ITT: poseur red flags
>pic related
>still collects vinyl in 2017
>started collecting vinyl after 2010
>actively uses rym
>makes charts
ITT: poseur red flags
>pic related
>still collects vinyl in 2017
>started collecting vinyl after 2010
>actively uses rym
>makes charts
ITT: bait thread red flags
>the original poster has a shit taste in music
>he is not a vinyl collector in 2017
>okay i agree that rym is shit
>and i agree that chart are lame too
case closed
b a i t e s t h e t i c
ITT: dumb poster red flags
>taste no better than op's
>thinking vinyl is not a fad for idiotic hipsters
>calling the best site for finding new music shit
>disliking people sharing their taste with others
why all the hate on LRD lately? why them specifically? they are pretty imo
ranillez is a e s t h e t i c "psychedelic" wankery for people that value image over music quality
vinyl is a fad, I briefly did it in 2008 when it was at least cheap, now its expensive and topped with inconvenience, wtf is the point youd have to be retarded to pay EXTRA for something less convenient
>calling the best site for finding new music shit
you can use rym but it becomes attention whore faggotry when youre the type of person that adds 200 friends and constantly posts your charts and shit
at that point youre a boring image obsessed fag
discogs is better anyway
>listens to world music from poor non-white countries
>self-hating white person
>thinks non-whites make the best music in the world
>thinks western culture is boring
>hates rockism
i distrust the aesthetic sensibilities of people that listen to sunbather and ark work
>listens to world music from poor non-white countries
literally me senpai.
what if you actually really like Les Rallizes Dénudés or any of those bands mentioned in that shitty copypasta? To be a poseur you have to pose, you know.
doesnt mean anything else in your list applies to me desu
>mfw started collecting vinyl in 2009
close one
>they are pretty imo
nice freudian slip fag
Ah sweet, the YouTube comments cringe thread
I know someone in real life at my uni who openly browses Sup Forums and he models his taste and personality after these type of threads because he doesn't want to look like a poseur. But he also like fantano and meme grips
why would anyone like Les Rallizes Dénudés, they're just noise
>cant play an instrument
>especiallyif has over 1000 ratings on rym despite that
>I am a huge faggot
nice projection
does this person even exist or is it just that
i don't get this self-righteous rhetoric. i appreciate music just fine through intuition and studying its history.
>Posts on Sup Forums
>claims to like music
>has never played any instrument, attempted to make music, or at the very least just fuck around with random shit sounds
i will never understand being this boring and unimaginative
repeating yourself isn't an argument but i'm glad you enjoyed your adrenaline rush
incidentally, i can't play an instrument particularly well but i've done all those activities before, out of fun. not that it matters.
cool thread
Avril Lavigne
no his name is Alex and it's probably you posting
Hi, Alex
>listens to Swans, Oasis, Death Grips and just rock
>posts on Sup Forums
>owns 0 physical music
>uses british english
They aren't though
Most of the time they sound like a typical 60s/70s psych rock band doing shoegaze
>>started collecting vinyl after 2010
>aka "I started collecting vinyl before that but I stopped once everyone was doing it"
fucking fag
raging homosexuals.
hehe :^)
Nothing wrong with any of those albums. Nothing wrong with any of those books. Stop being insecure.
What user from Sup Forums says: "I listen to music from poor non-white countries"
What user from Sup Forums sees: "I hate all white people and I want niggers to fuck my wife"
exactly, i'm going to listen to some of these albums now
>tfw i just added sounds from dangerous places to my wantlist yesterday and it's one of the few albums on there i haven't listened to yet
thanks for the reminder OP!
what's the point of collecting anything?
because you like it.
WTF I love and agree with OP's baseless criteria now!
They like Merzbow, Boredoms, Gerogerigegege, Coil, Throbbing Gristle, Whitehouse, Nurse with Wound, Einstürzende Neubauten, Brainbombs, Egor Letov, Death in June, Current 93, La Monte Young, Moondog, Lou Harrison, Henry Cowell, Luigi Russolo, Popol Vuh, Fishmans, Jean Jacques Perrey, Les Rallizes Dénudés, Rainbow Caroliner, Taj Mahal Travellers, Fushitsusha, DNA, Peter Brötzmann, John Cage, Scott Walker, Unwound, Dead, Frank Zappa, Morton Feldman, Captain Beefheart, Pharoah Sanders, Albert Ayler, Ornette Coleman, Alice Coltrane, Arnold Schoenberg, Pierre Boulez, György Ligeti, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Nang Nang, Haruomi Hosono, Thinking Fellers Union Local 282, Nara Leão, Basic Channel, Raymond Scott, Delia Derbyshire, Daphne Oram, Noah Howard, Terry Riley, Peter Sotos, Lula Côrtes e Zé Ramalho, Boyd Rice, Mahmoud Ahmed, Henry Flynt, Kazumoto Endo, David Tudor, Aporea, Half Japanese, Mega Banton, Secret Chiefs 3, Keiji Haino, Ramleh, Otomo Yoshihide, John Zorn, Joe Meek, Robbie Basho, Phil Spector, Faxed Head, Harry Partch, Frances Baskerville, Wesley Willis, Fred Frith, The Residents, Sun Ra, Sun City Girls, Hans Krüsi, Royal Trux, Jandek, Yat-Kha, Loren Mazzacane Connors, Pärson Sound, The Dead C, Comus, Cromagnon, Eliane Radigue, Arthur Doyle, Shizuka, The Red Krayola, Henry Cow, Magma, Opus Avantra, Pan.Thy.Monium., Murmuüre, Ksiezyc, Gong, Cukor Bila Smert', cLOUDDEAD, Muslimgauze and Kaoru Abe
A lot of the stuff in here is popular and even Sup Forumscore you idiot
pretty sure one of phil spector's songs was the most played song on the radio in the 20th century.
god this board is dead
>Pharoah Sanders
might as well just say jazz music considering he's arguably the best living saxophonist
>ywn have a qt goth gf that you listen to post punk while cuddling in a graveyard with
>implying that anyone under the age of 50 listens to Phil Spector besides hipsters
you misunderstand how borderline ubiquitous his music is, especially his work with the beatles
god damn I want a goth gf
Liking music I don't like