Would you rather be blind in one eye or lose your tastebuds?

Would you rather be blind in one eye or lose your tastebuds?

Blind in one eye, then I could wear an eyepatch and finally be interesting.
Nobody talks to you if you have a tonguepatch I've found.

Are you kidding? Blind in one eye. Not even a question

The taste of food is one of the few things that give me pleasure, and with one eye I only have to see half of me in the mirror.

easy: blind in one eye, I get pity points from all the shits around me

Tastebuds of course, cause most of the taste comes from nose anyway

tastebuds. You know how easy it would to eat healthy?

people who lose their sense of taste and/or smell often develop clinical depression as a result of the loss of enjoyment from food. you take it for granted every day but a lot of your daily endorphins, the pleasure chemicals in your brain; dopamine and serotonin, come from simple pleasures like eating food. it has a huge impact if you lose even one of these basic enjoyments.

its not quite the cakewalk youd think itd be

I'm not the guy you replied to, but I'm on a diet and losing my tastebuds would be the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I would drink only black coffee instead of anything containing sugar, eat vegetables all day long, etc.


You guys are all weak, like a fat girl in a any shoppe.

> "Mmm so tasty"

You fat faggots probably eat meat, too

Weak faggots

If you lose the eye, your depth perception might be a little off. Harder to hit the target, you know?

I am blind in one eye.
And I burned my tongue on tortellini soup, so for the moment, I can't taste shit either.

I think what I would most like, is to get my vision back.

And after that, to stop eating shit.


Eating meats for fags, user.

I had a hemorrhage in one of my eyes and I couldn't see anything except occasional flashes or red light for four months. It really wasn't that bad.

I'd rather lose all sense of taste.

i can see with one eye at the time
so blind at one eye
i wont notice it

you wont have depth preception
i am an expert beleve me

Would depend on how much you like flashing red lights, I'd guess.

This guy, nail on the fucking head.
If you ever eat/drink something that tastes nasty... pinch your nostrils when you swallow and you won't taste fuck all.
Tastebuds are 50% of actual taste.
Your nose knows.

>Eating Meats for Fags

Sounds like a charity Sup Forums could get behind -- somebody put up a website.

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