Hey Sup Forums! Is there any special way of how to make girl's pussy to be creamy? (Make her cum white and not transparent)
Hey Sup Forums! Is there any special way of how to make girl's pussy to be creamy...
make her eat Tippex whipeout
I think it just depends on the girl. My girl is Asian and erverytime we fuck there is thick white cum.
You have to be large enough to hit her cervix. That stuff is cervical mucuous.
rub yeast into her cirvix
dont cum for two weeks then inject her with your seed
baah the mocus from the cervix make infections to your dick and her vagina... thats disgusting...
tell her to wash her vag with soap
I fucking hate you race mixing faggots. A teaspoon of dogshit will ruin a gallon of vanilla ice cream. Whites shouldn't mix with inferior races especially slant eyed autistic looking chinks.
Breeding with a non-white is treason and betrayal of our white ancestors. 14/88
Just last for more than 1 minute and you'll see results. Beta.