I have a legitimate question on mental illness

I have a legitimate question on mental illness..

Why do most schizophrenic patients resort to talking about religion? Take Daniel Johnston and Terry A. Davis for example. When a psychosis like that starts to develop, they become increasingly more religious, talking about God, the antichrist and all this other shit.

Was religion founded by literal crazy people?

Other urls found in this thread:


RELIGION, noun relij'on. [Latin religio, from religo, to bind anew; re and ligo, to bind

there is a big joke being played on humanity right now goy


Deeper than you'll ever realize

Perhaps, perhaps not; I'm just gonna lurk so have a free bump.

I don't understand


>Moses... mistook a volcano for a god.
>Abraham... almost killed his own kid when a shrub talked to him.
>Mary... claimed to have had a jesus fucked into her by yahweh's pet rape-ghost... instead of passing falafel salesman.
>Joseph... cucked himself by believing her.
>Mohammad... married a 6yr old and rode to Jerusalem on flying goat-pig-horse-anchovy.

I rest my f$$$# case.

I guess it's the only thing that may comfort them...

They have god complexes probably...idk

One of my doctors asked me if i thought i was god. I hadn't said anything off the sort prior to their asking.

Tldr. From what I glimpsed at, it seems to be advocating agnosticism.

Might be they try to rationalize their madness, by saying the voices they hear and the messages they might receive from them feel so far from normal thoughts or things said by others that it can only come from some higher entity, like God.

The concept of "God" is almost an inherent trait for human beings, but their environment completely shapes their interpretation of it.

Schizophrenics are usually extremely intelligent people, that have lost themselves in a loop. Some go completely insane, and some people know how to control/respond.

God is a satisfying answer for a lot of people.

The disorder (diagnosis is troublesome) is often misconstrued as a "personality disorder" in which the person on a subconscious/conscious level believes they are multiple people within the same body. Hallucinations are common.. When a schizophrenic person is exposed to religious doctrine, and identifies with it, it becomes a purpose of life.

Go see a doctor

No not really @OP

yeah tldr bro

i'm a gnostic - i am israel incarnate patiently waiting for the son of man

if you connect the greek mythos with the gnostic mythos and then read the bible it gives you a clearer understanding of how it's been edited to destroy the birthrite of the true jews (Japheth) the descendants of ATOMRA - defenders of the realm against Saturn and Lilith (who incarnated here in the void and created the electron-physical realm before they raided heaven)

Divinity is often mistaken for malfunction from the perspective of the mind.

Its the same when people on shrooms feel like they are connected with the world around them, when your mind is not functioning properly, it explains the feeling is supernatural ways, it's a coping mechanism/thats a way to explain it what they are feeling.

It blows my mind that people think they are closest to the "truth" when their mind is furthest from its natural state, examples like hallucinogens or strokes/seizures, mental lapses, you name it.

*Malfunction is often mistaken for divinity*

not sure how I fucked that one up.

"Trans-cultural studies have found that such religious beliefs, which often may not be associated with reality, are much more common in patients with schizophrenia who identify as Christian and/or reside in predominately Christian areas such as Europe or North America.[7][8] By comparison, patients in Japan much more commonly have delusions surrounding matters of shame and slander,[7] and in Pakistan matters of paranoia regarding relatives and neighbors.[8]" - sauce wikipedia

I've never taken a hallucinogen, but all my friends who have try to convince me that it will transcend you. However, my logic follows exactly what you stated. I continually hear the argument about DMT being the spirit molecule. Is it, or is it your brain compensating for that inevitable moment by tripping as had as it can to suppress overwhelming fear?

Religion is a powerful force in modern society - lots of people make a huge deal about it.

It's a subject that a mentally ill person can easily grab onto and make a big deal out of. If we all believed in telepathic alien gods as a society, schizophrenics would be the ones claiming they're talking to the telepathic alien gods.

Honestly it's comparable to dreaming. When black and white television came around, there seemed to be a drastic increase in amount of individuals whose dreams were void of color. It's all relevance.

It has been shown that those with schizophrenia who suffer from religious delusions are more religious than those who do not suffer from these delusions" - same sauce

Well this is both ironic and sad.
Been developing my own belief and religion for a couple of months now.... Was diagnosed with schizophrenia 4 years ago.

As someone who made a shit ton of DMT and have taken many hallucinogens. I can assure you that it feels like coming closer to divinity/oneness.

But its a chemical in your brain in my opinion still, regardless of what I have felt. I made drugs so I know the people you are referring to, theyre the norm actually.

But stick with your assumptions if you ever try it, which I do recommend. Truly its the most unique and interesting experiences I've ever felt in my life, but it's not real.

I tend to believe its a coping mechanism for death, once your body and mind realize that it is at it's end, it falls to a feeling of complete and total acceptance not only to death, but to everything. If this response to death triggers early, I think it explains a lot about religion, mental illness, schizophrenia and the like.

Really good question dude. I am a big fan of Daniel Johnston, but always wondered why somebody so brilliant in some ways, can be so fucking passionately ignorant in other ways.

It's all a chemical reaction in your brain. There's nothing "otherworldly" or metaphysical about it.

Pretty much what this guy said

lol at the guy who created his own religion


Have you seen interviews with him recently? He's 100% mentally handicapped, he can't live by himself, can't remember his own music and probably still wears diapers. Really fucking sad.

No u


So, do you?

I always felt that if there was a god, he and I are one in the same. That being said I don't believe in god.

Genesis 1:26..no.

>Quoting the bible on Sup Forums

Did you read it?

Bumping for potential.

>Came in here expecting typical Sup Forums shot posting
>not a troll in sight
>actual discussion

wtf. am I ascending or is this real?

Most of it. My grandfathers a preacher in texas. Did you?

Sup Forums is not the best place for christians.

Ezekiel 23:20

I like calling myself a jew, haven't got past the genealogy lol

Post the fucking words you to the passages dicklicker...

>Ezekiel 23:20
Whats sad is I actually knew what verse this was before I looked it up to confirm.

so unintelligent people would be more comforted by a person being in charge rather than forces of nature?

SHould have gone with the verse of sampson killing 10000 people with a goat pelvis. Shit is metal.

jawbone, not pelvis.
besides, women lusting after horsecock is more Sup Forums

Where do I remember seeing these? Do you watch atheist experience or something?

Genesis 1:26

Then God said, "Let Us make man in our image, according to Our likeness; leery them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over ask the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

The faggot can do his own googling. We have enough sauce faggots as it is.

If you had the divinely given strength of Samson, you'd be able to smash 1000 skulls with a blunt instrument too. That's some DC metahuman strength according to scriptures.

First "our" is capitalized as well

Leery should say let
Over ask the earth should read over all the earth

Confirmed lsd tripping if not mental illness.

No, I don't watch tv I just actually read the bible once. More people should, so they'd know just how bizarre that story gets.
For example, did you know that if you mock a saint's baldness, god will send BEARS to eat you?
Elijah and Elisha, look it up.

Seems legit. Personally if I wanted to redundantly kick a dead horse I would literally do just that.

I only read good books, as in books that came after the printing press. Anything before it is garbage and I include beowulf, come at me.

Yeah, bears are scary and kids have probably always been jerks that needed weird threats.

I tried but gave up early on; this shit makes me kinda want to pick it up again though!

Which edition should I steal?! Prefer the craziest one available.

I was going to give props on a digenes but it has shit all over it and now I feel like the real one needs to get posted.

the simple answer is they need to appeal to an outside authority to create order in their lives, because inwardly they don't have order.

because they're crazy.

But lots of people end up believing the crazy shit the crazy guy said so what does that say about this shit?

To live apart from the universe is to be crazy.

what the fuck? I just downloaded this exact same image a few minutes ago, from an old cracky board. That's crazy as fuck.

Well it is a really famous painting, not that crazy. Learn your art history, these shouldn't be new to you anyway. There was a time when only the most privileged of people were able to see such things, we take them for granted.

was this one in there?

Right? I'd like to say people generally don't poke fun at some things but..r34. Get it? Poke?Fun? Heh

You don't understand what I'm saying. I just downloaded it and then saw it here in less than a minute. The odds of that are slim. Synchronicity.

I know, it's called Phryne Before the Areopagus or something. I took Art History I and II in college. But I had to look it up to make sure. Didn't remember the artist either.

Psychfag here

Working in a hospital - and experiencing such myself. I think it has to do with a way to explain your new perspective.

There's something about crazy people and recognizing patterns in everything; they are seeing the world on shrooms 24/7 and thus are able to really feel connected with thier environment.

In a neuroscience explanation, thier prefrontal lobes are lacking glial cells, which enable thier neurons to fire at much faster and direct rates. Thus, we see schizophrenics have trouble articulating thier thoughts, amd is probably due to a lack of glia in Broca's area.

So, I think that God is the easiest way to take in thier environment, and it is a simple explanation for thier brains which don't think much - they kind of just fire and go with the flow.

Kind of stupid and kind of beyond Newton smart - it's a weird place I tell you.

Daniel grew up under strict religious grandparents. That's where a lot of it originated. If he'd gone psychotic and didn't know anything about Christianity, but instead was raised around some obscure Pagan worship of toenails, then he'd be predisposed to become obsessed with toenails while in a psychotic episode.


There is no such thing as mental illness. Some people just got a little too close to God (or to the Devil).

Praise be unto Him.

You don't know that. Stop being so peremptory.


Because it makes the perfect coping mechanism. Schizophrenics 100% believe the things they see/hear/perceive are real. Gods/religion give them a perfect explanation both why they experience what they do and why other people don't.

Because when Christ advised us that the Holy Spirit would be with us always. He failed to advise us that the UNHOLY spirit would be too.

There is in our society groups of men who KNOWINGLY worship and follow that unholy spirit, and further there are some who hear it and have no clue at all that it exists.

We call it ID Ego and Super Ego.

We give some clue of it in Children's cartoons where and Angel stands n the main characters shoulder and a devil stands on the other.

So many of us fail to realize that evil thoughts can come to us unbidden and with us utterly unprepared on how to deal with it.

Timing of the Lord.

He is trying to get your attention through coincidence.

Your post is a mish mash of Freud, the concept of a conscience, duality, and demonic possession/obsession. But these are all just ideas. We made them up. Like everything else. Language itself is man-made. It's all a metaphor. It's all a coping mechanism, to some degree.

The Lord is male? Hm.

>We made them up.
Some believe we made that up.
Some do not.
We will one day find out who was right.
And I pray the consequence is NOT eternal.

I am NOT one who enjoys his faith.

I find this test to be despicable.

While I love Christ his teachuing and his sacrifice?

I find God the Father and the Devil to be of similar ilk. That is arrogance and lies or failure to disclose the truth in a way accessible to all.

Which Church should I join Father?

Mormon, Baptist, Lutheran, Catholic or Perhaps Hindu or Buddhist? If dear Father you are unwilling to make clear the Rules and Directions how can you honestly sit in Judgment over those that are simply unwilling to choose a particular pew or to follow the rules of some thief in a funny hat?

Yeah Christ was Cool, His Father not so much.

I can not say the pronouns are limited by my own Gender. Your mileage may vary.

Job. He just kicked cain out..he killed his brother. What did jesus do in the time that wasn't written down?

Some people think the God of the Old Testament is a Psychotic demiurge.

Yo dead ass I had psychosis from smoking too much weed and when it happened I got really scared and paranoid I was being watched and my actions being followed. I was raised really Christian but stopped going to church for like 10 years. I bought a bible and would read proverbs and my fucked up delusional mind would find meaning from them and it would help. It was fucked up dude scary shit, I have to take anti phycotics for a year, but I have no more phycotic symptoms and it only really lasted like 2-3 weeks.

You knew better.

Was that really a question?

Job's questions were answered finally in Chapter 38 of the same book. though Gods answer there suck really bad it is all he gave us.

I guess he is tired of explaining his actions to us over and over. Guess he should have wrote at least one book himself instead of filtering it through folks like us who tend to let our emotions rules us.

Yes Cain was banished to live with the "People of the land of Nod." Meaning the idea that Adam and Eve were the very first humans is quashed with in the book of Genesis itself. Further in banishing Cain and forbidding his harm by any others his long life was assured and was hopefully long enough for him to repent of his foolish actions.

Jesus fulfilled some Prophecy and stated more prophecy of his own..

I just hope the book is really as flawed as it seems. I would rather believe it is a huge typographical error than to think Leviticus actually applies to all of mankind.

There's so many "holy books" that it would take thousands of years to read them all. To think that one of them is more or less truthful than any other is absurd. If there is a God, that God is beyond anything we are capable of understanding.

I was talking more about how you think jesus is cool but his dad isn't. Yeah, god just tells the devil to do whatever.

Which is what I was trying to get at.

People are eager for explanations and meaning, makes sense.

Each continent and each people of the Earth have had an avatar that has preached to them Love and something along he line of the Godlen rule. I am certainly not going to tell anyone elese what path they MUST take through this life.

But also I will not watch a murderer and ignore his actions.

When I see someone bully or harm another I get involved.

But unless blood is drawn I try not to impose my will on any other.

(At least not physically. I am always willing to debate the meanings and values of all those holy books, and I respect many of them.)

He was a human man, I respect that he was willing to die for what he was teaching.

He said to Worship his Father and so I try.
But I will not be less than Hosesy and claim I understand him.

Nope like most I await what ever is next, and pray there will be a full disclosure.

I simply preach and follow the Golden Rule. I keep it very simple. Nor do I dare to try and enforce his laws on anyone other than myself.

I will certainly debate them and discuss them til I am blue. But I do NOT choose who ends up where in the next life and I do not claim to be an expert on the topic.

Just a fellow traveler through life.

Again your path probably will vary and I am glad to share a walk with you for a short time as long as there is no throwing of rocks.

God wasn't human?

If all things are God's will, then neither of us have a choice. It's all planned out and already executed before it even happens.

I do not know.

I suspect he has been human many many times.

At least I hope he was or is.

The idea that he would state something as a rule and then allow it to become diluted by the passage of time and through many different people actually annoys me.

He should have been an eternal pillar of smoke and fire to be undeniable to us as humans.

But that is just my opinion.

Did I say otherwise?

Freewill is for those who have NOT yet made up their minds for one side or the other.

Because when they start hearing voices in their head, they assume that It's a God talking to them

If all things are gods will, then that just means he was alive before us and had the chance to end everything for all future generations but didn't.

>implying it became diluted

There wouldn't be any "yet" just like in the physics of space and time. There is no time. Everything is happening right now. There is no past or present or future. One mind.

It did..

The Bible contains Gods word but is NOT in its entirety so.
The book is flawed and that means it ca not be God's word.

Prophecy said among may things that Christ would be called Emmanuel. No one ever calls him that. But he also was never known as "Jesus"...

If God can not make his book 100% accurate, nor does he point to a particular church and say "Go learn there" Then I find the idea of him judging and condemning a Hindu child to hell ludicrous. I have attended many different "Christian" churches and found the greed and hypocrisy inside to be sickening. Yet when I read the Bible it describes seven types of Churches and claims five of them are flawed and fall short of Gods expectations for us.

Yet God does NOTHING to put down that perversion. So I have to assume that this is simply a lesson called life and not the final test.

There is very little one can do on Earth to be doomed eternally to hell except to actually be outright EVIL.

Well you and I certainly have pasts...
Time flows for us and our perceptions.

God is timeless we are not. Yet..

>schizophrenic patients
They see angels ....
well they think they do.
That is why.
My mother and uncle where both schizophrenic.

Hebrews 13:2

Of course they see Angels brother... You and I and all of us ARE the ANGELS made flesh.

Yeahp. But did god ever tell anyone to learn from anyone except him or those they care for?

Thanks for posting the video user. I have never watched all of that. I fucking love Daniel Johnston's music. He is such a beautiful man.