What did people do to get their asshole clean before toilet paper was invented?
What did people do to get their asshole clean before toilet paper was invented?
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Wash it with water like civilized people
a lot of nice cute girls of your city wanna be fucked on tgl0.be
but what about before water was invented?
each Roman had a sponge that they dipped in a communal water trough and scrubbed their asshole clean
Thanks for the offer but i have pretty strange fetishes and i guess they would be pretty freaked out about them.
Nice fake dude
So there where water filled canals located right next to the designated shitting streets?
You do realise that before Amerifats existed, most people had decent enough diets that they just did ghosties every day? I can always tell when my poops will leave a mark based on how it feels as it leaves me. 95% of them are ghosties, and only when I eat fast food or eat something new will I pop a sloshie one.
we licked it just like a dog or cat would. Then after tp was invented we evolved to the point where we could no longer tongue our anuses