Hey Sup Forums listen

Hey Sup Forums listen.
Ive got access to dozens of credit cards. The company im working for right now stores full details on their servers and nobody seems to give a fuck about security.
Never thought id steal or rob someone but...
What do? Buy myself a Porsche?



You shouldn't just buy a porsche, you should constantly move this money so that it would be very hard to track.

Yeah lol i know.
I kinda need a manual.

Yah I'd say move it to make it hard to track. Or only make small purchases. If you don't move the money and just purchase with the card you'll go to jail for fraud. So buy small shit or move it.

>nobody seems to give a fuck about security.
Most likely just your perception of it. There's always someone keeping track. Even if there isn't, as soon as shit starts missing, there will be, and you'll be fucked.

Or maybe i should just go to Amazon as their processing let anyone with credit card details buy whatever they want...

For little profit, that is most likely not going to satisfy your needs for purchase of a car you could sell steam games that you purchase with these cards, just create an account whilst using VPN purchase the games and add them to your inventory and then sell them on G2A, the money should be with you after 2 weeks of purchase.

What about BitCoins? Is there a market simple enough to enter credit card details and get BTCs?

You most likely would need a tor browser for that and go into the dark net, so yes it is possible and hard to track, I suppose.

i call bullshit. you cant process transactions without being pcidss compliant one audit and youre done

Well Sir, im not a newbie to dark nets...

if you're going for bit lots move the money offshore into saving accounts, preferably where the laws are more lax. then transfer again to make it a tracking nightmare.

id recommend waiting a few years before spending the money for yourself, if suddenly everyone loses money and one gains... its a bit fishy right?

Don't forget fingerprints and security cameras.

that or you can invest it in gold, move the gold somewhere and find a person who can buy discreetly.... if you do that you'd get less but its more likely to be untraceable if they're half decent.

just off the top of my head, might want to check..

Also, stealing is bad.... nooo...

But when you shop at Amazon you dent even need to enter 3DSecure or whatever. What the heck?


OK, let me get this clear.
There is a bitch who promised me something if i transfer money to her credit card. She didnt. I did. Yeah that was silly of me.
Now i want revenge. Thing is i have her credit card details. But i miss expiry date...
My first thought was that i could try Amazon. Buy something for the same amount and send to fake address and the pick it there.

i haz the cvc

Honestly man the golden age of stealing credit cards was like 12 years ago.

Most banks have automated stuff where they immediately contact people if there are unusual transactions. Moreover, most people don't get a statement in the mail once a month anymore, they check it electronically and would notice something unusual pretty quickly.

I never really stood people stealing cc's at this point because -- sure, it's possible -- but I doubt the risk is worth the reward.

say you DO manage to wipe some money, don't you think it will be fairly easy seeing where that money went? And that people won't freeze their cards as soon as you start making purchases on them? Or that there won't be an investigation once they've spotted stuff missing? You're not getting out of this one unless you've spent years knowing how to do it. I can't give you a guide on how to do it, neither am I inclined to agree with stealing from just about anyone. At least get a cause instead of taking honest working people's money.

I agree.

Even if OP just sells the card numbers, it's not like it would take a lot of work to find out they were all registered at the same service where we works.

Just give a card details to people in this thread and test if any suspicion is raised in your work place after the fact.

Link them to a fake paypal account. You'd be lucky to get $1000 out of them before they get burned but hey you'll be able to withdraw a bit of money.

Yes, but how the fuck do you expect this money to not be tracked on the way out? You'll leave traces EVERYWHERE along the way, including the fact that you work for a company that was swiped of this information. You are fucked if you even try, doesn't matter what you transfer it to, bitcoins or bubble gums or mexican cartel guns, the money LEAVING, and you entering before them leaving is enough for you to be caught within hours.

>best advice in this thread yet
... if OP actually is going to go through with this.
It's still retarded and will leave a lot more traces than OP seems to expect.