Could Superman ever beat Spawn?

Could Superman ever beat Spawn?


superman can fight at light speed if he wants to. spawn can't react that fast.

basically this

fight would probly end in a draw though, spawns powers are based in magic, which would probly make him immune to supes

and spawn just cant hit him, targeting something moving at the speed of light isnt possible for something with human reaction speeds

Doesn't Spawn just go to Hell when he dies?

Spawns powers are all magic based . All spawn has to do is talk and super man will stop or slow down and listen, and that is all spawn would need really

speed of light is much faster than the speed of sound, supe would just outrun the vibration in oxygen

/ remove the oxygen so it would be impossible to speak

only superman is the kind of douchebag where if you're fighting him and you say "Hold Up man, lets talk for a second" he will listen.

thats true

gg spawn wins

wtf does spawn even do?

I remember his game but he used guns?


Jackie estacado vs spawn

What about Geralt vs the dragon born

geralt ofc

Dragonborn can slow time.

Idk the dragon born does have the ability to master any skill. Much like Geralt he can use alchemy. His ability with a sword is on par with Geralt if not better. He can use any weapon. He can use many spells and shouts whereas all Geralt has is very basic magic that any studying mage can use. And let's not forget end game dragon born can kill a dragon like its nothing. Even end game Geralt would fund it difficult to defeat a dragon. The db can also summon dragons too

>Flying fag vs who?
>My who-gives-a-shit sense is tingling...

A little bit of kryptonite and superman would be not so super

If you have never heard of Spawn before what's a good thing to watch. I know there was a movie in the 90s. I hate the comic format. Is that 90s movie the best thing to watch if you are interested?

Isn't Spawn magic based?
Superman is weak to magic, at least regular superman is, I don't know about superman prime.

Spawn always brings a kryptonite laced condom for safe sex.

>geralt calls ciri
>ciri travels here and takes a nuke
>goodbye skyrim

>Psijics show up and tell her to fuck off
Try again.

the dragon born can STOP time and down himself 2 million potions while the rest of the world is frozen

no but ironman could

go to /co dude

Spawn can stop time you morons

Iron Man can't do shit.

But the dragons in skyrim are "wyvern"

>implying ciri can get a nuke
>implying the dragon born won't just fucking kill her

Not really. They are far more ancient, smarter and powerful.

Considering they're the only type of dragons in TES lore, your point is moot.