Dubs decide my reply

Dubs decide my reply

"Only if you send nudes."

"Only if you send nudes."

"Only if you send nudes."

Only if you send nudes

It'd be cozier with somebody here with me

"Only if you send nudes."

Oh I'll make you cum alright heh heh heh giggity goo. I have herpes...

send dick pic

"Only if you send nudes."

"Only if you send nudes."

If we are going to have sex then yes

"Only if you send nudes."

Only if you send nudes

Only if you send nudes

"Only if you send nudes of your mum."

"Only if you send nudes"




Only if you send nudes


"Only if you send nudes"


Been talking for a little. Waiting for reply now

"Only if you send nudes"

lemme see those crumpets Diana....
( ) ):::::::::::::::D~~~~

"Only if you send nudes"

Niko niko niiiii~~~~ :3


"Only if you send nudes"

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?

Abandon thread. OP is fucking retarded

"oh hey is your dad still beating you, i wanna know if your still into pain"