most well-made and smartly exicuted film series ever made.
A franchise with 8 films managed to stay great throughout all of them.
The sense of friendship and watching these characters and actors grow up before our eyes over the course of all those years was great.
It was a very unique and extremely ambitious project. I have immense respect for the everyone involved in bringing this franchise and all of its magic to the big screen.
Bravo, Warner Bros.
Too bad the DCEU is horseshit.
they're movies and cash ins at best
I was struggling to find something we had in common, but you saved the day.
>speeding up a Benning film
Nice comeback.
I personally would switch 4 with 2
>he didn't watch the alternate ending
First or the second. After the second one they stopped feeling like movies. They got that ugly color palette, John Williams was gone, and it generally just felt a lot less cinematic. Only thing I could compare it to would be the vibe you get watching Marvel movies or something. I think I'm leaning more towards the first cause it does an excellent job setting up the world.
i hated the 4th film for a long time bc it just didn't live up to the book.
I enjoy the 4th film now, I just have came to the fact that they will never be as good as the books and to just take them for what they are. It's still good.
Everything involving Voldemort was pure kino in 4
Huh? Didn't he come back with Voldemort pretending to be dead? Seems pretty self-explanatory to me. They could ask about the details later when it wasn't a life or death situation.
based patrician opinion. I wish I stopped at 3
>Harry Pooter movies
great, actually.
don't worry
no one actually from this board thinks they are. just the /got/ tourists
speak for yourself, redditboxd.
Second one was the best but they all are comfy
i speak for Sup Forums before the game of thrones/baneposting invasion. these movies have always been considering bad among the posters here. the only ones that liked them were a minority chased out of /lit/.
oh and also genuine pedos lusting for emma watson and the blonde girl.
Nigga, I'm the same age as them
I ain't no pedo you filthy squib
>i speak for Sup Forums