If you owned a movie theater, what sort of food would you serve?
If you owned a movie theater, what sort of food would you serve?
None. I'm running a kinohaus not a restaurant. If you can't go two hours without shoving fatty garbage down your throat you can get out.
Water, celery, and carrots. No ranch. Bleu cheese is extra. Watching a movie is a sedentary act, no need for buttery popcorn, soda or cheese with chips.
I'd remove one aisle from every screening room and put in a buffet. I guarantee you I would be the most popular theater in town
Me, I'd serve crab legs.
I'd divide the offered food by type of motion picture:
popcorn, chips, soda
selzer, Greek yogurt
bai lin gong fu or gyokuro tea, plate of beaufort d'ete, caciocavallo podolico, and perhaps melon
guests will not be allowed to eat during Kinṏ, and ideally shouldn't eat for at least 12 hours before it begins
This desu bruv
memes aside,
pizza, hot dogs, noodles and chinese chicken