ITT movies that aren't even that good
ITT movies that aren't even that good
I believe this unironically
ITT posters with shit taste
ITT OP is a tastelest pleb
Yeah no
I did not care for the Godfather
All the other View Askew movies are better
get some taste
what would you consider good?
Lifeforce is probably the best movie ever
I think we can all agree
I never understood the ending, was it supposed to be funny?
It's kino you fucking pleb all these guys agree with me
Watching Strangelove for the 5th time, I can see it is extremely tame for the modern day.
But for the time when it was made, it was something of a mix of Austin powers and Fahrenheit 9/11 rolled into one.
It's interesting how you didn't answer the question, I bet you didn't understand the ending either and can't explain if it was funny or not and why.
It's a great movie, well acted and well directed. Problem is that people take it ideologically. It's OK as a call to identity movie, but not really that great when you take a deep look at it.
The VVitch is a terrible movie
You're face is a terrible movie.
my problem with every fincher film (every single one of them) is that he's such a good director, and he gets great performances out of everyone, but he constantly gets absolute garbage stories to tell. fight club is not good, zuckerberg really isn't that interesting, i can't comment on se7en because i knew the entire plot beforehand, and gone girl makes no sense
he's still good at his job though
>gone girl makes no sense
SJWs are too easy to identify....
no you stupid fuck
police investigations do not get dropped because the girl feels bad - maybe if the guy was homeless or something but not when he's a rich white guy
also the trailer trash would sell her out
and she was clearly not in danger on the FUCKING SECURITY CAMERAS ALL OVER HIS HOUSE
fuck it's stupid - i get that the crime isn't really the point but when your point has to have a ridiculous set of circumstances surrounding it to work, you don't really have a point
Not really
Considering the time it was released it was a pretty serious critique of the Cold War
It's probably the best thing about it, that it switched completely from being hilarious to just that scene predicting the demise of the human race if nuclear war broke out