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Why does she look so terrible?
do people really worship that coalburner
We knew she would do something to counter the backlash if her being called the aryan goddess.
its cgi you dumb fucks
Based Kanye
Taylor is such a fake bitch. I can't believe no one in the media is reporting how Taylor's lawyers are forcing Kanye to not publicly release his taped conversation with Taylor where he asked her permission about using the "I made that bitch famous" line.
Kanye the God
He's suck a bitter fuck
Pure autism
> implying that is Taylor
> implying that isn't Rose
>Taylor actually let him use her name in a song
>gets angry when it actually comes out
This is rape culture.
I'm sure SocJus Twitter will be all over him for this. He'll probably get dropped by his label and sued into poverty. Kym will dump him.
is this even legally allowed?
Kanye is pretty pathetic tbhhonest. She got bigger than him, he's quite literally a cuck stuck with a bitch that's been passed all around Hollywood. I wouldn't be surprised if Kanye posted this thread from Kim's house, "h-hey remember me?? Aren't I ballin'?" How did his new album do btw?
And she doesnt have to agree to let them use her image?
I doubt it.
He's gonna get sued for sure.
Did he actually ask for permission? Lol
that is such an old meme, i'm impressed
>Computer, is there any way to generate a nude Tay?
You really think Kanye had an orgy with the Don, his ex-step father in law, Hillary Clinton, Ray J, and Tay tay?
why is he so obsessed?
Cause he's with a fat used up cow. And desperately wants Taylor
Because of TSwift lying about how she didn't okay the song.
He needs publicity
There's apparently a phone call where she okays it.
>kanye is a waifufag
makes sense 2bh
I'm happy a fellow robot has pulled this off.
because manics get crazy obsessive
When it's Kanye raping a white woman's identity fappening-style, naturally Jezebel keeps its lips shut
Both, but he's more genius than autism.
ok but he's not an actor
and she's not an actor
and this isn't television or film
This is not cool, dude.
CGIing a woman to be naked without her permission is tantamount to rape.
This is like JLaw all over again, only worse. Send your prayers to Taylor because she needs them right now.
wheres the fucking video
Sup Forums's gonna freak
There is daily /rose/ threads on /r9k/. There is one up right now
That's creepy as fuck. What is wrong with him?
the 1930's are thatta way >>>>
I think Kanye is a hack but his egotistical outbursts are hilarious. Plus Taylor is an even bigger hack and she's unjustly worshiped by the media so it's nice to see her humiliated.
Cool film discussion.
So what this board is for shit posting faggot
Didn't you retards hear about what Tayor Swift did to him at the Grammys?
>ITT: triggered male tumblrs
>Taylor humiliated
This makes Kanye look worse than anyone else
i mean, im a pretty giant shitposter but this isn't even really funny
it's just kinda creepy
idk, i fapped to most of the fappening but this shit is weird
kanye feels like he's just crossed into the creepy trying to stay relevant area.
like lol cgi-ing taylor swift nude in a music video? what?
reminds me of when those game devs mapped ellen page nude for no reason when the entire cutscene happened above the shoulders.
>Brexit has succeeded
>Kanye has done something that is going to trigger the fuck out of feminists
>mfw the next few days are going to be pure fun
This is absolutely disgusting.
I'm not a SJW by any means but this constitutes rape and sexual harrassment. Fucking niggers
if they were both asleep then who was selfie?
definitely definitely
you sound like such an out of touch neckbearded nerd
kill yourself too
Gawker and all their related sites are declared bankrupt, didn't you get the memo?
>trigger feminists at the expense of looking like a weird obsessed nigger
I don't think he's really on top of this one. Coulda said something bad about ghostbusters and it would have been more successful and respectable
Donald Trump, Bill Cosby, George Bush, Ray J, Amber Rose, and Anna Wintour are also in the bed
>I'm not a SJW
>this constitutes rape
Triggered by truth faggot??
this is the painting it's based on
wtf I hate niggers now
Because he made that bitch famous, retard
wow kek
I don't like this, but am still going to fap to it
Pure cinema that only an autistic childlike mind could fully see in it's true beauty. Quite literally a moving painting.
>it's a Kanye thread
>liking dumb drama queen niggers
This place is strange
who the fuck asked you anyway???
They would side with jews if it lead to bigger win down the road.
>he made her famous
are you daft?
chris brown
kim k
ray j
amber rose
caitlyn jenner
bill cosby
ur mum
no, tell me.
fucking take that back
Jeb? That doesn't look like George.
ok sorry
>i'm not an SJW but this is rape
What dude
So where's the video
>no obungo
>it actually does
exclusively on tidal
this only raises further questions
Why would someone do this
yeezy pls respond
Pure kino.
Fucking Tidal, I can't wait for someone to upload the video to vimeo or YouTube.
So it will be on youtube in like 2 days when West realizes no one gives a shit about Tidal and it is dying.
such a scumbag
it's exclusive to the fail Tidal app.
>still no physical TLOP release
yeezy pls
lol holy fuck that's genuinely creepy
i doubt we'll hear a peep from feminists and the chatter class
>no CD with the multi-leaflet quadrafold book inside + unique disk design
yee wtf are you doing?
a masterpiece of autism
Based Kanye
Why does he keep saying he millions in debt? Nearly all his albums won awards , and his shoes are selling like hot cakes.
how did this ugly nigger and tranny get popular again?
>i doubt we'll hear a peep from feminists and the chatter class
oh wait
Most genius are truly aspies