Does anyone know what this spot on my toe is or how to make it go away? It's basically a patch of rough...

Does anyone know what this spot on my toe is or how to make it go away? It's basically a patch of rough, callous skin that I've had for a few years now. Most of the time I forget about it but when I play sports pretty hard I notice it because it becomes pretty raw.

it's a fuckint wart you cunt

It's a plantar wart. A verruca.

It's rare type of tumour. After a few years it becomes stage III, like the looks of yours now. Deadly I'm afraid, no cure. Sorry dude...

Yep and you need to treat it cause them fuckers spread quick and if they get back enough you ain't going to like walking very much.

Hey OP, I had one exactly like that and used the duct tape method. About a month of wrapping the toe in duct tape. Especially at night it's easy. It gets raw but you'll see it go away after a few weeks. Though, after I got impatient with the duct tape method I moved houses, didn't think about it, and it was magically gone a few months later. Perfect skin. They do spread every couple years BTW to other pads on the feet. Don't move houses; duct tape & be patient!


...or just go the doc and get a cream.

You can also get over the counter wart removal treatments.

Wart, stick a tape on it for weeks. Will go away.

Just realising I had one of these years ago, I just cut it out of my foot. Would not recommend, bled everywhere

i cut mine of some years ago,kindof a fast solution but it will heal for a while too. faster than waiting it out though

what you should do is wear a sock so nobody sees it and judges you.

this is literally cancer. Cancer of the metatarsal. You gon' die boy.

OP here again. So I applied some tape. Will wait about a week before I take it off. If it looks cool when the wart comes off I'll post updates.

That is a very bad idea. Most of your skin will come off with the tape.

It has roots

Get cream

looks like minecraft

Rub garlic on it. The Wart will die

Lol this

I cut about an inch into my foot and it never came back, been 6 years. Guess I got lucky

>not using proper medications for such a disgusting and dangerous disease
what a cunt

There is a scar I bet

Garlic then hot water and you can pull foots out.


Plantar wart. I dug mine out with a blade, I wouldn't recommend doing that.

Damn i had tons of those as a little kid on the same spot. Dig it out quick. Get rid of the roots and or freeze it. Its just a wart

Plantar's wart. Either buy that freeze off wart remover stuff that's like 20 bucks from a pharmacy, or see a dermatologist. Dermitologist would use a lazer thingy to actually burn it off and guarantee it will go away. The freeze thing is more of a will work, but may take a few tries, Dermatologist would pretty much guarantee success.

It's a wart. Had similar looking ones on the hand; tried creams and pills, wasted money. What did the trick for me was dousinf them in brake cleaner - acetone, basically. Happened by accident first, at work, noticed it dried them out a little. Repeated for ca. 2 weeks, one good spray each day on each wart - killed them off completely.
Yeah, I know, you shouldn't spray acetone on the bare skin. Just sayin', if all else fails you, consider it.

just realised i have 7 of them. i guess i will cut them

skin cancer. best if you amputate your foot before it spreads

anyone know why my pic got instantly deleted?

Digging them out CAN be problemativc should the wart become recessive, it can grow back - more painful than before. Depends on the type of wart though.

Trump told NSA to delete it

I had one of these, but i got it off with a quick surgery.
Don't waste money on creams and shit like that, just go to a doctor and tell him to rip it off or burn it or something.

I used to get those. Just dissolve some Epsom Salt in water, soak your foot in it for a while, then pick the thing off.

I had these, they spread quickly and then cleared up on their own after a few years. Resist the urge to dig at them or try and cut them out, it does nothing but hurt.

Go to the fuckin doctor. You will have to apply some acid on it (doctor will perscribe it) and then let that dry in and cut the dead the skin away and you will get the wart out layer after layer. Takes a few week or even months if you wait for too long

it's gonna be fine, trust me i am an engineer :)

That's a planters wart. A pretty small one too. I had at least two when I was a kid and they went away eventually.

The last one shriveled up and fell off after I drew over it with a sharpie for two or three days in a row. Not even kidding. Maybe it was going to fall off on its own and the marker just helped to dry it out faster, maybe I inadvertently discovered the cure to planter's warts at 12 years old.

You may be our last hope at knowing the truth. If it gets much worse than that, best to go to a doctor. They're disgusting when they really start to sprout out of your skin. Like hairy little scabs that dig way too deep into your skin to be ripped off.

fuck off retard

Either it's a wart or skin-cancer. Unless you're a doctor, it's very hard to recognize the difference. So go see a doctor, cunt

But burning it with acid is one good solution, what's the problem?

This, though technically it is a plantar wart; a wart that shows up on the plantar surface of th foot.

you're not a doctor

That is actually what you do.. There are OTC preparations, though.

Skim the surface off with a sharp clean blade so that it's flush with the rest of your toe, but not cut into it so that it bleeds.

You'll see the roots that go into your toe a bit more. You can kinda dig them out with a pin or the sharp blade again. Try not to draw blood.

It's quite fun. I enjoyed it. And it went away and didn't come back, which was good and disappointing at the same time.

I don't have to be a doctor, i've been through it and acid is actually a good way to get it off, it's fast, it hurts but it's better than letting it spread and wasting a shitload of money on dumb creams that barely work or take a long time to do so.

just go to a pharmacy and ask for halp you dumb fuck

you disgusting bastard