To all straight anons, if you were offered $75,000 to have 30 minutes of sex with a gay man, would you do it?
>Kissing, blowjobs and anal, both giving and recieveing
>STD free gay man
>Guranteed secret
To all straight anons, if you were offered $75,000 to have 30 minutes of sex with a gay man, would you do it?
Jonathan Hall
Other urls found in this thread:
Liam Gomez
People have done more for less
Daniel Reyes
Isaac Ward
Couldn't get hard with a man
Wyatt Johnson
Why not?
Jackson Jenkins
would probably do it , nothing matters in this life
and I'm open to new experiences so yeah
Aaron Bennett
I love pussy but shit, I could fuck a gay man no problem
Dicks don't turn me on but it's not a big fuckin deal
Noah Harris
>I love pussy
Yeah right
Carson Allen
I'd do it for $75.
Daniel Diaz
man you're a cheap whore