ITT: Movies ruined by their plot twists
ITT: Movies ruined by their plot twists
Was it really a plot twist? It was clear who he was the minute they told that story
The fuck are you talking about? This movie is pure gold!
It was really only a 'twist' for a few of the characters, the viewer knows all along.
This. Would make love to Lucy Liu then teach her how to survive an assassination.
Stop pretending to have seen this asspull coming
Teenagers detected
I liked the twist
it was an awesome movie and the twist was great, fuck you
t. 28 year old
>both jew and black gangsters BTFO in the same movie
Cool. Also this movie taught me a new word ataraxia
Awful movie, I couldn't finish it
House of Flying Daggers. The last twist wasn't needed at all.
So what was the twist?
No way I'm seeing a movie with a title that stupid.
iirc guy works for a gangster, tells him a rival killed his parents turns out he actually killed them
Or something to that effect
ya, sure thing sport
It really wasn't a twist, kinda I guess
Some guy owes a bunch of money to two rival mob bosses and they both harass the shit out of him for it. Turns out that the guy who owes money isn't really the guy who owes money, he killed a guy that owed money to these two guys so he could pretend to be that guy, and have an excuse to get close to these two guys. He wanted to do that because a long time ago the rival mob bosses killed his father and he wanted revenge.
Basically a hitman was hired to kill a kid but didn't, then 20 years later he and the kid, how her taught his trade to, come back so the kid can get revenge on the two gangsters that ordered him and his parents to be killed for a bad horse racing bet the kid's dad made.
>No way I'm seeing a movie with a title that stupid.
It had a different name in some markets, I think there was some copyright issue with the name that nobody realised until too late.
The different name was "The Wrong Man" which is a much better name.
The twist is decent, you might get the revenge plot but you're probably not going to get the impersonation plot until pretty late.
Even if you saw the twist coming, it's still a good gangster/revenge flick. It has good dialogue, only a couple of plot holes and mostly hangs together pretty well.
Fucking hell
Josh Hartnett is the most beautiful man in Hollywood with a natural talent rivalling DDL. How the hell did he not become a superstar?
I think in interview he was just like "I wanted to take time off" and he did. To be fair he was getting pushed pretty hard in some hit and miss crap so not a bad idea, for a long time I thought Channing Tatum had eaten him and taken his power.