ITT, you cast actors and actresses for a 2018 LOST reboot. I'm just going to give instructions and update the list

ITT, you cast actors and actresses for a 2018 LOST reboot. I'm just going to give instructions and update the list.
Story will be adapted if something very big happens during the casting (i.e. a male is cast for a female part). No dead people.
Let's start!
First dubs after this post picks the new JACK

Other urls found in this thread:

Eric Andre

Idris Elba

Sam Hyde

Sam Hyde is a legit actor, he's in World Peace on adult swim and has his own IMDb page:

Bill Murray


>two entries
>both short movies
>no mention of any Adult Swim role
"""nice""" try

re-roll for Michael Cera

Oscar Isaac

Matthew Mcconaughey

Steven Anderson

Henry Cavill

Melissa McCarthy


Matthew Fox. Looks just like Jack.

Lena Dunham

James Franco's little brother

We need to go back

Brad Pitt

Chloe Grace Moretz

Punished jake

Robert Downey Jr.


Zac Efron

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

Kat Dennings

Hulk Hogan


OK... this started weird. Next one.
First dubs OR post ending in 0 picks the new Kate.

Don't push that button, brother!

This just got awesome

We should cast Sawyer next

Mia Khalifa

Lindsay Lohan for Kate


Taylor Swift


Evangeline Lilly, perfection can't be rebooted

melissa mcarthy



Pamel Anderson to complete the trash theme with Hogan

Selena Gomez

Taylor Swift

OK... this is NOT going to end well.
Sawyer is next.
Dubs OR post ending in 6 picks the new him.

Adam Driver







Anita Sarkeesian

This is better. Weird but better.
Let's go on see what happens.
Dubs OR post ending in 1 gets le no terrorist guy

Will Smith


>wont allow an actor on youtube
>allows a singer

nice thread OP

Tom Hardy

give the man some work

wew lad


Tom Hardy as le no terrorist guy. This is actually pretty good.
Next! Double feature. Desmond AND Penny.
You need dubs for them.

Tyler Perry/Tyler Perry in drag

Ant and Dec

Kanye west for Desmond, Daisy ridley for Penny.

Joe Rogan

Henry Cavill and Lauren Cohan

Jake and Maggie Gyllenhall

Kanye and Tim Allen in home improvement

Amy Schumer and Jlaw as a lesbian couple because it's the year 2016 guise

Ok this is sad. I have to fix my list so this is going to be hard. Only EVEN DUBS will be able to pick the new John Locke.
Odd dubs get nothing.

Fassbender is the only good option


Why do you guys keep rolling for characters that got ALREADY cast?


Mel Gibson

Melissa McCarthy

my dick in CGI

Brendan Fraser, the parallel from being in a wheelchair to walking again is paying alimony and then not paying anymore

Joe Rogan

joe rogan

Shut up and cast mineycrafta

Jack black

Patrick Stewart

Clint Howard

Larry David

Dr Pavel


rolling for sheev



Roe Jogan


paul dano

Jaden Smith



Because this show as gay as fuck.

John cena

aids skrillex


but she has no razors on the island so her pit and pussy hair grow out and you can see so in her many panty scenes

Nicolas Cage for whoever