My friend is really drunk guys. He just did 11 shots and is puking.
What do?
My friend is really drunk guys. He just did 11 shots and is puking
Sharpie in the pooper + pics
Hold his hair back
He has alcohol poisoning, I would get him to eat something greasy, watch his air ways, my friend died this way.
wtf OP are you 14? let him puke and make sure he drinks water and doesnt sleep on his side and he will be fine
IF he's puking he'll be fine. It's when they're too drunk to puke that you gotta worry
Alright were good.
Your friend has alcohol poisoning take him to the E.R. If not just make sure he passes out on his side so he doesn't choke on his puke and make sure to check his breathing. If he's puking he should be fine, it means that his body is still alive enough to reject the alcohol. If he stops getting sick then worry. Check him every 30 mins or less until you think he's fine and next time don't be a fucking douche and let your friend drink that much asshole
Give a him a line of coke then pour another shot.